ASP.NET成员资格提供程序 - 验证散列安全问题/答案

时间:2021-11-01 03:15:00

On a page I'm adding retrieve forgotten USERNAME


Step 1) Enter email address (Get account by email)


Step 2) Verify Security Question (they provide answer and I validate it)


Step 3) Send them an email with username


Step 2 is where I'm stuck. How do I validate the answer with what's stored in the database?


All values are hashed.


I see other questions posted similar to this but they don't answer the question, at least not clearly.


2 个解决方案


Like you said, the values in the DB are hashed, so in order to validate what the user typed in matches what's in the DB, hashed the value that the user entered and compare the two hashed values. If they are equal, it validates.


You basically need to hash the answer text before you compare it to the value in the database.


Also, be aware that sometimes the answer text is salted with a value before it is hashed, so the same steps would need to be taken when validating.



Looking at the provider, it does not expose any methods for you to perform your desired step two.


You will need to do the following.


  1. Create a stored procedure that will retrieve results based on the email and answer.
  2. 创建一个存储过程,该过程将根据电子邮件和答案检索结果。

  3. As you mentioned since the answer is hashed, you will need to MD5 hash the user supplied values. (FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile would work for this)
  4. 正如您所提到的,因为答案是经过哈希处理的,您需要对用户提供的值进行MD5哈希处理。 (FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile适用于此)

  5. Call your stored procedure with the needed parameters to validate that the users information matches.
  6. 使用所需参数调用存储过程以验证用户信息是否匹配。


Like you said, the values in the DB are hashed, so in order to validate what the user typed in matches what's in the DB, hashed the value that the user entered and compare the two hashed values. If they are equal, it validates.


You basically need to hash the answer text before you compare it to the value in the database.


Also, be aware that sometimes the answer text is salted with a value before it is hashed, so the same steps would need to be taken when validating.



Looking at the provider, it does not expose any methods for you to perform your desired step two.


You will need to do the following.


  1. Create a stored procedure that will retrieve results based on the email and answer.
  2. 创建一个存储过程,该过程将根据电子邮件和答案检索结果。

  3. As you mentioned since the answer is hashed, you will need to MD5 hash the user supplied values. (FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile would work for this)
  4. 正如您所提到的,因为答案是经过哈希处理的,您需要对用户提供的值进行MD5哈希处理。 (FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile适用于此)

  5. Call your stored procedure with the needed parameters to validate that the users information matches.
  6. 使用所需参数调用存储过程以验证用户信息是否匹配。