mysql查询缓慢- IP查找(禁止或不禁止)

时间:2022-04-02 04:07:00

I have on my PHP file a function that check if an IP is banned or not. For some reason my site is very slow and the problem is when I check if the IP is banned or not.


(I remove the code that checks and my site was fast again)


Here's my code:


// index.php - everything redirects to this file in the .htaccess
if(isIpBanned($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
 die('access denied');
// rest of the code

here's my function


// config.php
function isIpBanned($db, $ip) { // $db is declared correctly
 $goodIP = $db->getRecord("SELECT is_banned FROM security.ip WHERE ip = '$ip'"); // this function works and return 1 or 0
 return (bool)$goodIP;

This query takes about 2 seconds to 3 seconds to run. Why? I don't have left join or other tables.




2 个解决方案



  1. Put a (unique?) index on the IP column
  2. 在IP列上放置一个(惟一的?)索引
  3. Use the correct datatype by converting the textual representation to a "native" one (an ipv4 fits in a INT UNSIGNED, an ipv6 in 2 BIGINT UNSIGNED): this will make your tables smaller, and will require less I/O during scans
  4. 使用正确的数据类型,将文本表示转换为“本机”表示(ipv4适用于INT UNSIGNED, ipv6适用于2bigint UNSIGNED):这将使您的表更小,并且在扫描期间所需的I/O更少

and, as a side note, even if $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] should be safe, NEVER FORGET TO ESCAPE THE DATA IN SQL QUERIES!




Put an index on the ip column.


There's literally tons of information out on the web on query analysing and improveemnt so I'm not gonna repeat that for you, but an index will most definetely help.


I guess security.ip is a very large table, so the lookup becomes slow.


The drawback of an index: writing becomes somewhat slower, so if you write a lot to that table, you could try to offload the banning part to a new table, say banned_ips.




  1. Put a (unique?) index on the IP column
  2. 在IP列上放置一个(惟一的?)索引
  3. Use the correct datatype by converting the textual representation to a "native" one (an ipv4 fits in a INT UNSIGNED, an ipv6 in 2 BIGINT UNSIGNED): this will make your tables smaller, and will require less I/O during scans
  4. 使用正确的数据类型,将文本表示转换为“本机”表示(ipv4适用于INT UNSIGNED, ipv6适用于2bigint UNSIGNED):这将使您的表更小,并且在扫描期间所需的I/O更少

and, as a side note, even if $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] should be safe, NEVER FORGET TO ESCAPE THE DATA IN SQL QUERIES!




Put an index on the ip column.


There's literally tons of information out on the web on query analysing and improveemnt so I'm not gonna repeat that for you, but an index will most definetely help.


I guess security.ip is a very large table, so the lookup becomes slow.


The drawback of an index: writing becomes somewhat slower, so if you write a lot to that table, you could try to offload the banning part to a new table, say banned_ips.
