Installing RPMforge
RPMforge is a collaboration of Dag and other packagers. They provide over 5000 packages for CentOS, including wine, vlc, mplayer, xmms-mp3, and other popular media tools. It is not part of Red Hat or CentOS but is designed to work with those distributions. See also Using RPMforge and Repoforge.
Note: Because this repository is NOT part of CentOS, you should direct support questions to its maintainers at the Repoforge Users mailing list.
Packages are supplied in RPM format and in most cases are ready to use. The default RPMforge repository does not replace official CentOS base packages.
1. RPMforge for CentOS 6
The default RPMforge repository does not replace any CentOS base packages. In the past it used to, but those packages are now in a separate repository (rpmforge-extras) which is disabled by default.
You can find a complete listing of the RPMforge package packages at
Download the rpmforge-release package. Choose one of the two links below, selecting to match your host's architecture. If you are unsure of which one to use you can check your architecture with the command uname -i
The preferred rpmforge-release package to retrieve and to install in order to enable that repository is one of the two listed above.
Install DAG's GPG key
rpm --import
If you get an error message like the following the key has already been imported:
error: key 1 import failed.
Verify the package you have downloaded
rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.*.rpm
Security warning: The rpmforge-release package imports GPG keys into your RPM database. As long as you have verified the md5sum of the key injection package, and trust Dag, et al., then it should be as safe as your trust of them extends.
Install the package
rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.*.rpm
This will add a yum repository config file and import the appropriate GPG keys.
Then try to install something like this
yum install htop
2. RPMforge for CentOS 5
The default RPMforge repository does not replace any CentOS base packages. In the past it used to, but those packages are now in a separate repository (rpmforge-extras) which is disabled by default.
You can find a complete listing of the RPMforge package packages at
Download the rpmforge-release package. Choose one of the two links below, selecting to match your host's architecture. If you are unsure of which one to use you can check your architecture with the command uname -i
The preferred rpmforge-release package to retrieve and to install in order to enable that repository is one of the two listed above.
Install DAG's GPG key
rpm --import
Verify the package you have downloaded
rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el5.rf.*.rpm
Security warning: The rpmforge-release package imports GPG keys into your RPM database. As long as you have verified the md5sum of the key injection package, and trust Dag, et al., then it should be as safe as your trust of them extends.
Install the package
rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el5.rf.*.rpm
This will add a yum repository config file and import the appropriate GPG keys.
Then try to install something like this
yum install htop
3. RPMforge for CentOS 4
The default RPMforge repository does not replace any CentOS base packages. In the past it used to, but those packages are now in a separate repository (rpmforge-extras) which is disabled by default.
You can find a complete listing of the RPMforge packages at
Download the rpmforge-release package. Choose one of the two links below, selecting to match your host's architecture. If you are unsure of which one to use you can check your architecture with the command uname -i
The preferred rpmforge-release package to retrieve and to install in order to enable that repository is one of the two listed above.
Install DAG's GPG key
rpm --import
Verify the package you have downloaded
rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el4.rf.*.rpm
Security warning: The rpmforge-release package imports GPG keys into your RPM database. As long as you have verified the md5sum of the key injection package, and trust Dag, et al., then it should be as safe as your trust of them extends.
Install the package
rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el4.rf.*.rpm
This will add a yum repository config file and import the appropriate GPG keys.
Then try to install something like this
yum install htop
How to setup multimedia on CentOS-5
CentOS ships with basic sound support for audio content encoded with codecs for a variety of sound formats, including .wav and .ogg files. The alsa-utils and sox audio players are included for a TUI (CLI) environment; xmms is trivial to rebuild SRPMs. The popular full featured xmms player is omitted by the upstream, probably in light of the so-called Fraunhofer restrictions and non-free license requirements to address.
For those in jurisdictions not affected by such, the following procedures will describe how to setup multimedia support under CentOS 5. After completing the steps below, you should be able to play dvds on your computer. You'll also be able to view different media formats, for example Xvid, dvix, quicktime etc. You will also have mplayer integrated as a browser plugin which will allow you to view streaming video/audio content from within Firefox.
Some recommendations should be mentioned pertaining to the yum priorities plug-in. This will prevent accidentally overwriting packages from the base repositories. Also note the following needs to be performed as root user in a command line or terminal.
Please consider following the wiki document to assist in setting up the priorities plug-in, due to the fact that we are adding some third party repositories, described in the Priorities article.
Step 1: Add RPMforge repository access for your CentOS system. (Required for the majority of multimedia packages.)
You can read the installation instructions at Installing RPMForge.
Step 2: Install the multimedia applications.
The following steps will use yum to install all the packages needed to have full multimedia support. Note there will be a lot of dependencies.
yum install compat-libstdc++-33 libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav lsdvd libquicktime
yum install flash-plugin mplayerplug-in mplayer mplayer-gui gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly
Step 3: Install the w32Codecs. (Required for xvid and other proprietary formats.)
rpm -ivh mplayer-codecs-20061022-1.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh mplayer-codecs-extra-20061022-1.i386.rpm
You should now have full multimedia and video support for most popular formats.
If you happen to have problems with playing video's (eg. the player crashes or you have no image), try to disable System > Preferences > Desktop Effects (Compiz) and see if that fixes your problems. |
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