
时间:2021-09-22 03:00:01

I have a requirement in SQL where I have data of a server start stop time on daily basis for one month. I need the result where it should calculate the first start time of the day, last stop time of the day, total time server was started in a day on daily basis and for servers.


Table is like below and expected output is also given.



Date & Time           Reader ServerID
3/14/2016 6:36:20 AM    ON  123
3/14/2016 6:58:45 AM    OFF 123
3/14/2016 8:06:19 AM    ON  123
3/14/2016 9:32:48 AM    OFF 123
3/15/16 6:00:00 AM      ON  123
3/15/16 6:01:00 AM      OFF 123
3/14/2016 9:46 AM       ON  124
3/14/2016 10:01 AM      OFF 124
3/14/16 11:01 AM        ON  124
3/14/16 12:01 PM        OFF 124

Expected output

UserID   FirstIN   Last Out  TotalInTime (min)    Date
123       6:00      09:32      86         3/14
123       06:00     06:01      1         3/15
124       9:46      12:01      75         3/14 

1 个解决方案



So, for each day & server, you want the minimum and maximum time and the sum of minutes "ON".


First you need rows of ON/OFF pairs (pairs on a row, not pairs of rows) whose minutes you can calculate. Then you sum the minutes and take the minimum and maximum times.

首先,您需要可以计算其分钟数的ON / OFF对(行上的对,而不是行对)。然后你总结分钟并采取最小和最大时间。

SQL Server has datepart. You can use that to compute days. To make On/Off pairs, join the table to itself along these lines:

SQL Server有datepart。您可以使用它来计算天数。要制作On / Off对,请按以下方式将表连接到自身:

select   A.ServerID, datepart(day, A.time) as day, 
         A.time as ON, min(B.time) as OFF
from     T as A join T as B on datepart(day, A.time) = datepart(day, B.time)
and      A.Reader = 'ON' and B.Reader = 'OFF'
and      A.time < B.time
group by A.ServerID, datepart(day, A.time), A.time

You can make a view like that, or a CTE, or insert the results in a temporary table. Let's call the result V.


select   ServerID, day, min(ON), max(OFF)
       , sum(datediff(minute, OFF, ON)) as minutes
from     V
group by ServerID, day

(You can also nest the first query inside the second one.)


The trick is knowing how to find the "next" time for any pair (a question I've answered often), and how to use the server's date functions.




So, for each day & server, you want the minimum and maximum time and the sum of minutes "ON".


First you need rows of ON/OFF pairs (pairs on a row, not pairs of rows) whose minutes you can calculate. Then you sum the minutes and take the minimum and maximum times.

首先,您需要可以计算其分钟数的ON / OFF对(行上的对,而不是行对)。然后你总结分钟并采取最小和最大时间。

SQL Server has datepart. You can use that to compute days. To make On/Off pairs, join the table to itself along these lines:

SQL Server有datepart。您可以使用它来计算天数。要制作On / Off对,请按以下方式将表连接到自身:

select   A.ServerID, datepart(day, A.time) as day, 
         A.time as ON, min(B.time) as OFF
from     T as A join T as B on datepart(day, A.time) = datepart(day, B.time)
and      A.Reader = 'ON' and B.Reader = 'OFF'
and      A.time < B.time
group by A.ServerID, datepart(day, A.time), A.time

You can make a view like that, or a CTE, or insert the results in a temporary table. Let's call the result V.


select   ServerID, day, min(ON), max(OFF)
       , sum(datediff(minute, OFF, ON)) as minutes
from     V
group by ServerID, day

(You can also nest the first query inside the second one.)


The trick is knowing how to find the "next" time for any pair (a question I've answered often), and how to use the server's date functions.
