如何从Unix中找到Active Directory域控制器的IP?

时间:2022-03-01 02:59:17

I can get the nameserver via NSLOOKUP on a Windows machine and get an AD DC via a WMI VBS script, but I can't use the VBS script from a Unix server ( which can ping the nameserver). I'd like to use Java to obtain all the Active Directory domain controllers from a Unix box. Is this possible?

我可以通过NSLOOKUP在Windows机器上获取名称服务器并通过WMI VBS脚本获取AD DC,但我不能使用Unix服务器(可以ping命名服务器)的VBS脚本。我想使用Java从Unix框中获取所有Active Directory域控制器。这可能吗?

3 个解决方案


If you can query the DNS Server, can't you perform a query for its service records to discover computers that can act as Domain Controllers?


That's how Windows Workstations find their candidate Domain Controllers.



I'd suggest you to look into java.net package which contains various classes like INetAddress, URLConnection and various socket classes that you might find useful.



Yeah, you can connect to it like standard LDAP. You can use the OpenLDAP Library:




If you can query the DNS Server, can't you perform a query for its service records to discover computers that can act as Domain Controllers?


That's how Windows Workstations find their candidate Domain Controllers.



I'd suggest you to look into java.net package which contains various classes like INetAddress, URLConnection and various socket classes that you might find useful.



Yeah, you can connect to it like standard LDAP. You can use the OpenLDAP Library:

