为什么我的ASP.NET MVC应用程序可以从虚拟目录运行,但不能从网站运行?

时间:2022-02-04 03:32:50

I created an ASP.NET MVC application on my local computer under IIS 7.5 (Windows 7 RC) in a virtual directory (like http://localhost/MyApp).

我在IIS 7.5(Windows 7 RC)下的本地计算机上的虚拟目录(如http:// localhost / MyApp)中创建了一个ASP.NET MVC应用程序。

Now that I'm trying to deploy it to a remote server I get strange results. The application seems to route every request to the Forms Authentication login form, and requests for static content (from the /Content directory) result in exceptions for not being able to create a controller.

现在,我正在尝试将其部署到远程服务器,我得到了奇怪的结果。应用程序似乎将每个请求路由到Forms Authentication登录表单,并且对静态内容的请求(来自/ Content目录)导致无法创建控制器的异常。

When I deploy the same application to a virtual directory on the remote server, everything works as expected.


I was expecting some small problems like url's not pointing correctly and other minor fixups, but not this.


Any idea as to why this is happening and what I can do to diagnose the problem is welcome.



For some reason, it works now, and I can't figure out what I did to make it work. This bothers me, not only because now I can't investigate further what went wrong. Also because now I have no answer to this question. I'm going to leave it open so that anyone can still make suggestions.


2 个解决方案



I had to deploy an ASP.NET MVC site to a remote server that did not have ASP.NET MVC installed once and had to do the following to get it to work:

我不得不将ASP.NET MVC站点部署到没有安装ASP.NET MVC的远程服务器,并且必须执行以下操作才能使其工作:

  • bin deploying the ASP.NET MVC dll files
  • bin部署ASP.NET MVC DLL文件

  • Changing my routes to use {controller}.aspx (as the aspx file extension was already registered to process ASP.NET requests and I didn't have access to the actual server)
  • 更改我的路由以使用{controller} .aspx(因为aspx文件扩展名已经注册以处理ASP.NET请求而我无法访问实际的服务器)

Hope this helps in some was - although obviously your situation might be completely different and the above might be no help whatsoever :-)

希望这在某些方面有所帮助 - 尽管显然你的情况可能完全不同,以上可能没有任何帮助:-)



You likely need to grant read/execute permission to the files/folder that you are deploying to for the windows account that the App Pool of the website on the remote server is running under.




I had to deploy an ASP.NET MVC site to a remote server that did not have ASP.NET MVC installed once and had to do the following to get it to work:

我不得不将ASP.NET MVC站点部署到没有安装ASP.NET MVC的远程服务器,并且必须执行以下操作才能使其工作:

  • bin deploying the ASP.NET MVC dll files
  • bin部署ASP.NET MVC DLL文件

  • Changing my routes to use {controller}.aspx (as the aspx file extension was already registered to process ASP.NET requests and I didn't have access to the actual server)
  • 更改我的路由以使用{controller} .aspx(因为aspx文件扩展名已经注册以处理ASP.NET请求而我无法访问实际的服务器)

Hope this helps in some was - although obviously your situation might be completely different and the above might be no help whatsoever :-)

希望这在某些方面有所帮助 - 尽管显然你的情况可能完全不同,以上可能没有任何帮助:-)



You likely need to grant read/execute permission to the files/folder that you are deploying to for the windows account that the App Pool of the website on the remote server is running under.
