As an ASP.NET Web Developer using Visual Studio, should I have IIS installed?

时间:2020-11-29 03:33:24

We do ASP.NET Development using Visual Studio.

我们使用Visual Studio进行ASP.NET开发。

A discussion point we've just had is whether or not our developers should have IIS installed.


With the ASP.NET Development Server you can run your web apps without IIS. Once you're happy with everything you can then deploy it to a test server running IIS and then onto Live.

使用ASP.NET Development Server,您可以在不使用IIS的情况下运行Web应用程序。一旦您对所有内容感到满意,您就可以将其部署到运行IIS的测试服务器上,然后再部署到Live上。

In my opinion, all developers should also have IIS installed on their own machines as that will eventually be the end platform for the application.


The arguments are basically if the developer should have as close to "live" an environment as possible, or if the developer should only have the tools they require and not be cluttered with other things.


None of this is missions critical and I'm sure everyone will have a differing opinion. I'm just interested to hear some of them!



8 个解决方案



I'm going to say unequivocally yes. IIS and Cassini are not the same and not exposing your code to production conditions can cause you problems. Better to get yourself in the habit as early as possible.

我会毫不含糊地说是的。 IIS和Cassini不一样,不将代码暴露给生产条件会导致问题。最好尽早养成自己的习惯。

(obviously you can replace "IIS" with "Apache" or whatever your webserver tech is)




I would say that you don't need to have IIS installed, but that you should test on IIS at some point.


The Development Web Server has two "issues":

Development Web Server有两个“问题”:

  • it only works for local requests
  • 它只适用于本地请求

  • ALL requests are passed through
  • 所有请求都通过ASP.net传递

Especially the second point can really open ways to shoot you in the foot. "Why can people access SuperSecretPicture.jpg? I have a Handler in my Web.config that blocks that!".

特别是第二点可以真正打开射击你的方法。 “为什么人们可以访问SuperSecretPicture.jpg?我的Web.config中有一个阻止它的Handler!”。

But if you know about those limitations, then I find that the Development Web Server is better to start with since you can first focus on your code and then about your environment, but YMMV.




The bottom line is if your application is served by IIS, you should be testing on IIS. If that means IIS on your local machine or a dev server is up to you.




What harm can it do having it installed? At least if you have it installed you can choose to use it or not. The day you need to debug a webservice call from an externally hosted application you don't want to be messing around installing it.




Depends - are you running server versions of windows for you dev boxes?

取决于 - 您是否为您的开发盒运行服务器版本的Windows?

Because, e.g. the XP version of IIS is different from 2000/2003 server, so you'll get a different experience. Similarly, if you develop on Vista but plan to deploy on 2003, it won't be a "complete" experience.




We have IIS installed on our local machines at our work for development purposes. We need to test the web applications against IIS, but neither do we want to release it to our live server, or to our test server as that requires a lot of work. Instead, we just host it locally and everytime we modify a file through Visual Studio we can then instantly see the changes without having to go through a file copying process.

我们在本地机器上安装了IIS用于开发目的。我们需要针对IIS测试Web应用程序,但我们也不想将它发布到我们的实时服务器或我们的测试服务器,因为这需要大量的工作。相反,我们只是在本地托管它,每次我们通过Visual Studio修改文件时,我们都可以立即查看更改,而无需通过文件复制过程。

I don't think it's a bad thing at all, as long as everything's secure you'll be fine.




Ideally your test server should mirror your production server. That should go without saying. In my opinion, your dev environment should come as close as possible, while fulfilling your needs first (I prefer to keep the dev environment as self-sustaining as possible, in case I am disconnected from the network).


I have no problem using the dev server for development, and IIS (locally or remote, as the case may be) for testing - but it depends on the project requirements too. I prefer to host web services on the local IIS server, for example. YMMV.

