使用ASP.NET MVC的iPhone友好网站

时间:2022-08-10 03:21:52

Are there any resources or guidance out there on how to make iPhone friendly web applications?


In my case specifically, I'd like to use ASP.NET MVC, but since that all runs on the server, I know it'll boil down to just markup/css/javascript considerations.

在我的具体情况下,我想使用ASP.NET MVC,但由于这一切都在服务器上运行,我知道它只能归结为标记/ css / javascript注意事项。

edit: as I find other resources not mentioned here, I will update the question text :-)


3 个解决方案


  • There’s an iPhone article on Sitepoint (which usefully shows you how to target stylesheets at just the iPhone, whilst hiding them from Internet Explorer—Apple's documentation doesn't).

    Sitepoint上有一篇关于iPhone的文章(它有用地向您展示了如何在iPhone上定位样式表,同时将它们从Internet Explorer中隐藏 - Apple的文档没有)。

  • Craig Hockenberry wrote Put Your Content In My Pocket at A List Apart.

    Craig Hockenberry写了把你的内容放在我的口袋里。

  • A Flickr developer posted some lessons learned: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2008/10/27/lessons-learned-while-building-an-iphone-site/


  • +1 for Apple’s documentation as mentioned by Boot To The Head—horses’ mouth and all that: they have pretty comprehensive stuff on neat CSS properties that are only really supported by Safari, like CSS animations and CSS Transitions.



Scot Hanselman had a great presentation at Mix 09. Click here link.

Scot Hanselman在Mix 09上有很棒的演示。点击这里链接。

Also look at the Mobile Device Browser File=>LINK. It is open source at codeplex.

另请查看移动设备浏览器文件=> LINK。它是codeplex的开源软件。

"What is the Mobile Device Browser Definition File?


The Mobile Device Browser Definition File contains capability definitions for individual mobile devices and browsers. At run time, ASP.NET uses this .browser file, along with the information in the HTTP request header, to determine what type of device/browser has made the request and what the capabilities of that device are. This information is exposed to the developer through the Request.Browser property and allows them to tailor the presentation of their web page to suit the capabilities of the target device." - Codeplex

移动设备浏览器定义文件包含各个移动设备和浏览器的功能定义。在运行时,ASP.NET使用此.browser文件以及HTTP请求标头中的信息来确定请求的设备/浏览器类型以及该设备的功能。此信息通过Request.Browser属性向开发人员公开,并允许他们定制其网页的表示以适应目标设备的功能。“ - Codeplex


The definitive resource is Apple's Safari Dev Center.



  • There’s an iPhone article on Sitepoint (which usefully shows you how to target stylesheets at just the iPhone, whilst hiding them from Internet Explorer—Apple's documentation doesn't).

    Sitepoint上有一篇关于iPhone的文章(它有用地向您展示了如何在iPhone上定位样式表,同时将它们从Internet Explorer中隐藏 - Apple的文档没有)。

  • Craig Hockenberry wrote Put Your Content In My Pocket at A List Apart.

    Craig Hockenberry写了把你的内容放在我的口袋里。

  • A Flickr developer posted some lessons learned: http://code.flickr.com/blog/2008/10/27/lessons-learned-while-building-an-iphone-site/


  • +1 for Apple’s documentation as mentioned by Boot To The Head—horses’ mouth and all that: they have pretty comprehensive stuff on neat CSS properties that are only really supported by Safari, like CSS animations and CSS Transitions.



Scot Hanselman had a great presentation at Mix 09. Click here link.

Scot Hanselman在Mix 09上有很棒的演示。点击这里链接。

Also look at the Mobile Device Browser File=>LINK. It is open source at codeplex.

另请查看移动设备浏览器文件=> LINK。它是codeplex的开源软件。

"What is the Mobile Device Browser Definition File?


The Mobile Device Browser Definition File contains capability definitions for individual mobile devices and browsers. At run time, ASP.NET uses this .browser file, along with the information in the HTTP request header, to determine what type of device/browser has made the request and what the capabilities of that device are. This information is exposed to the developer through the Request.Browser property and allows them to tailor the presentation of their web page to suit the capabilities of the target device." - Codeplex

移动设备浏览器定义文件包含各个移动设备和浏览器的功能定义。在运行时,ASP.NET使用此.browser文件以及HTTP请求标头中的信息来确定请求的设备/浏览器类型以及该设备的功能。此信息通过Request.Browser属性向开发人员公开,并允许他们定制其网页的表示以适应目标设备的功能。“ - Codeplex


The definitive resource is Apple's Safari Dev Center.
