将Windows / OSX / Linux身份验证与Linux Server(Web服务器)集成

时间:2022-07-08 03:00:57

I have an application that have to authenticate against a Linux Machine. Clients run in Windows / Linux / Mac, and must authenticate using user credentials under Windows/Linux/Mac aganist Linux Machine.

我有一个必须针对Linux机器进行身份验证的应用程序。客户端在Windows / Linux / Mac中运行,并且必须使用Windows / Linux / Mac aganist Linux Machine下的用户凭据进行身份验证。

My question is about, If I can use user credential to authenticate in Linux Machine as long as , for instance Linux Server was connected to LDAP ActiveDirectory in Windows Server.

我的问题是,如果我可以使用用户凭证在Linux机器上进行身份验证,例如Linux Server连接到Windows Server中的LDAP ActiveDirectory。

More conscious: I'm a user authenticated in Windows under ActiveDirectory, and my App connect to a Linux Machine and send user credentials to authenticate, so, It's possible that Linux Server can connect to LDAP services in Windows Domain and validate the credentials?


Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



If you're asking whether in general it is possible for an app running on a Linux web-server to have users authenticate against AD on a windows box: yes.


That can be done, I've done it both perl & PHP in the past. Only caveats I see is that you a) want to make sure you use SSL from the browser to the webserver and b) make sure that the code won't leak/log credentials on the Linux box.




If you're asking whether in general it is possible for an app running on a Linux web-server to have users authenticate against AD on a windows box: yes.


That can be done, I've done it both perl & PHP in the past. Only caveats I see is that you a) want to make sure you use SSL from the browser to the webserver and b) make sure that the code won't leak/log credentials on the Linux box.