使用开发服务器进行开发和使用IIS(本地或远程,视情况而定)进行测试没有问题 - 但它也取决于项目要求。例如,我更喜欢在本地IIS服务器上托管Web服务。因人而异。



We develop on laptops using virtual machines. This way, if the virtual OS crashes (or the host OS, for that matter) you just copy your vpc back over from the network (where we have backups) and you are good to go. also, it makes it WAY easier to run a "standard" development platform wich is as close to production as possible.


For us, we HAVE to have IIS installed, as we are developing Sharepoint '07 webparts.

对于我们来说,我们必须安装IIS,因为我们正在开发Sharepoint '07 webparts。



I'm going to say unequivocally yes. IIS and Cassini are not the same and not exposing your code to production conditions can cause you problems. Better to get yourself in the habit as early as possible.

我会毫不含糊地说是的。 IIS和Cassini不一样,不将代码暴露给生产条件会导致问题。最好尽早养成自己的习惯。

(obviously you can replace "IIS" with "Apache" or whatever your webserver tech is)




I would say that you don't need to have IIS installed, but that you should test on IIS at some point.


The Development Web Server has two "issues":

Development Web Server有两个“问题”:

  • it only works for local requests
  • 它只适用于本地请求

  • ALL requests are passed through
  • 所有请求都通过ASP.net传递

Especially the second point can really open ways to shoot you in the foot. "Why can people access SuperSecretPicture.jpg? I have a Handler in my Web.config that blocks that!".

特别是第二点可以真正打开射击你的方法。 “为什么人们可以访问SuperSecretPicture.jpg?我的Web.config中有一个阻止它的Handler!”。

But if you know about those limitations, then I find that the Development Web Server is better to start with since you can first focus on your code and then about your environment, but YMMV.




The bottom line is if your application is served by IIS, you should be testing on IIS. If that means IIS on your local machine or a dev server is up to you.




What harm can it do having it installed? At least if you have it installed you can choose to use it or not. The day you need to debug a webservice call from an externally hosted application you don't want to be messing around installing it.




Depends - are you running server versions of windows for you dev boxes?

取决于 - 您是否为您的开发盒运行服务器版本的Windows?

Because, e.g. the XP version of IIS is different from 2000/2003 server, so you'll get a different experience. Similarly, if you develop on Vista but plan to deploy on 2003, it won't be a "complete" experience.




We have IIS installed on our local machines at our work for development purposes. We need to test the web applications against IIS, but neither do we want to release it to our live server, or to our test server as that requires a lot of work. Instead, we just host it locally and everytime we modify a file through Visual Studio we can then instantly see the changes without having to go through a file copying process.

我们在本地机器上安装了IIS用于开发目的。我们需要针对IIS测试Web应用程序,但我们也不想将它发布到我们的实时服务器或我们的测试服务器,因为这需要大量的工作。相反,我们只是在本地托管它,每次我们通过Visual Studio修改文件时,我们都可以立即查看更改,而无需通过文件复制过程。

I don't think it's a bad thing at all, as long as everything's secure you'll be fine.




Ideally your test server should mirror your production server. That should go without saying. In my opinion, your dev environment should come as close as possible, while fulfilling your needs first (I prefer to keep the dev environment as self-sustaining as possible, in case I am disconnected from the network).


I have no problem using the dev server for development, and IIS (locally or remote, as the case may be) for testing - but it depends on the project requirements too. I prefer to host web services on the local IIS server, for example. YMMV.

使用开发服务器进行开发和使用IIS(本地或远程,视情况而定)进行测试没有问题 - 但它也取决于项目要求。例如,我更喜欢在本地IIS服务器上托管Web服务。因人而异。



We develop on laptops using virtual machines. This way, if the virtual OS crashes (or the host OS, for that matter) you just copy your vpc back over from the network (where we have backups) and you are good to go. also, it makes it WAY easier to run a "standard" development platform wich is as close to production as possible.


For us, we HAVE to have IIS installed, as we are developing Sharepoint '07 webparts.

对于我们来说,我们必须安装IIS,因为我们正在开发Sharepoint '07 webparts。