
时间:2021-04-25 03:38:04

I have created a SCORM API for our LMS and right now I am using hard coded userID and courseID variables (variables that reference things in the database). I need to pass the real userID and courseID instead of using hard coded ones. I know the userID is stored in the session and the courseID is passed over from the launch page.

我为LMS创建了一个SCORM API,现在我正在使用硬编码的userID和courseID变量(引用数据库中的东西的变量)。我需要传递真实的userID和courseID,而不是使用硬编码的。我知道userID存储在会话中,courseID从启动页面传递。

How do I get these into JavaScript so I can include them in my calls to the .ashx that handles the SCORM calls?


9 个解决方案



Probably best easiest to expose them as properties of your page (or master page if used on every page) and reference them via page directives.


 <script type="text/javascript">
     var userID = '<%= UserID %>';
     var courseID = '<%= CourseID %>';

     .... more stuff....

Then set the values on Page_Load (or in the Page_Load for the master page).


  public void Page_Load( object source, EventArgs e )

        UserID = Session["userID"];
        CourseID = Session["courseID"];



All the answers here that suggest something like


var userID = '<%= UserID %>';

are all missing something important if the variable you are embedded can contain arbitrary string data. The embedded string data needs to be escaped so that if it contains backslashes, quotes or unprintable characters they don't cause your Javascript to error.


Rick Strahl has some suggestions for the escaping code needed here. Using Rick's code the embedded variable will look like this:

Rick Strahl对此处所需的转义代码有一些建议。使用Rick的代码,嵌入变量将如下所示:

var userId = <%= EncodeJsString(UserID) %>;

Note that there are no quotes now, Rick's code wraps the escaped string with quotes.




@tvanfosson's answer is how I have normally done this in the past, but was just trying to think of something a bit more elegant. Thought I'd throw this out there.

@ tvanfosson的答案是我过去通常如何做到这一点,但只是想把事情想象得更优雅一点。以为我会把它扔出去。

You can set up a HashTable in the codebehind and also initialize a JavaScriptSerializer:


Protected json As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Protected jsvars As New Hashtable

Then set variables like this:


jsvars.Add("name", "value")

Then serialize the variables into JavaScript in your page:


<script type="text/javascript">
    var vars = <%=json.Serialize(jsvars)%>;

This ensures that all variables are properly escaped and also minimizes the code if you need to work with a lot of variables.




This article describes the most pragmatic solution several pragmatic solutions to your problem.




Here are the steps that you will have to take:


In your code behind page:


private int _userId;
private int _courseId;
protected int CourseId
  get { return _courseId;}
  set { _courseId = value;}
protected int UserId
 get { return _userId;}

set { _userId = value;}

Step 2 : based on your requirement now you have to set up those properties. The catch is that these properties should be set before they are referenced from the JavaScript. Maybe something like this in the Page_Load event:


_userId = Session["userId"];
_courseId = Request.QueryString["CourseId"] != null ? Request.QueryString["CourseId"] : String.empty;

Of course you can parse them to appropriate types based on your requirements.


Finally, you can reference them in JavaScript as follows:


var currentUserId = '<% = UserId %>';
var currentCouseId = '<% = CourseId %>';

This should definitely work. I have used this approach many times.




In Passing .NET Server-Side Data to JavaScript, I list various approaches, including:


  1. Fetching Data by Making an AJAX Request
  2. 通过发出AJAX请求获取数据
  3. Loading Data Through an External JavaScript File
  4. 通过外部JavaScript文件加载数据
  5. Opening a Persistent Connection with SignalR
  6. 与SignalR打开持久连接
  7. Attaching Data to HTML Elements
  8. 将数据附加到HTML元素
  9. Assigning Data Directly to a JavaScript Variable
  10. 直接将数据分配给JavaScript变量
  11. Serializing a .NET Object into a JavaScript Literal
  12. 将.NET对象序列化为JavaScript文字



You can also use HTTP cookies. That approach is nice if you need to pass values the other direction as well.

您也可以使用HTTP cookie。如果你需要将值传递给另一个方向,那么这种方法很好。



I am in the process of doing the same thing. I am just passing whatever values I may need upon initialization and such in the API object's constructor. I have not seen any requirements as to how the API object can be created, just how it is located in the SCO's code.




