
时间:2021-01-09 03:08:13

I'm using Lucene.Net's MultiFieldQueryParser to search multiple fields in my documents. I want to find out which field the text was found. For example, my search might look like this:


var parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(new string[] {"question","answer"}, analyzer);
var query = parser.Parse(searchphrase);

for(int idx=0; idx<hits.Length() ++idx)
     var doc = hits.Doc(i);
     // was this hit found in "answer" or "question"??

I want to determine whether searchphrase was found in the answer or question field


2 个解决方案


The only way to tell would be to store the fields, retrieve them for each hit, and examine them yourself for a match.


A hit can result from some terms of the search phrase being found in the question, with the rest in the answer. If you search questions and answers together, you can't easily determine which was which.



For debugging purposes, you can use Lucene's explain() method, which walks you through the matching. It is as costly as the search itself, so it is not so good for production. See also Debugging Relevance Issues in Search by Grant Ingersoll about other ways to get this information.

出于调试目的,您可以使用Lucene的explain()方法,该方法将引导您完成匹配。它与搜索本身一样昂贵,因此对于生产而言并不是那么好。另请参阅Grant Ingersoll在搜索中调试相关性问题,了解获取此信息的其他方法。


The only way to tell would be to store the fields, retrieve them for each hit, and examine them yourself for a match.


A hit can result from some terms of the search phrase being found in the question, with the rest in the answer. If you search questions and answers together, you can't easily determine which was which.



For debugging purposes, you can use Lucene's explain() method, which walks you through the matching. It is as costly as the search itself, so it is not so good for production. See also Debugging Relevance Issues in Search by Grant Ingersoll about other ways to get this information.

出于调试目的,您可以使用Lucene的explain()方法,该方法将引导您完成匹配。它与搜索本身一样昂贵,因此对于生产而言并不是那么好。另请参阅Grant Ingersoll在搜索中调试相关性问题,了解获取此信息的其他方法。