
时间:2021-07-07 03:52:51

We're making changes to our main sprite and I'm debating the benefits of either changing its name completely or adding a query string to the end.


There's logic to keeping the old version to support Google cache, archive.com, etc., but it'd also be much cleaner on our system if I was to just edit the file and add a query string to the CSS image call:


#element-id { background-image: url('my-sprite.png?version1'); }

My question is, does anyone know of any browser issues with using a query string cache buster in a CSS file?


My suspicion is that browsers handle css image requests the same way whether it's from CSS files or via HTML, so, so long as my server is expressing header information properly I should be OK.


3 个解决方案



Unless the browser is seriously broken, there should be nothing wrong. Suppose you wanted to use a dynamic file, such as url('/layout.php?section=1') or something. Query strings are kind of required there, so if the browser didn't work it'd be broken quite badly.

除非浏览器严重破坏,否则应该没有错。假设您想使用动态文件,例如url('/ layout.php?section = 1')或其他东西。查询字符串在那里是必需的,所以如果浏览器不起作用,它将被打破得非常糟糕。



tl;dr Using query params is not a 100% solution.

tl; dr使用查询参数不是100%的解决方案。

There are basically two problems when using the asset pipeline:


  1. Making sure your resources get cached when you want them to
  2. 确保在需要时缓存资源
  3. Invalidating the cache when you rev the file.
  4. 在修改文件时使缓存无效。

Query string params will sometimes cause networks or browsers not to cache your resource at all. What's more as Mr. Irish points out "the query string approach is not reliable for clients behind a Squid Proxy Server" so it may me unreliable for busting the cache as well. Basically you don't want to have to rely on other peoples configuration.


A couple of references:

  • Rails Guides: Asset Pipeline - The Rails Asset Pipeline is built on Sprockets a project that has been focused on solving these types of problems for a good few years now. They specifically state in bold no less that "Not all caches will reliably cache content where the filename only differs by query parameters."

    Rails指南:资产管道 - Rails资产管道建立在Sprockets上,这个项目几年来一直专注于解决这些类型的问题。它们特别以粗体表示“并非所有缓存都能可靠地缓存文件名仅因查询参数而异的内容”。

  • Steve Soulders Article on revving assets - Steve Souders is something of a web performance guru and author of the O'Reilly book "High Performance Websites" wrote this article referenced to in the Rails guides that suggests using filename revving to avoid issues with people behind proxy servers.

    史蒂夫·索尔德斯(Steve Soulders)关于加速资产的文章 - 史蒂夫·索德斯(Steve Souders)是一位网络性能大师,奥莱利(O'Reilly)着作“高性能网站”(High Performance Websites)的作者写道,这篇文章在Rails指南中引用,建议使用文件名转换来避免代理人背后的问题服务器。

  • HTML5 Boilerplate Suggestion - The HTML5 Boilerplate project maintained by the venerable Paul Irish and Nicolas Gallagher use the .htaccess to essentially create a filter to do filename revving. They specifically suggest using filename revving in place of query string versions.

    HTML5 Boilerplate建议 - 由着名的Paul Irish和Nicolas Gallagher维护的HTML5 Boilerplate项目使用.htaccess来创建一个过滤器来进行文件名转换。他们特别建议使用文件名转换来代替查询字符串版本。



The only issue you may run into is css files tend to be cached more than you would probably want. If the output of my-sprite.png?version1 is going to change often, it would be better placed on the page itself.




Unless the browser is seriously broken, there should be nothing wrong. Suppose you wanted to use a dynamic file, such as url('/layout.php?section=1') or something. Query strings are kind of required there, so if the browser didn't work it'd be broken quite badly.

除非浏览器严重破坏,否则应该没有错。假设您想使用动态文件,例如url('/ layout.php?section = 1')或其他东西。查询字符串在那里是必需的,所以如果浏览器不起作用,它将被打破得非常糟糕。



tl;dr Using query params is not a 100% solution.

tl; dr使用查询参数不是100%的解决方案。

There are basically two problems when using the asset pipeline:


  1. Making sure your resources get cached when you want them to
  2. 确保在需要时缓存资源
  3. Invalidating the cache when you rev the file.
  4. 在修改文件时使缓存无效。

Query string params will sometimes cause networks or browsers not to cache your resource at all. What's more as Mr. Irish points out "the query string approach is not reliable for clients behind a Squid Proxy Server" so it may me unreliable for busting the cache as well. Basically you don't want to have to rely on other peoples configuration.


A couple of references:

  • Rails Guides: Asset Pipeline - The Rails Asset Pipeline is built on Sprockets a project that has been focused on solving these types of problems for a good few years now. They specifically state in bold no less that "Not all caches will reliably cache content where the filename only differs by query parameters."

    Rails指南:资产管道 - Rails资产管道建立在Sprockets上,这个项目几年来一直专注于解决这些类型的问题。它们特别以粗体表示“并非所有缓存都能可靠地缓存文件名仅因查询参数而异的内容”。

  • Steve Soulders Article on revving assets - Steve Souders is something of a web performance guru and author of the O'Reilly book "High Performance Websites" wrote this article referenced to in the Rails guides that suggests using filename revving to avoid issues with people behind proxy servers.

    史蒂夫·索尔德斯(Steve Soulders)关于加速资产的文章 - 史蒂夫·索德斯(Steve Souders)是一位网络性能大师,奥莱利(O'Reilly)着作“高性能网站”(High Performance Websites)的作者写道,这篇文章在Rails指南中引用,建议使用文件名转换来避免代理人背后的问题服务器。

  • HTML5 Boilerplate Suggestion - The HTML5 Boilerplate project maintained by the venerable Paul Irish and Nicolas Gallagher use the .htaccess to essentially create a filter to do filename revving. They specifically suggest using filename revving in place of query string versions.

    HTML5 Boilerplate建议 - 由着名的Paul Irish和Nicolas Gallagher维护的HTML5 Boilerplate项目使用.htaccess来创建一个过滤器来进行文件名转换。他们特别建议使用文件名转换来代替查询字符串版本。



The only issue you may run into is css files tend to be cached more than you would probably want. If the output of my-sprite.png?version1 is going to change often, it would be better placed on the page itself.
