
时间:2021-12-24 04:02:21

Here there is a good explanation pointing the difference between Classic x Integrated mode in IIS:




Also here, an explanation of ISAPI Extension:



http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms525172(v =应用程序). aspx

My question is: Is the application I am developing (an Asp.Net MVC application) an ISAPI extension? I am asking that because it is not very clear to me.

我的问题是:我正在开发的应用程序是Asp吗?Net MVC应用程序)ISAPI扩展?我这么问是因为我不是很清楚。

In addition, from the first link:


When using classic mode the server uses two piplines to handle requests, one for native code and the other for managed code. In this mode the application doesn't take full advantage of everything IIS 7.X has to offer.

当使用经典模式时,服务器使用两个piplines来处理请求,一个用于本地代码,另一个用于托管代码。在这种模式下,应用程序不能充分利用IIS 7的所有功能。X。

Integrated mode handles all requests through a unified pipeline for IIS and is tightly integrated with ASP.NET through that same pipeline. ASP.NET sees every relevant request and manipulates things along the way rather than acting as an external plugin


  1. What king of advantages are Integrated mode to offer?
  2. 什么样的优势是整合模式提供?

From the second link:


IIS uses the virtual location of the DLL file in the file system to map the ISAPI extension into the URL namespace that is served by IIS


Let´s say a request arives in IIS: "http://localhost".

让´s请求在IIS arif说:“http://localhost”。

  1. What would be that URL namespace that IIS serves? And where is set the virtual location of the DLL?
  2. IIS服务的URL名称空间是什么?在哪里设置DLL的虚拟位置?

Sorry for those newby question. I am a new with Windows development so I am having a hard time to understand those features.


1 个解决方案



If you are writing an asp.net mvc you do not need to develop an isapi extension as mvc is handled by asp.net part of iis if you enable it. As part of IIS manager you can look at the mappings for file extensions. The .dll's are installed in the windows system either 32 or 64 depending on which memory model windows is using.

如果您正在编写一个asp.net mvc,那么您不需要开发一个isapi扩展,因为如果您启用了它,那么mvc是由asp.net部分来处理的。作为IIS管理器的一部分,您可以查看文件扩展的映射。dll安装在windows系统中的32或64取决于windows使用的内存模型。

Site URL's are mapped to websites local host gets mapped to c:\inetpub\wwwroot




If you are writing an asp.net mvc you do not need to develop an isapi extension as mvc is handled by asp.net part of iis if you enable it. As part of IIS manager you can look at the mappings for file extensions. The .dll's are installed in the windows system either 32 or 64 depending on which memory model windows is using.

如果您正在编写一个asp.net mvc,那么您不需要开发一个isapi扩展,因为如果您启用了它,那么mvc是由asp.net部分来处理的。作为IIS管理器的一部分,您可以查看文件扩展的映射。dll安装在windows系统中的32或64取决于windows使用的内存模型。

Site URL's are mapped to websites local host gets mapped to c:\inetpub\wwwroot