I'm not sure about SCORM or .ashx files (no experience there) but as far as getting values from ASP.NET you can do all sorts of things like


var xyz = '<%= variable %>';

from within your ASP.NET page. There are various ways to accomplish this but the end result is that the ASP.NET page renders the values of the variable in the HTML (or JavaScript) that is sent to the browser.


This is a generic ASP.NET and JavaScript answer, there may be a more elegant solution out there for you.




Probably best easiest to expose them as properties of your page (or master page if used on every page) and reference them via page directives.


 <script type="text/javascript">
     var userID = '<%= UserID %>';
     var courseID = '<%= CourseID %>';

     .... more stuff....

Then set the values on Page_Load (or in the Page_Load for the master page).


  public void Page_Load( object source, EventArgs e )

        UserID = Session["userID"];
        CourseID = Session["courseID"];



All the answers here that suggest something like


var userID = '<%= UserID %>';

are all missing something important if the variable you are embedded can contain arbitrary string data. The embedded string data needs to be escaped so that if it contains backslashes, quotes or unprintable characters they don't cause your Javascript to error.


Rick Strahl has some suggestions for the escaping code needed here. Using Rick's code the embedded variable will look like this:

Rick Strahl对此处所需的转义代码有一些建议。使用Rick的代码,嵌入变量将如下所示:

var userId = <%= EncodeJsString(UserID) %>;

Note that there are no quotes now, Rick's code wraps the escaped string with quotes.




@tvanfosson's answer is how I have normally done this in the past, but was just trying to think of something a bit more elegant. Thought I'd throw this out there.

@ tvanfosson的答案是我过去通常如何做到这一点,但只是想把事情想象得更优雅一点。以为我会把它扔出去。

You can set up a HashTable in the codebehind and also initialize a JavaScriptSerializer:


Protected json As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Protected jsvars As New Hashtable

Then set variables like this:


jsvars.Add("name", "value")

Then serialize the variables into JavaScript in your page:


<script type="text/javascript">
    var vars = <%=json.Serialize(jsvars)%>;

This ensures that all variables are properly escaped and also minimizes the code if you need to work with a lot of variables.




This article describes the most pragmatic solution several pragmatic solutions to your problem.




Here are the steps that you will have to take:


In your code behind page:


private int _userId;
private int _courseId;
protected int CourseId
  get { return _courseId;}
  set { _courseId = value;}
protected int UserId
 get { return _userId;}

set { _userId = value;}

Step 2 : based on your requirement now you have to set up those properties. The catch is that these properties should be set before they are referenced from the JavaScript. Maybe something like this in the Page_Load event:


_userId = Session["userId"];
_courseId = Request.QueryString["CourseId"] != null ? Request.QueryString["CourseId"] : String.empty;

Of course you can parse them to appropriate types based on your requirements.


Finally, you can reference them in JavaScript as follows:


var currentUserId = '<% = UserId %>';
var currentCouseId = '<% = CourseId %>';

This should definitely work. I have used this approach many times.




In Passing .NET Server-Side Data to JavaScript, I list various approaches, including:


  1. Fetching Data by Making an AJAX Request
  2. 通过发出AJAX请求获取数据
  3. Loading Data Through an External JavaScript File
  4. 通过外部JavaScript文件加载数据
  5. Opening a Persistent Connection with SignalR
  6. 与SignalR打开持久连接
  7. Attaching Data to HTML Elements
  8. 将数据附加到HTML元素
  9. Assigning Data Directly to a JavaScript Variable
  10. 直接将数据分配给JavaScript变量
  11. Serializing a .NET Object into a JavaScript Literal
  12. 将.NET对象序列化为JavaScript文字



You can also use HTTP cookies. That approach is nice if you need to pass values the other direction as well.

您也可以使用HTTP cookie。如果你需要将值传递给另一个方向,那么这种方法很好。



I am in the process of doing the same thing. I am just passing whatever values I may need upon initialization and such in the API object's constructor. I have not seen any requirements as to how the API object can be created, just how it is located in the SCO's code.




I'm not sure about SCORM or .ashx files (no experience there) but as far as getting values from ASP.NET you can do all sorts of things like


var xyz = '<%= variable %>';

from within your ASP.NET page. There are various ways to accomplish this but the end result is that the ASP.NET page renders the values of the variable in the HTML (or JavaScript) that is sent to the browser.


This is a generic ASP.NET and JavaScript answer, there may be a more elegant solution out there for you.
