使用Visual Basic查询sql数据库的时间

时间:2020-12-11 03:06:14

I want to display max time and min time for a day in grid control using visual basic from sql database. table column are:-

我想使用sql数据库中的visual basic显示网格控制中一天的最大时间和最短时间。表栏是: -

1 Shanks 30/1/2009 10:11:22
1 Shanks 30/1/2009 10:15:22
1 Shanks 30/1/2009 12:15:22
1 Shanks 30/1/2009 13:15:22

output must be in grid


1 Shanks 30/1/2009 10:11:22 13:15:22

1 个解决方案


I'm going to assume your table structure is something like this


CREATE TABLE mytable (UserID integer, UserName varchar(20), [Date] datetime, [Time] varchar(8))

your time is stored as a varchar field because there is no time type in sql2005. This will display the min and max time per each user and date. There are two options, the first if your times are HH:MM:SS then you can just use the convert function. The second shows you an example of parsing it and building the date yourself.


   CONVERT(varchar, MIN(CONVERT(datetime, [Time], 108)), 108),
   CONVERT(varchar, MAX(CONVERT(datetime, [Time], 108)), 108)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY UserID, UserName, [Date]
ORDER BY UserID, [Date]

   CONVERT(varchar, MIN(DATEADD(second, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 7, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(minute, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 4, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(hour, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 1, 2) AS integer), 0)))), 108),
   CONVERT(varchar, MAX(DATEADD(second, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 7, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(minute, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 4, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(hour, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 1, 2) AS integer), 0)))), 108)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY UserID, UserName, [Date]
ORDER BY UserID, [Date]


I'm going to assume your table structure is something like this


CREATE TABLE mytable (UserID integer, UserName varchar(20), [Date] datetime, [Time] varchar(8))

your time is stored as a varchar field because there is no time type in sql2005. This will display the min and max time per each user and date. There are two options, the first if your times are HH:MM:SS then you can just use the convert function. The second shows you an example of parsing it and building the date yourself.


   CONVERT(varchar, MIN(CONVERT(datetime, [Time], 108)), 108),
   CONVERT(varchar, MAX(CONVERT(datetime, [Time], 108)), 108)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY UserID, UserName, [Date]
ORDER BY UserID, [Date]

   CONVERT(varchar, MIN(DATEADD(second, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 7, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(minute, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 4, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(hour, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 1, 2) AS integer), 0)))), 108),
   CONVERT(varchar, MAX(DATEADD(second, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 7, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(minute, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 4, 2) AS integer), DATEADD(hour, CAST(SUBSTRING(Time, 1, 2) AS integer), 0)))), 108)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY UserID, UserName, [Date]
ORDER BY UserID, [Date]