
时间:2022-06-06 02:58:05

Github pages sets very aggressive cache headers (Cache-Control: max-age=86400 1 day, Expires 1 month ahead) on all served content.

Github页面在所有服务内容上设置非常积极的缓存标头(Cache-Control:max-age = 86400 1天,提前1个月到期)。

If you update your pages and push to github, people revisiting the pages who have already got cached copies will not get the new pages without actually cleaning their browser cache.


How can a script running in a page determine that it is stale and force an update?


The steps might be:


  1. determine you are running on github pages: easy, parse window.location for github.com/
  2. 确定你在github页面上运行:easy,parse window.location for github.com/
  3. determine current version of page: hard, git doesn't let you embed the sha1 in a commited page; no RCS $id$. So how do you know what version you are?
  4. 确定当前版本的页面:硬,git不允许你将sha1嵌入到提交的页面中;没有RCS $ id $。那么你怎么知道你的版本是什么?
  5. get the current version in github; hard, github got rid of non-authenticated v2 API. And there's a time disconnect between pushing to github and github getting around to publishing too. So how do you know what version you could get?
  6. 获取github中的当前版本;很难,github摆脱了未经身份验证的v2 API。推送到github和github之间也有时间断开连接。那么你怎么知道你可以得到什么版本?
  7. having determined you're stale, how do invalidate a page and force reload? hard, window.location.reload(true) doesn't work in Safari/Chrome, for example...
  8. 确定你是陈旧的,如何使页面无效并强制重新加载?硬,window.location.reload(true)在Safari / Chrome中不起作用,例如......

So its solve-these-steps; of course there may be another way?


1 个解决方案



To have a better control of the caching of your website you can use the HTML5 cache manifest. See:


You can use the window.applicationCache.swapCache() to update the cached version of your website without the need for manually reloading the page.


This is a code example from HTML5 Rocks explaining how to update users to the newest version of your site:

这是来自HTML5 Rocks的代码示例,说明如何将用户更新到您网站的最新版本:

// Check if a new cache is available on page load.
window.addEventListener('load', function(e) {

  window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) {
    if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) {
      // Browser downloaded a new app cache.
      // Swap it in and reload the page to get the new hotness.
      if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) {
    } else {
      // Manifest didn't changed. Nothing new to server.
  }, false);

}, false);

To avoid some confusion I'll add that GitHub sets the correct HTTP headers for cache.manifest files:


Content-Type: text/cache-manifest
Cache-Control: max-age=0

so your browser knows that it's a cache manifest and that it should always be checked for new versions.




To have a better control of the caching of your website you can use the HTML5 cache manifest. See:


You can use the window.applicationCache.swapCache() to update the cached version of your website without the need for manually reloading the page.


This is a code example from HTML5 Rocks explaining how to update users to the newest version of your site:

这是来自HTML5 Rocks的代码示例,说明如何将用户更新到您网站的最新版本:

// Check if a new cache is available on page load.
window.addEventListener('load', function(e) {

  window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) {
    if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) {
      // Browser downloaded a new app cache.
      // Swap it in and reload the page to get the new hotness.
      if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) {
    } else {
      // Manifest didn't changed. Nothing new to server.
  }, false);

}, false);

To avoid some confusion I'll add that GitHub sets the correct HTTP headers for cache.manifest files:


Content-Type: text/cache-manifest
Cache-Control: max-age=0

so your browser knows that it's a cache manifest and that it should always be checked for new versions.
