Heroku Cedar Stack - 机架缓存标头

时间:2022-08-23 03:50:33

I can't figure this out for the life of me. Trying to use Rack::Cache to cache some of my static public pages on Heroku, in addition to doing action caching in case it gets past the reverse proxy.

我无法想象我的生活。尝试使用Rack :: Cache来缓存Heroku上的一些静态公共页面,以及在它通过反向代理时执行操作缓存。

For example, here's the code in my "home" action:


class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
  layout 'public'

  caches_action :about, :contact, ......, :home, .....


  def home
    last_modified = File.mtime("#{Rails.root}/app/views/static_pages/home.html.haml")
    fresh_when last_modified: last_modified , public: true, etag: last_modified
    expires_in 10.seconds, :public => true       

For all intents and purposes, this should have a public cache-control tag with max-age 10 no?

对于所有意图和目的,这应该有一个公共缓存控制标记,max-age 10 no?

$ curl -I http://myapp-staging.herokuapp.com/

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 06:50:45 GMT
Etag: "997dacac05aa4c73f5a6861c9f5a9db0"
Status: 200 OK
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Rack-Cache: stale, invalid
X-Request-Id: 078d86423f234da1ac41b418825618c2
X-Runtime: 0.005902
X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
Connection: keep-alive

Am I doing something horribly wrong? I feel like there is something up with that stale, invalid cache response... that is about the 4th time I've hit the page.


Config Info:

# Use a different cache store in production
config.cache_store = :dalli_store

config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = {
  :verbose      => true,
  :metastore => "memcached://#{ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS']}",
  :entitystore => "memcached://#{ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS']}"#,

# OLD : Disable Rails's static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this)
config.serve_static_assets = true
config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=2592000"

(Maybe there's a way to manually set the cache-control header? Seems like there should be an easier way though).



I have even tried taking the controller action down to the bare minimum :


def home
  expires_in 10.seconds, :public => true
  #last_modified = File.mtime("#{Rails.root}/app/views/static_pages/home.html.haml")
  #fresh_when last_modified: last_modified , public: true, etag: last_modified

And it doesn't work...


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 19:15:18 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 200 OK
X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
Etag: "733798214c652f39ae79b4037e9111dc"
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
X-Request-Id: b33087fe0c2ae986c4cac88f14420b7c
X-Runtime: 0.006000
X-Rack-Cache: stale, invalid
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Varnish: 349105873
Age: 0
Via: 1.1 varnish


1 个解决方案



Maybe rethink the whole thing and just use rails caching. The new cache_digests gem should make it trivial to do what you want at the rails level: https://github.com/rails/cache_digests

也许重新考虑整个事情,只使用rails缓存。新的cache_digests gem应该可以轻松地在rails级别执行您想要的操作:https://github.com/rails/cache_digests

I'm willing to bet this will beat your method that includes doing a filesystem call to check the file timestamp every 10 seconds.




Maybe rethink the whole thing and just use rails caching. The new cache_digests gem should make it trivial to do what you want at the rails level: https://github.com/rails/cache_digests

也许重新考虑整个事情,只使用rails缓存。新的cache_digests gem应该可以轻松地在rails级别执行您想要的操作:https://github.com/rails/cache_digests

I'm willing to bet this will beat your method that includes doing a filesystem call to check the file timestamp every 10 seconds.
