
时间:2021-10-05 02:59:27

How do i implement Window Active Directory authentication for Intranet user and Forms authentication for Internet users, i found many examples online explaining each of them individually but can't get to find one that explain both implemented together.

我如何为Intranet用户实现Window Active Directory身份验证,并为Internet用户提供表单身份验证,我在网上找到了许多例子,分别解释了它们各自的情况,但却找不到一个能够同时解释这两种情况的例子。

I have my ASP MVC 4 project working with Forms Authentication but was requested to add Windows Active Directory authenticate for intranet users. How do i do it?

我有一个使用表单验证的ASP MVC 4项目,但被要求为内部网用户添加Windows Active Directory身份验证。我该怎么做呢?

My existing Forms Authentication


    <authentication mode="Forms">
        <forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="2880" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH"/>

1 个解决方案



I am only just beginning to explore this type of situation myself so I am not going to try and give a definitive answer, but I think that you will want to start looking at Claims Based Authentication and Secure Token Services (STS) Have a look at:


  • Least Privilege by Dominick Baier; as well as some of his
  • 多明尼克·拜尔的最低特权;还有他的一些
  • pluralsight courses to get a better understanding of what you're trying to achieve.
  • 多元化课程可以让你更好地理解你想要达到的目标。



I am only just beginning to explore this type of situation myself so I am not going to try and give a definitive answer, but I think that you will want to start looking at Claims Based Authentication and Secure Token Services (STS) Have a look at:


  • Least Privilege by Dominick Baier; as well as some of his
  • 多明尼克·拜尔的最低特权;还有他的一些
  • pluralsight courses to get a better understanding of what you're trying to achieve.
  • 多元化课程可以让你更好地理解你想要达到的目标。