如何处理大数据的Vue 2内存使用(~ 50,000个对象)

时间:2021-08-20 03:53:39

I'm trying to implement an table-view for large collections of semi-complex objects on Vue 2. Basically the idea is to collect anywhere between 50 000 to 100 000 rows from DB into JS cache, which is then analyzed dynamically to build table-view with real-time-filters (text-search). Each row within table is toggleable, meaning that clicking the row changes the row to edit-mode, which enables Excel-like editing for that specific field/cell.

我正在尝试为Vue 2上的大型半复杂对象集合实现表视图。基本的想法是从DB中收集5到10万行到JS缓存的任何地方,然后动态地分析这些行,用实时过滤器(文本搜索)构建表视图。表中的每一行都是可切换的,这意味着单击该行会将该行更改为编辑模式,从而允许对特定字段/单元格进行类似于excel的编辑。

Each object has about ~100-150 fields/properties, but only certain amount of 'em are shown at any given moment within table (table columns can be toggled in real-time). For large datasets it seems that DB is pushing about ~10-100mb of JSON-data, which in this use-case is acceptable. Renderwise the performance isn't an issue -- filters work fast enough and only limited amount of results are rendered to DOM.


Everything already works, filters, listing ~100 rows against filters (+ "show 100 more"-mechanism etc), but I hit memory limit when I loaded around 8000 objects into array. This seems to reserve 2 gigabytes of RAM, which after Chrome stops running JS-code all together (even though strangely I'm not getting any kind of warning/error).


I benchmarked memory usage for rows and it seems that ~1000 rows reserves around 300mb of memory. This is most likely reserved by Vue reactivity observers.


Three questions:


  1. Is there a way to toggle reactivity for specific array-list objects (by index or such), so that objects within array itself are unobserved/non-mutable unless specifically called to become mutable (ie. when user clicks row, which enables edit-mode)?
  2. 是否有一种方法可以为特定的arraylist对象(通过索引或诸如此类)进行切换,从而使数组内的对象本身是未被观察到的/非可变的,除非被特别调用成为可变的(ie)。当用户单击row时,它支持编辑模式)?
  3. How would you implement handling of large datasets for Vue, as reactivity seems to bottleneck the memory usage? Please do not suggest "limit the results within backend", because it's not the solution which I'm seeking here (even though I may need to create two-part filtering, one for fetching smaller initial dataset and one for realtime filtering). Basically I'm trying to push boundaries of "end of memory" from 8 000 -> 80 000 by re-thinking the data-architecture with Vue. Is the only problem having dataset storaged within Vue's data-variables as reactive?
  4. 如何为Vue实现对大型数据集的处理,因为反应性似乎限制了内存的使用?请不要建议“限制后端结果”,因为它不是我在这里寻找的解决方案(尽管我可能需要创建两部分过滤,一个用于获取更小的初始数据集,一个用于实时过滤)。基本上,我试图通过使用Vue重新思考数据架构,将“内存结束”的边界从8000 - >80000扩展到8000。在Vue的数据变量中存储数据的唯一问题是反应性吗?
  5. One idea I have is to turn that "items" -dataset to non-observable/non-reactive with Object.freeze or some similar approach and have table to render two datasets: one for non-reactive and one for those which are currently within edit-mode (which would be pushed to "editableItems" dataset when row is clicked)... any suggestions here (anything simpler, so that I'm able to handle everything within one array?)
  6. 我的一个想法是将“项”-dataset转换为non-observable/non-reactive with Object.freeze或类似的方法,并使用table来呈现两个数据集:一个是non-reactive数据集,另一个是那些当前处于edit-mode的数据集(当单击row时,该数据集将被推到“editableItems”数据集)……这里有什么建议吗(有什么更简单的吗,这样我就可以在一个数组中处理所有东西了?)

I have done similar application on Angular 1, and it handled 50 000 rows quite well, so I'm sure it should be doable within Vue 2 as well... should be just a matter of finding a way on handling reactivity.

我在角1上也做过类似的应用,它能很好地处理5万行,所以我确信它在Vue 2中也可以。应该只是找到一种处理反应性的方法。

2 个解决方案



From everything I've read, I see that you just don't need reactivity for that data, because:


Each row within table is toggleable, meaning that clicking the row changes the row to edit-mode, which enables Excel-like editing for that specific field/cell


This means rows are not editable and data cannot be mutated without user interaction.


Each object has about ~100-150 fields/properties, but only certain amount of 'em are shown at any given moment within table (table columns can be toggled in real-time).


You keep fields reactive but not display them.


And now your questions


Is there a way to toggle reactivity for specific array-list objects (by index or such), so that objects within array itself are unobserved/non-mutable unless specifically called to become mutable (ie. when user clicks row, which enables edit-mode)?


