
时间:2021-07-07 03:52:39

In contrast to my previous question, i'll try to give my requirements.


I am trying to find some framework/methodology/"thing" that would fit the following:


  • Ability to write an automated test, preferably written in Visual Studio, using C#.
  • 能够使用c#编写自动化测试,最好是在Visual Studio中编写。
  • Test should drive a web browser and interact with SUT just like an user would.
  • 测试应该驱动web浏览器并像用户一样与SUT交互。
  • Test should be able to setup a test scenario in DB.
  • 测试应该能够在DB中设置一个测试场景。
  • Test should be able to assert that user interactions had the expected effect in DB.
  • 测试应该能够断言用户交互在DB中具有预期的效果。
  • After test is completed, it should be able to roll back all changes it made in DB.
  • 测试完成后,它应该能够回滚它在DB中所做的所有更改。

My first attempt was to use NUnit test to drive Selenium (and Watin before that), but i faced a bit of a problem (check the link above) while using TransactionScope to roll back the changes Selenium-driven browser did in the DB.


Has anyone done anything like this in the "real world"? I've found some references through Google, but haven't been able to find any concrete examples on how to implement this. There wouldn't be any problems if i'd be doing unit testing. In that case TransactionScope would be quite enough.


Edit: R. Harvey pointed me to this question, which is almost identical to my situation.

编辑:R. Harvey给我指出了这个问题,这个问题与我的情况几乎相同。

However that question is just almost identical. My application is part of a family of services, all of them accessing the same set of database tables. Amount of test data required does not allow for efficient use of drop/create-scripts, so is there some alternate solution for this?


We are using SQL Server 2005, and i'm not very proficient in database magic, so if there's some way to use sql scripting other than drop/create, then that could be an option.

我们使用的是SQL Server 2005,我不太精通数据库魔法,所以如果除了drop/create之外还有其他方法使用SQL脚本,那么这是一个选项。

Edit 2:


Based on the answers and some additional head scratching, we'll go for more lightweight databases for developers to perform unit-, integration- and functional testing. This enables us to use sql-scripts for setting up and tearing down the test.


3 个解决方案



Changes made in a transaction are only visible inside said transaction. Also wrapping the test in a transaction scope (if possible) would make the test behave differently than the real thing in a very critical aspect (transactions).


It is much better to use a database image that you restore before every test suite. This way after the suite completes and the verification is done, you drop the test database. The next run, during the suite setup, the database is re-created from the saved image in a pristine state ready for testing. Even better would be to have a script that deploys the database from scratch and run that script during suite setup.


Btw is not feasible to restore to a pristine state before every test. More generically is not feasible to have lengthy individual test setup and cleanup steps. As you add more tests the time spent restoring the database to test-ready condition between tests will become just unmanageable. Suites with hundreds of tests are quite common and full test runs of tens of thousands of tests would mean hours and hours spent just restoring database for test. Design your individual test so that they can be run independently, ie. test N has to produce valid results even if test N-1 failed.


Another thing to consider is failure investigation, you want your failed test to leave the database in a state that can be investigated for meaningful info and you want subsequent tests to be able to run and produce valid results. Sometimes these requirements will contradict each other, but you must take them into consideration and design your test around them.




If the amount of data required to restore the database to a known-good state is prohibitive of drop/create scripts and you are running you tests on Developer or Enterprise edition of SQL 2005, you could look into creating a database snapshot of the good state, and reverting to it before each test. This is considerably faster than a full restore, although it may still be too time consuming if you have hundreds of tests.

如果需要恢复数据库的数据量好的状态是禁止删除/创建脚本和你运行测试SQL 2005的开发人员或企业版,你可以考虑创建一个数据库快照的状态,并在每个测试之前恢复到它。这比完整的恢复要快得多,尽管如果您有数百个测试,这可能仍然太耗时。



Don't miss Amnesia which I recommended on this related question.




Changes made in a transaction are only visible inside said transaction. Also wrapping the test in a transaction scope (if possible) would make the test behave differently than the real thing in a very critical aspect (transactions).


It is much better to use a database image that you restore before every test suite. This way after the suite completes and the verification is done, you drop the test database. The next run, during the suite setup, the database is re-created from the saved image in a pristine state ready for testing. Even better would be to have a script that deploys the database from scratch and run that script during suite setup.


Btw is not feasible to restore to a pristine state before every test. More generically is not feasible to have lengthy individual test setup and cleanup steps. As you add more tests the time spent restoring the database to test-ready condition between tests will become just unmanageable. Suites with hundreds of tests are quite common and full test runs of tens of thousands of tests would mean hours and hours spent just restoring database for test. Design your individual test so that they can be run independently, ie. test N has to produce valid results even if test N-1 failed.


Another thing to consider is failure investigation, you want your failed test to leave the database in a state that can be investigated for meaningful info and you want subsequent tests to be able to run and produce valid results. Sometimes these requirements will contradict each other, but you must take them into consideration and design your test around them.




If the amount of data required to restore the database to a known-good state is prohibitive of drop/create scripts and you are running you tests on Developer or Enterprise edition of SQL 2005, you could look into creating a database snapshot of the good state, and reverting to it before each test. This is considerably faster than a full restore, although it may still be too time consuming if you have hundreds of tests.

如果需要恢复数据库的数据量好的状态是禁止删除/创建脚本和你运行测试SQL 2005的开发人员或企业版,你可以考虑创建一个数据库快照的状态,并在每个测试之前恢复到它。这比完整的恢复要快得多,尽管如果您有数百个测试,这可能仍然太耗时。



Don't miss Amnesia which I recommended on this related question.
