
时间:2021-01-09 03:55:10

I have the following query:


SELECT SUM(sureness) FROM tweet WHERE ID in
(select DataitemID from entity_dataitem_relation  where EpochID IN 
(SELECT ID FROM epoch WHERE StartDateTime>='2013-11-01' AND EndDateTime<='2013-11-31')AND
    DataitemType=3) ;

And I indexed DataitemID in entity_dataitem_relation table to increase the speed. I even indexed EpochID to help increasing speed but still this query is very slow and it takes 2 min to be executed(it is noteworthy that I entered in a project in the middle of that so I have to continue with what others did so I dont have much flexibility in terms of design)


NB: the following part is very fast:


SELECT DataitemID from entity_dataitem_relation  where EpochID IN 
(SELECT ID FROM epoch WHERE StartDateTime>='2013-11-01' AND EndDateTime<='2013-11-31');

Another thing : even when I replace sureness with ID which is prinmary key of the table it still takes that much time what should I do ? Is there anything that I can do to improve speed?


1 个解决方案



To try to reduce table scanning, you can rewrite this query using JOINS:


SELECT SUM(t.sureness)
FROM tweet t
JOIN entity_dataitem_relation edr
  ON edr.DataitemID = t.ID
    AND edr.DataitemType = 3
JOIN epoch e
  ON e.ID = edr.EpochID
    AND e.StartDateTime >= '2013-11-01'
    AND e.EndDateTime <= '2013-11-31'

Add the following covering indexes:


tweet(ID, sureness)
entity_dataitem_relation(DataitemID, DataitemType, EpochID)
epoch(ID, StartDateTime, EndDateTime)

MySQL will probably still scan through all the rows in the index on tweet, so the more records you have in the tweet table, the slower this will be.




To try to reduce table scanning, you can rewrite this query using JOINS:


SELECT SUM(t.sureness)
FROM tweet t
JOIN entity_dataitem_relation edr
  ON edr.DataitemID = t.ID
    AND edr.DataitemType = 3
JOIN epoch e
  ON e.ID = edr.EpochID
    AND e.StartDateTime >= '2013-11-01'
    AND e.EndDateTime <= '2013-11-31'

Add the following covering indexes:


tweet(ID, sureness)
entity_dataitem_relation(DataitemID, DataitemType, EpochID)
epoch(ID, StartDateTime, EndDateTime)

MySQL will probably still scan through all the rows in the index on tweet, so the more records you have in the tweet table, the slower this will be.
