Pinax CSS突然停止工作,现在黑条已经消失但链接仍在那里

时间:2022-05-04 03:58:56

I am hosting Pinax on a virtualenv.


Everything was going great. I started working on other pages in the virtual templates folder, adding CSS to it.


I reloaded the page and the black bar on top is gone!! The links are still there but the bar is gone. I did not touch the PINAX original files at all.


The last time this happened, I cleared my cache and it was okay again. I did that this time but it still isn't working.


I started a new server, installed a fresh new Pinax installation and Starter project. Loaded that one..and the black bar is still not there. CSS is still not being picked up.

我启动了一个新的服务器,安装了一个全新的Pinax安装和Starter项目。装了那个......黑色的酒吧还没有。 CSS仍未被接收。

I don't know what to do! I am using Firefox and then I used IE -- same results

我不知道该怎么办!我使用Firefox,然后我使用IE - 相同的结果

1 个解决方案



I figured it out.


If you are using Pinax, Pinax uses old bootstrap theme


You have to upgrade your twitter bootstrap and everything will be fine

你必须升级你的twitter bootstrap,一切都会好的



I figured it out.


If you are using Pinax, Pinax uses old bootstrap theme


You have to upgrade your twitter bootstrap and everything will be fine

你必须升级你的twitter bootstrap,一切都会好的