
时间:2021-07-08 03:41:44

I'm using log4net in my mvc 4 project to log any error & exceptions. My configuration file looks like below

我在我的mvc 4项目中使用log4net来记录任何错误和异常。我的配置文件如下所示

<appender name="AsynchronousLog4NetAppender" type="Umbraco.Core.Logging.AsynchronousRollingFileAppender, Umbraco.Core">
 <file value="App_Data\Logs\APIErrorsLog.txt"/>
 <lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock"/>
 <appendToFile value="true"/>
 <rollingStyle value="Date"/>
 <maximumFileSize value="5MB"/>
 <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
  <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger - %message%newline"/>
 <encoding value="utf-8"/>

I have also created a view on which I read & output this file's content App_Data\Logs\APIErrorsLog.txt and show the errors. The issue is a new file is created every day. I guess I can increase the size using maximumFileSizeattribute but how I can stop the creation of new file everyday?

我还创建了一个视图,我在其中读取并输出该文件的内容App_Data \ Logs \ APIErrorsLog.txt并显示错误。问题是每天都会创建一个新文件。我想我可以使用maximumFileSizeattribute增加大小,但是如何每天停止创建新文件?


1 个解决方案



You are getting a new file every day because you have set <rollingStyle value="Date"/> - use <rollingStyle value="Size" /> to only create a new file when the maximum size is reached. You may want to also add a maxSizeRollBackups entry as well to limit the number of files.

您每天都会收到一个新文件,因为您已设置 - 使用 仅在达到最大大小时创建新文件。您可能还想添加maxSizeRollBackups条目以限制文件数。



You are getting a new file every day because you have set <rollingStyle value="Date"/> - use <rollingStyle value="Size" /> to only create a new file when the maximum size is reached. You may want to also add a maxSizeRollBackups entry as well to limit the number of files.

您每天都会收到一个新文件,因为您已设置 - 使用 仅在达到最大大小时创建新文件。您可能还想添加maxSizeRollBackups条目以限制文件数。