返回ASP.Net Core MVC中的上一页

时间:2021-07-05 04:04:11

From my client detail page I have a button to edit the client record which redirects to an edit page. I have a "return to client detail" link on the edit page which I want to redirect the user back to the previous client detail page.


<a asp-controller="Client" asp-action="Detail" asp-route-id="@Model.ClientID">Return to client detail</a>

Currently this works as expected but takes extra time as it reloads the detail page from scratch (ie running all the various db queries again). Since the user is really just cancelling the edit without any changes to the state of the client I am wanting to return the user to the previous detail page without having to go through the controller action again.


Essentially I am wanting to simulate the browser back button (to improve responsiveness) but i'm not sure how to implement this or whether it's good practice to do so. Some guidance would be appreciated.



4 个解决方案



You can use


<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Return to client detail</a>

or onclick

<a href="##" onClick="history.go(-1); return false;"> Return to client detail</a> 



U know what? I hate JS so i will write answer with backend side. The HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. So simply read that and pass to view (always remember about XSS and validation, user can easly spoof HTTP request)

你知道吗?我讨厌JS,所以我会用后端方面写回答。 HTTP referer是一个HTTP头字段,用于标识链接到所请求资源的网页的地址。所以只需阅读并传递给视图(永远记住XSS和验证,用户可以轻松欺骗HTTP请求)

In action controller


if(Request.Headers["Referer"] != null)
    ViewData["Reffer"] = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString();

In view (razor)


    <a href="@ViewData["Reffer"]">Return to client detail</a>



It should be like this


<input type="button" onclick= "history.go(-1)" value="Return to client detail" />



I think that you need to get rid of the idea of passing through the controller. If you need to browse quickliest with asp net core code about href you can try this.

我认为你需要摆脱通过控制器的想法。如果您需要使用关于href的asp net核心代码快速浏览,可以试试这个。

 <a asp-area="" onclick="history.go(-1);">Return to client detail</a>



You can use


<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Return to client detail</a>

or onclick

<a href="##" onClick="history.go(-1); return false;"> Return to client detail</a> 



U know what? I hate JS so i will write answer with backend side. The HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. So simply read that and pass to view (always remember about XSS and validation, user can easly spoof HTTP request)

你知道吗?我讨厌JS,所以我会用后端方面写回答。 HTTP referer是一个HTTP头字段,用于标识链接到所请求资源的网页的地址。所以只需阅读并传递给视图(永远记住XSS和验证,用户可以轻松欺骗HTTP请求)

In action controller


if(Request.Headers["Referer"] != null)
    ViewData["Reffer"] = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString();

In view (razor)


    <a href="@ViewData["Reffer"]">Return to client detail</a>



It should be like this


<input type="button" onclick= "history.go(-1)" value="Return to client detail" />



I think that you need to get rid of the idea of passing through the controller. If you need to browse quickliest with asp net core code about href you can try this.

我认为你需要摆脱通过控制器的想法。如果您需要使用关于href的asp net核心代码快速浏览,可以试试这个。

 <a asp-area="" onclick="history.go(-1);">Return to client detail</a>