如何在不使用方法参数的情况下访问ASP.NET MVC中的CheckBox值

时间:2020-11-25 03:26:57

I use the following HTML helper to generate check box:


<%= Html.CheckBox("DeluxeFeature")%>

Now I want to access the value of this checkbox in my controller. How should I do this? I am not going to use the method parameter name, for the reason that there are a lot of checkboxes and putting all of them in the parameter will clutter the method.


I try to use



But the behavior is very weird; if the checkbox is not ticked, then the Request.Form["DeluxeFeature"] returns "false", which is expected. But if the checkbox is ticked, then it retruns "true, false".

但这种行为很奇怪;如果没有勾选复选框,则Request.Form [“DeluxeFeature”]返回“false”,这是预期的。但是如果勾选了复选框,那么它会重新生成“true,false”。

Very weird, isn't it?


2 个解决方案


This thread on the asp.net forums explains the behavior - there's even a comment by Phil Haack from the ASP.NET MVC project team (bonus!!).

asp.net论坛上的这个帖子解释了这个行为 - 甚至还有来自ASP.NET MVC项目团队的Phil Haack的评论(奖金!!)。

So the best way to handle it if you're not using the helpers/model binders as posted by levib seems to be




This worked for me.


var checkbox = Request.Form.Get("DeluxeFeature");
if (checkbox.Contains("true"))
    //Whatever code if the checkbox is checked.


This thread on the asp.net forums explains the behavior - there's even a comment by Phil Haack from the ASP.NET MVC project team (bonus!!).

asp.net论坛上的这个帖子解释了这个行为 - 甚至还有来自ASP.NET MVC项目团队的Phil Haack的评论(奖金!!)。

So the best way to handle it if you're not using the helpers/model binders as posted by levib seems to be




This worked for me.


var checkbox = Request.Form.Get("DeluxeFeature");
if (checkbox.Contains("true"))
    //Whatever code if the checkbox is checked.