IIS Active Directory双握手打嗝

时间:2021-12-11 03:34:27

I have a .NET 2.0 click-once application that connects to IIS web services on Windows 2003 R2 64-bit. The IIS is setup with Integrated Windows Authentication.

我有一个.NET 2.0单击一次应用程序,它连接到Windows 2003 R2 64位上的IIS Web服务。 IIS使用集成Windows身份验证进行设置。

So whenever a web service call is made to IIS web services, there is a double handshake taking place:

因此,每当对IIS Web服务进行Web服务调用时,都会发生双重握手:

Client Request #1



Server Response #1 <- 401

服务器响应#1 < - 401

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
WWW-Authenticate: NTLM

Client Request #2


REQUEST Header...

Server Response #2 <- 200

服务器响应#2 < - 200

Data Received

Lately, however, Server Response #1 will sometimes (a good 20 percent of the calls) take a massive amount of time (like 25 to 30 seconds).


How do I debug this problem? Is this an Active Directory problem or a Domain Controller problem?

我该如何调试此问题?这是Active Directory问题还是域控制器问题?

1 个解决方案


The double handshake will always take place as the client will attempt to gain access via IUSR. I'm not sure if you can not have this happen, but be sure that Anonymous auth is off and that you are supplying the credentials explicitly on the way in.



The double handshake will always take place as the client will attempt to gain access via IUSR. I'm not sure if you can not have this happen, but be sure that Anonymous auth is off and that you are supplying the credentials explicitly on the way in.
