从AZure VM中使用SQL AZure进行复制

时间:2022-11-16 03:54:50

Is it possible to configure replication that can transfer data from SQL Azure DB to AZURE VM with SQL Server?

是否可以配置复制,将数据从SQL Azure DB传输到带有SQL Server的Azure VM ?

Basically, i want to move Transactional data from Sql AZURE to local server in Azure VM where SQL Server Standard is installed. I use SSRS From the Server on Azure VM and want to run reports from this data source.

基本上,我希望将事务数据从Sql AZURE移动到安装Sql server标准的AZURE VM中的本地服务器。我使用Azure VM上服务器上的SSRS,并希望从这个数据源运行报告。

We tried to configure the Geo Replication for SQL Azure DB but unless it is a Premium DB (Which is expensive) we can not decide region for the Secondary database. By default Azure uses North for South region and similar which will make the reports run very slow.

我们尝试为SQL Azure DB配置Geo复制,但除非它是一个高级DB(非常昂贵),否则我们无法为辅助数据库确定区域。默认情况下,Azure使用North作为南部区域,并且类似,这将使报表运行非常缓慢。

1 个解决方案



Database replication will not work between two dissimilar SQL Servers. You will need to replicate the data.


There are a couple of options:


  1. Periodically run an SSIS job on the SQL/VM to regularly pull data from SQL DB into SQL/VM. Ensure the SQL DB firewall is configured properly (refer to documentation).
  2. 定期在SQL/VM上运行SSIS作业,定期将SQL DB中的数据提取到SQL/VM中。确保正确配置了SQL DB防火墙(参见文档)。
  3. Use Azure Data Factory to setup a pipeline to periodically move the data from SQL/VM to SQL DB
  4. 使用Azure Data Factory设置管道,定期将数据从SQL/VM移动到SQL DB
  5. Write a custom data extraction job on the SQL/VM
  6. 在SQL/VM上编写自定义数据提取作业

You can also turn on Change Tracking on SQL DB (V12 only) to track the changes that need to be moved between the two systems.

您还可以在SQL DB(仅V12)上打开更改跟踪,以跟踪需要在两个系统之间移动的更改。



Database replication will not work between two dissimilar SQL Servers. You will need to replicate the data.


There are a couple of options:


  1. Periodically run an SSIS job on the SQL/VM to regularly pull data from SQL DB into SQL/VM. Ensure the SQL DB firewall is configured properly (refer to documentation).
  2. 定期在SQL/VM上运行SSIS作业,定期将SQL DB中的数据提取到SQL/VM中。确保正确配置了SQL DB防火墙(参见文档)。
  3. Use Azure Data Factory to setup a pipeline to periodically move the data from SQL/VM to SQL DB
  4. 使用Azure Data Factory设置管道,定期将数据从SQL/VM移动到SQL DB
  5. Write a custom data extraction job on the SQL/VM
  6. 在SQL/VM上编写自定义数据提取作业

You can also turn on Change Tracking on SQL DB (V12 only) to track the changes that need to be moved between the two systems.

您还可以在SQL DB(仅V12)上打开更改跟踪,以跟踪需要在两个系统之间移动的更改。