
时间:2021-12-12 04:08:03

In a table A i have a column (varchar*30) city-id with the value e.g. 1,2,3 or 2,4. The description of the value is stored in another table B, e.g. 1 Amsterdam 2 The Hague 3 Maastricht 4 Rotterdam

在表A中,我有一个列(varchar * 30)city-id,其值为例如1,2,3或2,4。该值的描述存储在另一个表B中,例如, 1阿姆斯特丹2海牙3马斯特里赫特4鹿特丹

How must i join table A with table B to get the descriptions in one or maybe more rows?


2 个解决方案



Assuming this is what you meant:

Table A:

Table B:
id |  Place
1  | Amsterdam 
2  | The Hague
3  | Maastricht 
4  | Rotterdam

Keep id column in both tables as auto increment, and PK.
Then just do a simple inner join.

select * from A inner join B on (A.id = B.id);



Ideal way to deal with such scenarios is to have a normalized table as Collin. In case that can't be done here is the way to go about -

处理这种情况的理想方法是将标准化表格作为Collin。如果这里无法做到的话就是这样 -

You would need to use a table-valued function to split the comma-seperated value. If you are having SQL-Server 2016, there is a built-in SPLIT_STRING function, if not you would need to create one as shown in this link.

您需要使用表值函数来拆分逗号分隔值。如果你有SQL-Server 2016,有一个内置的SPLIT_STRING函数,如果没有,你需要创建一个,如此链接所示。

create table dbo.sCity(
    CityId varchar(30)

create table dbo.sCityDescription(
    CityId              int
    ,CityDescription    varchar(30)

insert into dbo.sCity values

insert into dbo.sCityDescription values
,(2,'The Hague')

select  ctds.CityDescription
        ,sst.Value as 'CityId'
from    dbo.sCity ct
        cross apply dbo.SplitString(CityId,',') sst
        join dbo.sCityDescription ctds
            on sst.Value = ctds.CityId;



Assuming this is what you meant:

Table A:

Table B:
id |  Place
1  | Amsterdam 
2  | The Hague
3  | Maastricht 
4  | Rotterdam

Keep id column in both tables as auto increment, and PK.
Then just do a simple inner join.

select * from A inner join B on (A.id = B.id);



Ideal way to deal with such scenarios is to have a normalized table as Collin. In case that can't be done here is the way to go about -

处理这种情况的理想方法是将标准化表格作为Collin。如果这里无法做到的话就是这样 -

You would need to use a table-valued function to split the comma-seperated value. If you are having SQL-Server 2016, there is a built-in SPLIT_STRING function, if not you would need to create one as shown in this link.

您需要使用表值函数来拆分逗号分隔值。如果你有SQL-Server 2016,有一个内置的SPLIT_STRING函数,如果没有,你需要创建一个,如此链接所示。

create table dbo.sCity(
    CityId varchar(30)

create table dbo.sCityDescription(
    CityId              int
    ,CityDescription    varchar(30)

insert into dbo.sCity values

insert into dbo.sCityDescription values
,(2,'The Hague')

select  ctds.CityDescription
        ,sst.Value as 'CityId'
from    dbo.sCity ct
        cross apply dbo.SplitString(CityId,',') sst
        join dbo.sCityDescription ctds
            on sst.Value = ctds.CityId;