在Windows XP IIS上使用ASP.NET动态数据站点?

时间:2022-11-07 04:05:15

I have a Dynamic Data website built in Visual Studio 2008 using .NET 3.5 SP1. The site works OK on my Vista machine, but I get the following error when running it on a Windows XP machine:

我有一个使用.NET 3.5 SP1在Visual Studio 2008中构建的动态数据网站。该站点在我的Vista计算机上运行正常,但在Windows XP计算机上运行时出现以下错误:

Server Error in '/FlixManagerWeb' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

'/ FlixManagerWeb'应用程序中的服务器错误。 -------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 没有找到您要查的资源。说明:HTTP 404.您要查找的资源(或其中一个依赖项)可能已被删除,名称已更改或暂时不可用。请查看以下网址,并确保拼写正确。

Requested URL: /FlixManagerWeb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3053

请求的URL:/ FlixManagerWeb --------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------版本信息:Microsoft .NET Framework版本:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET版本:2.0.50727.3053

I have added the .* -> aspnet_isapi.dll mapping in the site config, made sure that it is an "application," but that did not help. Anyone have any luck running a Dynamic Data website on Windows XP? What (if anything) special is required to get it to work?

我在站点配置中添加了。* - > aspnet_isapi.dll映射,确保它是一个“应用程序”,但这没有帮助。任何人都有运气在Windows XP上运行动态数据网站?要使它工作需要什么(如果有的话)?

2 个解决方案



I've been running a Dynamic Data website on Windows XP, without any problems. Nothing special was required to get it to work.

我一直在Windows XP上运行动态数据网站,没有任何问题。要让它发挥作用,没有什么特别之处。

Sorry I can't be more helpful!




IIS 7 handles requests differently than IIS 5/6, and "default" routes are not handled by MVC in the classic mode. While IIS 5/6 will work if you specify a specific page, it will not work out-of-the-box for typical MVC URLs (http://somesite/controller/action/parm). It will only work if a) you include an extension in every request (.aspx or .mvc), or implement a wildcard mapping in IIS to pass EVERY request through the .NET processor. Steve Sanderson has a good writeup on the options available. FYI, we chose the wildcard option

IIS 7处理请求的方式与IIS 5/6不同,并且经典模式下MVC不处理“默认”路由。虽然如果指定特定页面,IIS 5/6将起作用,但对于典型的MVC URL(http:// somesite / controller / action / parm),它不会开箱即用。只有当a)在每个请求中包含扩展名(.aspx或.mvc),或者在IIS中实现通配符映射以通过.NET处理器传递每个请求时,它才会起作用。史蒂夫桑德森对可用的选项有很好的写作。仅供参考,我们选择了通配符选项



I've been running a Dynamic Data website on Windows XP, without any problems. Nothing special was required to get it to work.

我一直在Windows XP上运行动态数据网站,没有任何问题。要让它发挥作用,没有什么特别之处。

Sorry I can't be more helpful!




IIS 7 handles requests differently than IIS 5/6, and "default" routes are not handled by MVC in the classic mode. While IIS 5/6 will work if you specify a specific page, it will not work out-of-the-box for typical MVC URLs (http://somesite/controller/action/parm). It will only work if a) you include an extension in every request (.aspx or .mvc), or implement a wildcard mapping in IIS to pass EVERY request through the .NET processor. Steve Sanderson has a good writeup on the options available. FYI, we chose the wildcard option

IIS 7处理请求的方式与IIS 5/6不同,并且经典模式下MVC不处理“默认”路由。虽然如果指定特定页面,IIS 5/6将起作用,但对于典型的MVC URL(http:// somesite / controller / action / parm),它不会开箱即用。只有当a)在每个请求中包含扩展名(.aspx或.mvc),或者在IIS中实现通配符映射以通过.NET处理器传递每个请求时,它才会起作用。史蒂夫桑德森对可用的选项有很好的写作。仅供参考,我们选择了通配符选项