Nhibernate.Search,Lucene和Criteria API:类型不匹配

时间:2021-06-03 03:07:50


I've been looking around the NHibernate.Search.Tests project to find out how the Criteria API is used (i find it immensely useful to look around the test code to have working examples) and i noticed that the way to use the Fulltext search is radically different. Here are two tests, one with the criteria API, one with the classic query schema:

我一直在寻找NHibernate.Search.Tests项目以了解如何使用Criteria API(我觉得查看测试代码以获得工作示例非常有用)并且我注意到使用全文搜索的方式完全不同。这是两个测试,一个使用标准API,一个使用经典查询模式:

        public void ResultSize()
            IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession());
            ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction();
            // snipped the objects creation

            QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("title", new StopAnalyzer());

            Lucene.Net.Search.Query query = parser.Parse("Summary:noword");
            IFullTextQuery hibQuery = s.CreateFullTextQuery(query, typeof(Clock), typeof(Book));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, hibQuery.ResultSize);

// snipped the end of the test

        public void UsingCriteriaApi()
            IFullTextSession s = Search.CreateFullTextSession(OpenSession());
            ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction();
            // snipped creation
            IList list = s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Clock))
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count, "should get result back from query");
         // snipped deletion

The second solution works under vb.net, at the cost of the useful Lucene query (which embarks it's own total of the corresponding rows) and at the cost of the Lucene ordering (or i couldn't find it)


Hello everyone,

yet again, i'm stumped on the path, but this time, i suspect something a bit more sinister than my usual erratic errors (cue ominous music)


I'm trying to combine FullText search using Lucene.net with paging and the Criteria API.

我正在尝试将使用Lucene.net的FullText搜索与分页和Criteria API相结合。

So far paging and the Fulltext search have been working flawlessly. Recently though, we had to use the criteria API to add specific filters to the query. So what i did was the following:


Create the Nhibernate.Search query object using the following


Private Function GetQuery(ByVal QueryString As String, ByVal Orders() As String) As IFullTextQuery
        Dim ifts As IFullTextSession = Search.CreateFullTextSession(UnitOfWork.CurrentSession)
        Dim analyzer As New SimpleAnalyzer
        Dim parser As New MultiFieldQueryParser(SearchPropertyNames, analyzer)
        Dim queryObj As Lucene.Net.Search.Query = parser.Parse(QueryString)

        Dim nhsQuery As IFullTextQuery = ifts.CreateFullTextQuery(queryObj, New System.Type() {GetType(T)})
        For i As Integer = 0 To Orders.Count - 1
            Orders(i) = Orders(i) & "FS"
        nhsQuery.SetSort(New Sort(Orders))

then add my Criteria to the query:


Dim crit As ICriteria = ifts.CreateCriteria(GetType(T))
        Dim criterion As ICriterion
        If criteria IsNot Nothing Then
            For Each criterion In criteria
                If (Not criterion Is Nothing) Then
                End If
        End If


but when i list the resulting query, i receive the following exception


Criteria query entity should match query entity


A quick glance in the FullTextQueryImpl source file (method GetLoader) shows that there is a comparison between the type name given to the NHibernate.Search query object and the EntityOrClassName property for the Criteria object. That's where my problems appear because the FullTextQueryImpl uses the Name, and the Criteria uses the Fullname. Here's a constructor code for the CriteriaImpl class


Public Sub New(ByVal persistentClass As Type, ByVal session As ISessionImplementor)
    Me.New(persistentClass.FullName, CriteriaSpecification.RootAlias, session)
    Me.persistentClass = persistentClass
End Sub

and here's the comparison:


Dim entityOrClassName As String = DirectCast(Me.criteria, CriteriaImpl).EntityOrClassName
            If ((Me.classes.GetLength(0) = 1) AndAlso (Me.classes(0).Name <> entityOrClassName)) Then
                Throw New SearchException("Criteria query entity should match query entity")
            End If

As a result, the comparison fails and the exception is thrown. I tried playing around with the aliases to no avail since the comparison is not using the aliases.


Am i missing something huge in my mix of the Fulltext search and the Criteria API, or is it something else? Does it work as expected in C#, because i'm having a weird feeling that it could be vb.net related?

我在全文搜索和Criteria API的混合中错过了一些巨大的东西,还是其他的东西?它是否在C#中按预期工作,因为我有一种奇怪的感觉,它可能与vb.net相关?

Thank you for reading,



1 个解决方案


Looks like this has been resolved with revision 1611 of NHibernate.Search :


Revision: 1611

Message: Fixed a bug where a full class name was being compared against a partial one. This was causing LuceneQueryTest.UsingCriteriaApi to fail.


Modified : /trunk/src/NHibernate.Search/src/NHibernate.Search/Query/FullTextQueryImpl.cs


svn : https://nhcontrib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nhcontrib/trunk/src/NHibernate.Search/



Looks like this has been resolved with revision 1611 of NHibernate.Search :


Revision: 1611

Message: Fixed a bug where a full class name was being compared against a partial one. This was causing LuceneQueryTest.UsingCriteriaApi to fail.


Modified : /trunk/src/NHibernate.Search/src/NHibernate.Search/Query/FullTextQueryImpl.cs


svn : https://nhcontrib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nhcontrib/trunk/src/NHibernate.Search/
