executionTimeout不适用于asp.net mvc

时间:2022-06-07 04:07:13

I tried set the executionTimeout in web.config for an asp.net mvc application.

我尝试在web.config中为asp.net mvc应用程序设置executionTimeout。

<location path="Home/Index">
      <httpRuntime  executionTimeout="5"/>

any used the Thread.sleep in Index action


public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

also, i set complilation's debug to "false". after the action sleep about 30 seconds and the "request timeout" exception not throws out and the view had been rendered successfully.


any one know how to make the executionTimeout to work in asp.net mvc?

任何人都知道如何使executionTimeout在asp.net mvc中工作?

2 个解决方案



You need to fulfill the following:


  1. Domain name is not localhost (to test timeout you should use "YourComputerName" instead of "localhost").
  2. 域名不是localhost(要测试超时,您应该使用“YourComputerName”而不是“localhost”)。
  3. Project is compiled in Release mode.
  4. 项目在发布模式下编译。
  5. <compilation debug="false">

Then also, think about this:


Internally ASP.NET uses a Timer to invoke the request cancelation process. This timer is fired once every 15 seconds, so if the executionTimeout is set to 3 seconds, in reality the request can timeout at any time between 3 seconds and 18 seconds.


When the timer is fired, a thread from the ThreadPool is used to check all the requests. The ones that have timed out are sent a ThreadAbortException by calling Abort on the thread executing the request.


Note: Keep in mind that ThreadAbortException can only be observed by managed code. So if you thread is calling some unmanaged functions, the thread will not be aborted, and therefore the timeout will not be enforced, until the execution returns to the managed world. That can be an arbitrary length of delay depending on what those unmanaged code does.


Read more: http://consultantpoint.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/how-the-execution-timeout-is-managed-in-asp-net/




If you have your web.config set to debug="true" it will ignore the value you set: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e1f13641.aspx

如果您将web.config设置为debug =“true”,它将忽略您设置的值:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e1f13641.aspx



You need to fulfill the following:


  1. Domain name is not localhost (to test timeout you should use "YourComputerName" instead of "localhost").
  2. 域名不是localhost(要测试超时,您应该使用“YourComputerName”而不是“localhost”)。
  3. Project is compiled in Release mode.
  4. 项目在发布模式下编译。
  5. <compilation debug="false">

Then also, think about this:


Internally ASP.NET uses a Timer to invoke the request cancelation process. This timer is fired once every 15 seconds, so if the executionTimeout is set to 3 seconds, in reality the request can timeout at any time between 3 seconds and 18 seconds.


When the timer is fired, a thread from the ThreadPool is used to check all the requests. The ones that have timed out are sent a ThreadAbortException by calling Abort on the thread executing the request.


Note: Keep in mind that ThreadAbortException can only be observed by managed code. So if you thread is calling some unmanaged functions, the thread will not be aborted, and therefore the timeout will not be enforced, until the execution returns to the managed world. That can be an arbitrary length of delay depending on what those unmanaged code does.


Read more: http://consultantpoint.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/how-the-execution-timeout-is-managed-in-asp-net/




If you have your web.config set to debug="true" it will ignore the value you set: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e1f13641.aspx

如果您将web.config设置为debug =“true”,它将忽略您设置的值:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e1f13641.aspx