If there's a single item that can be edited at a time, then why keep everything reactive? You can easily use a single variable to listen for that changes.


How would you implement handling of large datasets for Vue, as reactivity seems to bottleneck the memory usage?


It's all about implementation - you rarely end up in a situation when you need a huge list of items to be reactive. The more items you have, the more events needs to happen in order to use the reactivity. If you have 50k items and there are just a few events to mutate (like user modifying data manually), then you can easily listen for those events and make the reactivity manually rather than leave Vue handle all the data. You can check Vuex that can make your life a bit easier for you :)


One idea I have is to turn that "items" -dataset to non-observable/non-reactive with Object.freeze or some similar approach and have table to render two datasets: one for non-reactive and one for those which are currently within edit-mode (which would be pushed to "editableItems" dataset when row is clicked)


This is kind of going in the right direction but there is no need to support two arrays. Imagine using something like this:


data: function() {
    return {
        editingItem: {}
        // when editing is enabled bind the input fields to this item
created: function() {
    this.items = [] // your items, can be used in markdown in the loop, but won't be reactive!
watch: {
    editingItem: function(data) {
        // this method will be called whenever user edits the input fields
        // here you can do whatever you want
        // like get item's id, find it in the array and update it's properties
        // something like manual reactivity ;)



It's been a while since I asked this question and I finally got to optimize this part of my project. I'd like to give few pointers for anyone having these performance and/or memory-issues.


Vue documentation never really explained it, but as Andrey pointed out you CAN use the component-object as an data-storage for your custom objects & object-lists. After all, it's just an normal javascript-object.


After optimization my list component setup looks somewhat like this:


module.exports = {
    items: [],
    mixins: [sharedUtils],
    data: function() {
        return {
            columns: {
                all: []
    etc... Lot's of data & methods

The items-array is filled with thousands of complex objects (about 80mb of data, 6mb compressed) which I'm handling as non-reactive. This proved to be less of an issue than I would have thought -- Instead of using v-for directly against items I was already using structure in which I triggered filtering of this array whenever user clicked some filter-button and/or inputted string-filtering (such as name). Basically this "processFilters"-method goes through non-responsive items-array and returns filteredItems, which is stored in data-context. Thus it automatically becomes reactive as it's mutated.


<tr v-for="item in filteredItems" 

This way all the items within filteredItems stay reactive, but also lose reactivity when they are filtered out, thus saving bunch-load of memory. Whopping 1200mb shrunk to 400mb, which was exactly what I was looking for. Clever!


There are few issues which need to be addressed. Since items doesn't exist in data-context you cannot use it directly within template. This means that instead of writing...


<div v-if="items.length > 0 && everythingElseIsReady">

... I had to store length of items-array to separate data prop. This could have been fixed with computed value as well, but I like to keep those properties existing.


Giving up the reactivity of your main data-array isn't such a bad thing after all - The most important part is to understand that modifications which are made directly against items within that base-array are never triggering any changes to UI and/or sub-components (douh). This shouldn't be such an issue as long as you separate your code in such a way that you have "hidden data container" which holds all the results from backend, and you have smaller (filtered) presentation array of that large container. By using good REST-architecture you should already be good to go with non-reactive data-storage, as long as you remember to check that after saving the item within non-reactive data storage has also been updated to latest revision.


Additionally I was baffled by how little it matters performance-wise how many micro-components there are against hundreds of rows. The render takes a hit obviously, but even if I were to pass large props thousands of times (as I have thousands of instances of input-cells) it didn't seem to hit the memory. One of this kind of objects is my global translations-key/value-pair object, having over 20 000 lines of translated strings... but it still didn't matter. This makes sense, as Javascript uses object-references and Vue Core seems to be properly coded, so as long as you use such configuration objects as props you are simply referring from thousands of objects to the same data-set.

此外,我还感到困惑的是,就性能而言,有多少微型组件与数百行相对。渲染显然会受到影响,但即使我要传递数千次大型道具(因为我有数千个输入单元),它似乎也不会影响到内存。这类对象之一是我的全局平移-键/值对对象,有超过20000行翻译字符串…但这并不重要。这是有道理的,因为Javascript使用对象引用,而Vue Core似乎是正确编码的,所以只要您使用这些配置对象作为道具,您就可以从数千个对象引用到相同的数据集。

Finally, I'd say start going crazy with complex CRUD objects without fear of hitting memory limit!


Huge thanks for Andrey Popov for giving nudge towards right direction!




From everything I've read, I see that you just don't need reactivity for that data, because:


Each row within table is toggleable, meaning that clicking the row changes the row to edit-mode, which enables Excel-like editing for that specific field/cell


This means rows are not editable and data cannot be mutated without user interaction.


Each object has about ~100-150 fields/properties, but only certain amount of 'em are shown at any given moment within table (table columns can be toggled in real-time).


