
时间:2021-09-26 03:00:24

I have a string like this:


document = '{ time : 14/09/19 16:00:00,
   global : { full:190 , defects: 7 , btp: 6 , total: 202 } ,
   domains : [ { domain : "A" , full:7 , defects: 2 , btp: 0 , total: 9 },
               { domain : "B" , full:0 , defects: 0 , btp: 0 , total: 0 },
               { domain : "C" , full:6 , defects: 0 , btp: 0 , total: 6 },
               { domain : "D" , full:26 , defects: 0 , btp: 2 , total: 28 },
               { domain : "E" , full:0 , defects: 0 , btp: 0 , total: 0 },
               { domain : "F" , full:4 , defects: 0 , btp: 2 , total: 6 },
               { domain : "G" , full:0 , defects: 0 , btp: 0 , total: 0 },
               { domain : "H" , full:21 , defects: 0 , btp: 1 , total: 22 },
               { domain : "I" , full:32 , defects: 0 , btp: 0 , total: 32 },
               ] }'

When I try to insert this into a mongoDB collection, I get the following error:


TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment


I am clueless about how to convert a string to BSON, in order to execute the insert with it.


I looked in the bson_util module, but no luck.


2 个解决方案



It's not the BSON part that matters here. The MongoDB driver will take care of that. Your job is convert JSON to a valid python data structure:

这不重要的不是BSON部分。 MongoDB驱动程序将负责这一点。您的工作是将JSON转换为有效的python数据结构:

import json

data = json.loads(document)




You rarely have to deal with BSON directly yourself. This is just the format that mongo uses to represent the data internally.


As a user of the database or one of it's clients, you only need to deal with key:value type objects we talk about as documents. In python, key:value like objects are most commonly dict objects; A dictionary. You'll need to convert that string into an actual dict-like-object before inserting it into mongo.


One example of this would be to use the json module:


>>> import json
>>> document = json.loads('{ time : 14/09/19 16:00:00...')

You can now have the document object inserted into your collection.




It's not the BSON part that matters here. The MongoDB driver will take care of that. Your job is convert JSON to a valid python data structure:

这不重要的不是BSON部分。 MongoDB驱动程序将负责这一点。您的工作是将JSON转换为有效的python数据结构:

import json

data = json.loads(document)




You rarely have to deal with BSON directly yourself. This is just the format that mongo uses to represent the data internally.


As a user of the database or one of it's clients, you only need to deal with key:value type objects we talk about as documents. In python, key:value like objects are most commonly dict objects; A dictionary. You'll need to convert that string into an actual dict-like-object before inserting it into mongo.


One example of this would be to use the json module:


>>> import json
>>> document = json.loads('{ time : 14/09/19 16:00:00...')

You can now have the document object inserted into your collection.
