无法加载资源:服务器响应MVC ASP.NET的状态为500(内部服务器错误)

时间:2021-02-03 03:31:21

I have a project that is developed using ASP.NET MVC architecture and SQL as database. The UI consists of .cshtml, and .javascript (.js) files and .cs files for the business logic and I am using Visual Studio as the IDE. I am facing a strange error when I run the code on my laptop. However the same code when executed and deployed on server runs perfectly fine without any errors.

我有一个使用ASP.NET MVC架构和SQL作为数据库开发的项目。 UI由.cshtml和.javascript(.js)文件以及业务逻辑的.cs文件组成,我使用Visual Studio作为IDE。当我在笔记本电脑上运行代码时,我遇到了一个奇怪的错误。但是,在服务器上执行和部署时,相同的代码运行完全没有任何错误。

Following is the flow of program:


  1. Able to successfully login and connect to database (both locally and over the server)
  2. 能够成功登录并连接到数据库(本地和服务器)

  3. A dashboard should be displayed which should retrieve records from database along with charts and graphs.
  4. 应显示一个仪表板,该仪表板应从数据库中检索记录以及图表和图形。

  5. The Index.cstml file of the dashboard module calls a Dashboard controller which in turn calls few .cshtml files responsible for graphs, charts and records retrieval. These .cshtml files calls certain .js files which have methods for UI actions and related functionality.
  6. 仪表板模块的Index.cstml文件调用Dashboard控制器,该控制器又调用几个负责图形,​​图表和记录检索的.cshtml文件。这些.cshtml文件调用某些.js文件,这些文件具有UI操作和相关功能的方法。

The functionality works fine up to the point where dashboard controller is called with the dashboard page. There are no .js files as part of program flow till this point. The next call is as follows which calls the .cshtml file that is responsible for calling the .js files


return PartialView("_Request", rViewModel);

In this _Request.cshtml file there is path for the associated .js files which are not loaded.


<script src="/Scripts/Modules/Dashboard/request_methods.js?version=@DateTime.Now"></script>

<script src="/Scripts/Modules/Dashboard/request_events.js?version=@DateTime.Now"></script>

The dashboard hangs up without displaying any records or charts or graphs. I get the following errors when I right click on half loaded dashboard and say ‘inspect’ and then the following errors are displayed:


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)


http://localhost:50337/Scripts/generic.request_lock.js?version=7/28/2016%206:01:48%20PM Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

http://localhost:50337/Scripts/Modules/Dashboard/reportswidgets_methods.js?version=7/28/2016%206:01:48%20PM Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

The list continues for few more associated files .js files. A few more observations may help:


  1. The same project when built locally and deployed on server is executed with records and graphs displayed on dashboard page.
  2. 在本地构建并部署在服务器上的同一项目将使用仪表板页面上显示的记录和图形执行。

  3. All the .js files mentioned above and more are present at the location they are supposed to be locally.
  4. 上面提到的所有.js文件都存在于它们应该在本地的位置。

  5. IIS not used locally since using development version over the visual studio and directly connects to database.
  6. 由于在Visual Studio上使用开发版本并直接连接到数据库,因此本地未使用IIS。

  7. The error occurs when connected to database both locally and over the server.
  8. 在本地和服务器上连接到数据库时发生错误。

  9. The same is observed for both IE and Chrome.
  10. IE和Chrome都观察到相同的情况。

I have not been a developer on ASP.NET MVC earlier and request to help me out with this in really simple terms.

我之前没有成为ASP.NET MVC的开发人员,并且要求以非常简单的方式帮助我解决这个问题。

1 个解决方案



The Config Error on network tab said - Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'mimeMap' with unique key attribute 'fileExtension' set to '.less'.

网络选项卡上的配置错误说 - 无法添加“mimeMap”类型的重复集合条目,并将唯一键属性“fileExtension”设置为“.less”。

I commented the below code that was present in web.config and got it to work perfectly fine.


Though don't know the technical reason behind it, but I am relieved as of now. Thanks for the help.




The Config Error on network tab said - Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'mimeMap' with unique key attribute 'fileExtension' set to '.less'.

网络选项卡上的配置错误说 - 无法添加“mimeMap”类型的重复集合条目,并将唯一键属性“fileExtension”设置为“.less”。

I commented the below code that was present in web.config and got it to work perfectly fine.


Though don't know the technical reason behind it, but I am relieved as of now. Thanks for the help.