You keep fields reactive but not display them.


And now your questions


Is there a way to toggle reactivity for specific array-list objects (by index or such), so that objects within array itself are unobserved/non-mutable unless specifically called to become mutable (ie. when user clicks row, which enables edit-mode)?


If there's a single item that can be edited at a time, then why keep everything reactive? You can easily use a single variable to listen for that changes.


How would you implement handling of large datasets for Vue, as reactivity seems to bottleneck the memory usage?


It's all about implementation - you rarely end up in a situation when you need a huge list of items to be reactive. The more items you have, the more events needs to happen in order to use the reactivity. If you have 50k items and there are just a few events to mutate (like user modifying data manually), then you can easily listen for those events and make the reactivity manually rather than leave Vue handle all the data. You can check Vuex that can make your life a bit easier for you :)


One idea I have is to turn that "items" -dataset to non-observable/non-reactive with Object.freeze or some similar approach and have table to render two datasets: one for non-reactive and one for those which are currently within edit-mode (which would be pushed to "editableItems" dataset when row is clicked)


This is kind of going in the right direction but there is no need to support two arrays. Imagine using something like this:


data: function() {
    return {
        editingItem: {}
        // when editing is enabled bind the input fields to this item
created: function() {
    this.items = [] // your items, can be used in markdown in the loop, but won't be reactive!
watch: {
    editingItem: function(data) {
        // this method will be called whenever user edits the input fields
        // here you can do whatever you want
        // like get item's id, find it in the array and update it's properties
        // something like manual reactivity ;)



It's been a while since I asked this question and I finally got to optimize this part of my project. I'd like to give few pointers for anyone having these performance and/or memory-issues.


Vue documentation never really explained it, but as Andrey pointed out you CAN use the component-object as an data-storage for your custom objects & object-lists. After all, it's just an normal javascript-object.


After optimization my list component setup looks somewhat like this:


module.exports = {
    items: [],
    mixins: [sharedUtils],
    data: function() {
        return {
            columns: {
                all: []
    etc... Lot's of data & methods

The items-array is filled with thousands of complex objects (about 80mb of data, 6mb compressed) which I'm handling as non-reactive. This proved to be less of an issue than I would have thought -- Instead of using v-for directly against items I was already using structure in which I triggered filtering of this array whenever user clicked some filter-button and/or inputted string-filtering (such as name). Basically this "processFilters"-method goes through non-responsive items-array and returns filteredItems, which is stored in data-context. Thus it automatically becomes reactive as it's mutated.


<tr v-for="item in filteredItems" 

This way all the items within filteredItems stay reactive, but also lose reactivity when they are filtered out, thus saving bunch-load of memory. Whopping 1200mb shrunk to 400mb, which was exactly what I was looking for. Clever!


There are few issues which need to be addressed. Since items doesn't exist in data-context you cannot use it directly within template. This means that instead of writing...


<div v-if="items.length > 0 && everythingElseIsReady">

... I had to store length of items-array to separate data prop. This could have been fixed with computed value as well, but I like to keep those properties existing.


Giving up the reactivity of your main data-array isn't such a bad thing after all - The most important part is to understand that modifications which are made directly against items within that base-array are never triggering any changes to UI and/or sub-components (douh). This shouldn't be such an issue as long as you separate your code in such a way that you have "hidden data container" which holds all the results from backend, and you have smaller (filtered) presentation array of that large container. By using good REST-architecture you should already be good to go with non-reactive data-storage, as long as you remember to check that after saving the item within non-reactive data storage has also been updated to latest revision.


Additionally I was baffled by how little it matters performance-wise how many micro-components there are against hundreds of rows. The render takes a hit obviously, but even if I were to pass large props thousands of times (as I have thousands of instances of input-cells) it didn't seem to hit the memory. One of this kind of objects is my global translations-key/value-pair object, having over 20 000 lines of translated strings... but it still didn't matter. This makes sense, as Javascript uses object-references and Vue Core seems to be properly coded, so as long as you use such configuration objects as props you are simply referring from thousands of objects to the same data-set.

此外,我还感到困惑的是,就性能而言,有多少微型组件与数百行相对。渲染显然会受到影响,但即使我要传递数千次大型道具(因为我有数千个输入单元),它似乎也不会影响到内存。这类对象之一是我的全局平移-键/值对对象,有超过20000行翻译字符串…但这并不重要。这是有道理的,因为Javascript使用对象引用,而Vue Core似乎是正确编码的,所以只要您使用这些配置对象作为道具,您就可以从数千个对象引用到相同的数据集。

Finally, I'd say start going crazy with complex CRUD objects without fear of hitting memory limit!


Huge thanks for Andrey Popov for giving nudge towards right direction!
