我在哪里可以找到Visual Studio 2015中的Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client?

时间:2021-08-07 03:33:55

I have a clean windows installation with just Visual Studio 2015 installed and I'm looking to find the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client assembly?

我有一个干净的Windows安装,只安装了Visual Studio 2015,我正在寻找Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client程序集?

I'm wondering if it has now been made obsolete with the upcoming vNext Build or if the namespace moved? or something else? The MSDN documentation only goes up to Visual Studio 2013 and search for the dll on disk produced no results.

我想知道现在是否已经过时使用即将推出的vNext Build或命名空间是否已移动?或者是其他东西? MSDN文档仅适用于Visual Studio 2013,并且在磁盘上搜索dll时没有产生任何结果。

when I move to VS2015 and TFS2015 id wish to continue to use the classic build system - I guess I could use the rest API in TFS2015 but rather not have to port all the code of our custom activities and MSBuild tasks just yet.

当我转向VS2015并且TFS2015 id希望继续使用经典构建系统时 - 我想我可以在TFS2015中使用其余的API,而不是必须移植我们的自定义活动和MSBuild任务的所有代码。

3 个解决方案


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.dll still ships with VS 2015. For the 2015 release, we have removed the client OM DLLs from the GAC.

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.dll仍然随VS 2015一起提供。对于2015版本,我们已从GAC中删除了客户端OM DLL。

In the RC release you can find the DLL in c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer. It's kind of an obscure place.

在RC版本中,您可以在c:\ program files(x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ CommonExtensions \ Microsoft \ TeamFoundation \ Team Explorer中找到DLL。这是一个不起眼的地方。

The TFS 2015 client OM RTM NuGet package is now available (also works for Visual Studio Online): .NET client libraries for Visual Studio Online (and TFS)

TFS 2015客户端OM RTM NuGet包现已推出(也适用于Visual Studio Online):Visual Studio Online(和TFS)的.NET客户端库


I do show a Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client assembly version that can be referenced. You may need the assembly from Visual Studio 2013.

我确实显示了可以引用的Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client程序集版本12.0.0.0。您可能需要Visual Studio 2013中的程序集。

I have updated all my build processes from TFS and VS 2013 to 2015 and they run, yet I may not have custom tasks, etc. as you do.

我已经更新了从TFS和VS 2013到2015的所有构建过程并且它们已经运行,但我可能没有像您那样执行自定义任务等。

Visual Studio 2015 does say it supports all previous build process features (they now refer to as XAML Builds), even though they have re-written the build process. See the TFS 2015 release notes for details: https://www.visualstudio.com/news/tfs2015-vs#vNextBuild

Visual Studio 2015确实说它支持所有以前的构建过程功能(它们现在称为XAML构建),即使它们已经重写了构建过程。有关详细信息,请参阅TFS 2015发行说明:https://www.visualstudio.com/news/tfs2015-vs#vNextBuild


I have successfully connected TFS server & verify it installed by checking below registry key.


Open RUN->REGEDIT (with Admin right) -> Navigate to below keys.

打开RUN-> REGEDIT(使用Admin右侧) - >导航到以下键。


Also, check below keys for check TFS Instances on your machine




Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.dll still ships with VS 2015. For the 2015 release, we have removed the client OM DLLs from the GAC.

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.dll仍然随VS 2015一起提供。对于2015版本,我们已从GAC中删除了客户端OM DLL。

In the RC release you can find the DLL in c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer. It's kind of an obscure place.

在RC版本中,您可以在c:\ program files(x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ CommonExtensions \ Microsoft \ TeamFoundation \ Team Explorer中找到DLL。这是一个不起眼的地方。

The TFS 2015 client OM RTM NuGet package is now available (also works for Visual Studio Online): .NET client libraries for Visual Studio Online (and TFS)

TFS 2015客户端OM RTM NuGet包现已推出(也适用于Visual Studio Online):Visual Studio Online(和TFS)的.NET客户端库


I do show a Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client assembly version that can be referenced. You may need the assembly from Visual Studio 2013.

我确实显示了可以引用的Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client程序集版本12.0.0.0。您可能需要Visual Studio 2013中的程序集。

I have updated all my build processes from TFS and VS 2013 to 2015 and they run, yet I may not have custom tasks, etc. as you do.

我已经更新了从TFS和VS 2013到2015的所有构建过程并且它们已经运行,但我可能没有像您那样执行自定义任务等。

Visual Studio 2015 does say it supports all previous build process features (they now refer to as XAML Builds), even though they have re-written the build process. See the TFS 2015 release notes for details: https://www.visualstudio.com/news/tfs2015-vs#vNextBuild

Visual Studio 2015确实说它支持所有以前的构建过程功能(它们现在称为XAML构建),即使它们已经重写了构建过程。有关详细信息,请参阅TFS 2015发行说明:https://www.visualstudio.com/news/tfs2015-vs#vNextBuild


I have successfully connected TFS server & verify it installed by checking below registry key.


Open RUN->REGEDIT (with Admin right) -> Navigate to below keys.

打开RUN-> REGEDIT(使用Admin右侧) - >导航到以下键。


Also, check below keys for check TFS Instances on your machine

