用于子操作的MVC OutputCache:它存储在哪里?

时间:2021-10-19 03:49:59

I'm using OutputCache for caching an horizontal menu and a vertical menu in my app. I usually use something like this in the actions I want to be cached


    [OutputCache(Duration=3600, VaryByParam="none", Location=OutputCacheLocation.Client, NoStore=true)]
    public ActionResult ActionName()

But if it is a child actions i must use


    [OutputCache(Duration = 180, VaryByParam = "none")]
    public ActionResult Menu() 

When you use OutputCache with child actions you can´t specify properties like Location or NoStore. So the question is, if i can´t specify the cache location (client, server, any) for a child action, where is it stored by default?? Thanks!!


(sorry for my english)


3 个解决方案



I'm just guessing here, but it would probably get stored just on the server. The idea of a partial view (likely the result of a child action) being stored on the client doesn't make sense -- the client doesn't have any idea of the page's action break-down on the server.

我只是在这里猜测,但它可能只存储在服务器上。将部分视图(可能是子操作的结果)存储在客户端上的想法没有意义 - 客户端不知道页面在服务器上的操作分解。

The way I see it, unless the entire page is cached, the client must go to the server to get the page rendered, at which point, the server can returned the cache child action result.




When we use Output Cache for child action it is cached on Server not on client side.




Unfortunatly it is cached on client, Just set a breakpoint on your childAction Method, and run application from multiple browsers, for each browser ChildAction will called in cache duration.




I'm just guessing here, but it would probably get stored just on the server. The idea of a partial view (likely the result of a child action) being stored on the client doesn't make sense -- the client doesn't have any idea of the page's action break-down on the server.

我只是在这里猜测,但它可能只存储在服务器上。将部分视图(可能是子操作的结果)存储在客户端上的想法没有意义 - 客户端不知道页面在服务器上的操作分解。

The way I see it, unless the entire page is cached, the client must go to the server to get the page rendered, at which point, the server can returned the cache child action result.




When we use Output Cache for child action it is cached on Server not on client side.




Unfortunatly it is cached on client, Just set a breakpoint on your childAction Method, and run application from multiple browsers, for each browser ChildAction will called in cache duration.
