HttpModule / HttpApplication测试url是否是对文件的请求

时间:2022-05-14 04:13:20

Within a HttpModule I would like to check whether the url ends with a file:



and what the file extension is ie. css or js

以及文件扩展名是什么。 css或js

In the Begin_Request event handler, using the Url property of the Request object nested in the HttpApplication, I am currently cutting of the file extension using String operations. Is there a better way to do this?


4 个解决方案


The code below should get you the extension for the requested file.


private void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
    HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)sender;
    HttpContext context = application.Context;

    string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(context.Request.Path);
    // ext will always start with dot


But unlike file types such as .aspx and .ashx file types such as .js and .css that you have used in your example are not by default registered with the ASP.Net dll within IIS so when they are requested IIS doesn't pass the request through the ASP.Net pipeline so no HttpModules or HttpHandlers will run. How you configure this to happen depends on what version of IIS you are running on.

但是与.aspx和.ashx文件类型(如.js和.css)之类的文件类型不同,您在示例中使用的默认情况下不会在IIS中注册ASP.Net dll,因此当请求它们时IIS不会通过通过ASP.Net管道的请求,因此不会运行HttpModules或HttpHandlers。如何配置此操作取决于您运行的IIS版本。


        string url = context.Request.Path;
        string extension = VirtualPathUtility.GetExtension(url);


Please look at the properties of HttpRequest.Url. It is of the type System.Uri.



Try this:

// get the URI
Uri MyUrl = Request.Url; 
// remove path because System.IO.Path doesn't like forward slashes
string Filename = MyUrl.Segments[MyUrl.Segments.Length-1]; 
// Extract the extension
string Extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Filename); 

Note that Extension will always have the leading '.'. e.g. '.css' or '.js'



The code below should get you the extension for the requested file.


private void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
    HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)sender;
    HttpContext context = application.Context;

    string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(context.Request.Path);
    // ext will always start with dot


But unlike file types such as .aspx and .ashx file types such as .js and .css that you have used in your example are not by default registered with the ASP.Net dll within IIS so when they are requested IIS doesn't pass the request through the ASP.Net pipeline so no HttpModules or HttpHandlers will run. How you configure this to happen depends on what version of IIS you are running on.

但是与.aspx和.ashx文件类型(如.js和.css)之类的文件类型不同,您在示例中使用的默认情况下不会在IIS中注册ASP.Net dll,因此当请求它们时IIS不会通过通过ASP.Net管道的请求,因此不会运行HttpModules或HttpHandlers。如何配置此操作取决于您运行的IIS版本。


        string url = context.Request.Path;
        string extension = VirtualPathUtility.GetExtension(url);


Please look at the properties of HttpRequest.Url. It is of the type System.Uri.



Try this:

// get the URI
Uri MyUrl = Request.Url; 
// remove path because System.IO.Path doesn't like forward slashes
string Filename = MyUrl.Segments[MyUrl.Segments.Length-1]; 
// Extract the extension
string Extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Filename); 

Note that Extension will always have the leading '.'. e.g. '.css' or '.js'
