
时间:2022-07-17 03:44:36

I have create one web application where user can send friend request. If there are two users A and B. If A user send friend request to B then one pop up display's on B user dashboard. In that pop up box two buttons are there confirm or ignore.


If user click on confirm button then it takes some time to close that popup box. Because in backgroud it execute code for send email. Once email sent then that popup box close. So I want to close that popup box immediately after clicking on confirm button and then after send mail to that user.


Here is my code for accepting request and sending mail


#region dlUserFriendRequests_ItemCommand
    protected void dlUserFriendRequests_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
        HtmlTable objDataTable;
        //Panel objDataTable;
        switch (e.CommandName)
            case "confirm":
                RadioButtonList objRadioButtonList;
                int intFriendRelationID = -1;
                objRadioButtonList = (RadioButtonList)e.Item.FindControl("rblstFriends");

                if (objRadioButtonList != null)
                    intFriendRelationID = UserManagementBL.AcceptUserFriendRequest(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument), this.LoginSessionDO.UserID, objRadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Text);

                    if (intFriendRelationID > 0)
                        int SentByUserID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                        DataTable dtbSenderdetails = null;
                        string SenderEmail = "";

                        dtbSenderdetails = UserManagementBL.GetUserDetails(SentByUserID);
                        if (dtbSenderdetails != null)
                            SenderEmail = dtbSenderdetails.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();

              case "Ignore":
                int intFriendRequestID = -1;
                intFriendRequestID = UserManagementBL.IgnoreUserFriendRequest(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument), this.LoginSessionDO.UserID);

 #region Send confirmation mail
    public void SendConfirmationMail(string email)
        //DataTable dtblUserDetails = UserManagementBL.GetUserByUserName(email);
        //if (dtblUserDetails != null)
            //int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(dtblUserDetails.Rows[0]["UserID"]);

            //string FirstName = Convert.ToString(dtblUserDetails.Rows[0]["FirstName"]);
            //string LastName = Convert.ToString(dtblUserDetails.Rows[0]["LastName"]);
            string FirstName = this.LoginSessionDO.FirstName;
            string LastName = this.LoginSessionDO.LastName;

            var parameters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
            parameters.Add("USER_NAME", string.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName));

            parameters.Add("USER_IMAGE_URL", string.Format(SystemConfiguration.GetSiteURL() + "UserControls/UserPhoto.ashx?UserID={0}", this.LoginSessionDO.UserID));

            string ToAddress = email;
            string subject = FirstName + "  " + LastName + " confirmed you as a friend on Lifetrons.";

            CommonFunctions.CommonFunctions.SendEmail(SystemConfiguration.GetEmailSenderAddress(), ToAddress, subject, CommonFunctions.EmailTemplates.AcceptFriendRequest, parameters);

Here is my pop up box image c#asp.net发送邮件问题


So how can I close that pop up box immediately after confirm button click? Is there any changes in my code?


1 个解决方案



You would do this in JavaScript. I assume you're already using AJAX to perform the Confirm action, otherwise it would just be reloading the page and your popup shouldn't be there anyway (since they're already confirmed?).


If you have jQuery on the frontend, you can use:



Without jQuery, you could use:


document.getElementById('confirm-box-id').style.display = 'none';

Re-reading your message, it seems this is just a long running action. You should note that if you do hide this and don't show any indication of progress using the code above, for example, your user may navigate away or close the browser, which may cause the action to stop processing or be terminated forcefully server-side so the confirmation would never happen.

重新阅读你的消息,这似乎只是一个长期的行动。您应该注意,如果您确实隐藏了此信息,并且未使用上述代码显示任何进度指示,例如,您的用户可能会离开或关闭浏览器,这可能导致操作停止处理或被强制终止服务器 - 所以确认永远不会发生。



You would do this in JavaScript. I assume you're already using AJAX to perform the Confirm action, otherwise it would just be reloading the page and your popup shouldn't be there anyway (since they're already confirmed?).


If you have jQuery on the frontend, you can use:



Without jQuery, you could use:


document.getElementById('confirm-box-id').style.display = 'none';

Re-reading your message, it seems this is just a long running action. You should note that if you do hide this and don't show any indication of progress using the code above, for example, your user may navigate away or close the browser, which may cause the action to stop processing or be terminated forcefully server-side so the confirmation would never happen.

重新阅读你的消息,这似乎只是一个长期的行动。您应该注意,如果您确实隐藏了此信息,并且未使用上述代码显示任何进度指示,例如,您的用户可能会离开或关闭浏览器,这可能导致操作停止处理或被强制终止服务器 - 所以确认永远不会发生。