保护ASP.NET MVC应用程序清单

时间:2021-11-24 03:24:37

I am looking for a set of guidelines or a checklist that you can go over for securing a public ASP.NET MVC Website. I just want to make sure that I am not making any of the obvious and well known issues when deploying a website.

我正在寻找一套指南或清单,您可以通过这些指南或清单来保护公共ASP.NET MVC网站。我只是想确保在部署网站时我没有做出任何明显和众所周知的问题。



4 个解决方案



  1. As always, make sure you proper encode output - notice that I am here saying encode and not HtmlEncode. If you're outputting content out to HTML then you want to use Html.Encode - however if you're outputting to JavaScript then you want to use a JavaScript encode function. - This will help you against Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  2. 一如既往,请确保您正确编码输出 - 请注意我在这里说编码而不是HtmlEncode。如果您要将内容输出到HTML,那么您想要使用Html.Encode - 但是如果您输出到JavaScript,那么您希望使用JavaScript编码功能。 - 这将帮助您反对跨站点脚本(XSS)
  3. Use the helpers that help against CSRF attacks where needed (or maybe just everywhere)
  4. 在需要的地方(或者可能只是在任何地方)使用有助于防止CSRF攻击的帮助程序
  5. Depending how you access your data storage, if it's a SQL Database, remember to protect yourself against SQL injections, either through parameterized queries, stored procedures, LINQ or what have you.
  6. 根据您访问数据存储的方式,如果它是SQL数据库,请记住通过参数化查询,存储过程,LINQ或者您有什么来保护自己免受SQL注入。
  7. When you test - make sure your test data contains dodgy output (stuff where a fail to call Html.Encode would reveal itself easily, perhaps through <script type="text/javascript">alert("XSS attack!");</script>XSS here!, same goes for stuff that's injected into JavaScript, make mistakes show up!)
  8. 当你测试时 - 确保你的测试数据包含狡猾的输出(无法调用Html.Encode的东西很容易通过
  9. When model binding use a whitelisting approach for properties so users cannot make the binder bind properties that are not intended to be bound!
  10. 当模型绑定对属性使用白名单方法时,用户无法使绑定绑定属性不打算绑定!



I kinda do the following;


  1. Seperate my concerns. Admin in admin folder etc.
  2. 分开我的担忧。 admin文件夹等管理员
  3. [Authorize] on all actions that require you to be logged in.
  4. [授权]所有需要您登录的操作。
  5. Html.Encode all data entry fields.
  6. Html.Encode所有数据输入字段。
  7. ActionResult Create([Bind(Prefix = "", Exclude = "id")]MyModel newModelObject) <== exclude id's that can be used in an attack
  8. ActionResult Create([Bind(Prefix =“”,Exclude =“id”)] MyModel newModelObject)<==排除可用于攻击的id

Other than that...




The below are general ASP.NET measures


  1. Set Debug=false in web.config
  2. 在web.config中设置Debug = false
  3. Turn on custom error
  4. 打开自定义错误
  5. Encrypt your cookies
  6. 加密您的cookie
  7. Validate all inputs
  8. 验证所有输入
  9. Enable Request Validation
  10. 启用请求验证
  11. Encode your output
  12. 对输出进行编码



Don't use the default GET on actions unless absolutely necessary. For example, if you have a DeleteUser action that doesn't have a [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] on it, it can be called via


<img src="http://yoursite/admin/DeleteUser/1" /> 

Which will get called by whomever "views" the image.




  1. As always, make sure you proper encode output - notice that I am here saying encode and not HtmlEncode. If you're outputting content out to HTML then you want to use Html.Encode - however if you're outputting to JavaScript then you want to use a JavaScript encode function. - This will help you against Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  2. 一如既往,请确保您正确编码输出 - 请注意我在这里说编码而不是HtmlEncode。如果您要将内容输出到HTML,那么您想要使用Html.Encode - 但是如果您输出到JavaScript,那么您希望使用JavaScript编码功能。 - 这将帮助您反对跨站点脚本(XSS)
  3. Use the helpers that help against CSRF attacks where needed (or maybe just everywhere)
  4. 在需要的地方(或者可能只是在任何地方)使用有助于防止CSRF攻击的帮助程序
  5. Depending how you access your data storage, if it's a SQL Database, remember to protect yourself against SQL injections, either through parameterized queries, stored procedures, LINQ or what have you.
  6. 根据您访问数据存储的方式,如果它是SQL数据库,请记住通过参数化查询,存储过程,LINQ或者您有什么来保护自己免受SQL注入。
  7. When you test - make sure your test data contains dodgy output (stuff where a fail to call Html.Encode would reveal itself easily, perhaps through <script type="text/javascript">alert("XSS attack!");</script>XSS here!, same goes for stuff that's injected into JavaScript, make mistakes show up!)
  8. 当你测试时 - 确保你的测试数据包含狡猾的输出(无法调用Html.Encode的东西很容易通过
  9. When model binding use a whitelisting approach for properties so users cannot make the binder bind properties that are not intended to be bound!
  10. 当模型绑定对属性使用白名单方法时,用户无法使绑定绑定属性不打算绑定!



I kinda do the following;


  1. Seperate my concerns. Admin in admin folder etc.
  2. 分开我的担忧。 admin文件夹等管理员
  3. [Authorize] on all actions that require you to be logged in.
  4. [授权]所有需要您登录的操作。
  5. Html.Encode all data entry fields.
  6. Html.Encode所有数据输入字段。
  7. ActionResult Create([Bind(Prefix = "", Exclude = "id")]MyModel newModelObject) <== exclude id's that can be used in an attack
  8. ActionResult Create([Bind(Prefix =“”,Exclude =“id”)] MyModel newModelObject)<==排除可用于攻击的id

Other than that...




The below are general ASP.NET measures


  1. Set Debug=false in web.config
  2. 在web.config中设置Debug = false
  3. Turn on custom error
  4. 打开自定义错误
  5. Encrypt your cookies
  6. 加密您的cookie
  7. Validate all inputs
  8. 验证所有输入
  9. Enable Request Validation
  10. 启用请求验证
  11. Encode your output
  12. 对输出进行编码



Don't use the default GET on actions unless absolutely necessary. For example, if you have a DeleteUser action that doesn't have a [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] on it, it can be called via


<img src="http://yoursite/admin/DeleteUser/1" /> 

Which will get called by whomever "views" the image.
