Visual Studio中本地数据库缓存项目类型的用法是什么?

时间:2022-03-02 03:52:05

What is the usage of Local Database Cache project type in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio中本地数据库缓存项目类型的用法是什么?

1 个解决方案



It creates a SQL Compact database in the client app.

它在客户端应用程序中创建SQL Compact数据库。

It also sets up all the code, prep work, for both client and server sides, to synchronize the compact database with the server one occasionally, via a WCF service.




It creates a SQL Compact database in the client app.

它在客户端应用程序中创建SQL Compact数据库。

It also sets up all the code, prep work, for both client and server sides, to synchronize the compact database with the server one occasionally, via a WCF service.
