更新db 6000次需要几分钟?

时间:2022-06-12 02:58:21

I am writing a test program with Ruby and ActiveRecord, and it reads a document which is like 6000 words long. And then I just tally up the words by


recordWord = Word.find_by_s(word);
if (recordWord.nil?)
  recordWord = Word.new
  recordWord.s = word
if recordWord.count.nil?
  recordWord.count = 1
  recordWord.count += 1

and so this part loops for 6000 times... and it takes a few minutes to run at least using sqlite3. Is it normal? I was expecting it could run within a couple seconds... can MySQL speed it up a lot?

所以这个部分循环了6000次......至少使用sqlite3运行需要几分钟。这是正常的吗?我原以为它可以在几秒钟内运行...... MySQL可以加速它吗?

7 个解决方案


Take a look at AR:Extensions as well to handle the bulk insertions.




With 6000 calls to write to the database, you're going to see speed issues. I would save the various tallies in memory and save to the database once at the end, not 6000 times along the way.



I wrote up some quick code in perl that simply does:


  1. Create the database
  2. 创建数据库

  3. Insert a record that only contains a single integer
  4. 插入仅包含单个整数的记录

  5. Retrieve the most recent record and verify that it returns what it inserted
  6. 检索最新记录并验证它是否返回它插入的内容

And it does steps #2 and #3 6000 times. This is obviously a considerably lighter workload than having an entire object/relational bridge. For this trivial case with SQLite it still took 17 seconds to execute, so your desire to have it take "a couple of seconds" is not realistic on "traditional hardware."

它执行步骤#2和#3 6000次。与使用整个对象/关系桥相比,这显然是一个相当轻的工作量。对于SQLite这个简单的案例,它仍然需要17秒才能执行,所以你需要“几秒钟”才能在“传统硬件”上实现。

Using the monitor I verified that it was primarily disk activity that was slowing it down. Based on that if for some reason you really do need the database to behave that quickly I suggest one of two options:


  1. Do what people have suggested and find away around the requirement
  2. 按照人们的建议去做,并找到要求

  3. Try buying some solid state disks.
  4. 尝试购买一些固态硬盘。

I think #1 is a good way to start :)




use warnings;
use strict;

use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=/tmp/dbfile', '', '');


sub insert_data {
  my ($dbh) = @_;

  my $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO test_table (test_data) values (?)";
  my $retrieve_sql = "SELECT test_data FROM test_table WHERE test_data = ?";

  my $insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($insert_sql);
  my $retrieve_sth = $dbh->prepare($retrieve_sql);

  my $i = 0;
  while (++$i < 6000) {

     my $hash_ref = $retrieve_sth->fetchrow_hashref;

     die "bad data!" unless $hash_ref->{'test_data'} == $i;

sub create_database {
   my ($dbh) = @_;

   my $status = $dbh->do("DROP TABLE test_table");
   # return error status if CREATE resulted in error
   if (!defined $status) {
     print "DROP TABLE failed";

   my $create_statement = "CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \n";
   $create_statement .= "test_data varchar(255)\n";
   $create_statement .= ");";

   $status = $dbh->do($create_statement);

   # return error status if CREATE resulted in error
   if (!defined $status) {
     die "CREATE failed";


What kind of database connection are you using? Some databases allow you to connect 'directly' rather then using a TCP network connection that goes through the network stack. In other words, if you're making an internet connection and sending data through that way, it can slow things down.


Another way to boost performance of a database connection is to group SQL statements together in a single command.


For example, making a single 6,000 line SQL statement that looks like this


"update words set count = count + 1 where word = 'the'
update words set count = count + 1 where word = 'in'
update words set count = count + 1 where word = 'copacetic'" 

and run that as a single command, performance will be a lot better. By default, MySQL has a 'packet size' limit of 1 megabyte, but you can change that in the my.ini file to be larger if you want.


Since you're abstracting away your database calls through ActiveRecord, you don't have much control over how the commands are issued, so it can be difficult to optimize your code.


Another thin you could do would be to keep a count of words in memory, and then only insert the final total into the database, rather then doing an update every time you come across a word. That will probably cut down a lot on the number of inserts, because if you do an update every time you come across the word 'the', that's a huge, huge waste. Words have a 'long tail' distribution and the most common words are hugely more common then more obscure words. Then the underlying SQL would look more like this:


"update words set count = 300 where word = 'the'
update words set count = 250 where word = 'in'
update words set count = 1 where word = 'copacetic'" 

If you're worried about taking up too much memory, you could count words and periodically 'flush' them. So read a couple megabytes of text, then spend a few seconds updating the totals, rather then updating each word every time you encounter it. If you want to improve performance even more, you should consider issuing SQL commands in batches directly



Without knowing about Ruby and Sqlite, some general hints:


create a unique index on Word.s (you did not state whether you have one)


define a default for Word.count in the database ( DEFAULT 1 )

在数据库中定义Word.count的默认值(DEFAULT 1)

optimize assignment of count:


recordWord = Word.find_by_s(word);
if (recordWord.nil?)
    recordWord = Word.new
    recordWord.s = word
    recordWord.count = 1
    recordWord.count += 1


Use BEGIN TRANSACTION before your updates then COMMIT at the end.



ok, i found some general rule:


1) use a hash to keep the count first, not the db
2) at the end, wrap all insert or updates in one transaction, so that it won't hit the db 6000 times.

1)使用哈希来保持计数优先,而不是数据库2),在一个事务中包装所有插入或更新,这样它就不会达到db 6000次。


Take a look at AR:Extensions as well to handle the bulk insertions.




With 6000 calls to write to the database, you're going to see speed issues. I would save the various tallies in memory and save to the database once at the end, not 6000 times along the way.



I wrote up some quick code in perl that simply does:


  1. Create the database
  2. 创建数据库

  3. Insert a record that only contains a single integer
  4. 插入仅包含单个整数的记录

  5. Retrieve the most recent record and verify that it returns what it inserted
  6. 检索最新记录并验证它是否返回它插入的内容

And it does steps #2 and #3 6000 times. This is obviously a considerably lighter workload than having an entire object/relational bridge. For this trivial case with SQLite it still took 17 seconds to execute, so your desire to have it take "a couple of seconds" is not realistic on "traditional hardware."

它执行步骤#2和#3 6000次。与使用整个对象/关系桥相比,这显然是一个相当轻的工作量。对于SQLite这个简单的案例,它仍然需要17秒才能执行,所以你需要“几秒钟”才能在“传统硬件”上实现。

Using the monitor I verified that it was primarily disk activity that was slowing it down. Based on that if for some reason you really do need the database to behave that quickly I suggest one of two options:


  1. Do what people have suggested and find away around the requirement
  2. 按照人们的建议去做,并找到要求

  3. Try buying some solid state disks.
  4. 尝试购买一些固态硬盘。

I think #1 is a good way to start :)




use warnings;
use strict;

use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=/tmp/dbfile', '', '');


sub insert_data {
  my ($dbh) = @_;

  my $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO test_table (test_data) values (?)";
  my $retrieve_sql = "SELECT test_data FROM test_table WHERE test_data = ?";

  my $insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($insert_sql);
  my $retrieve_sth = $dbh->prepare($retrieve_sql);

  my $i = 0;
  while (++$i < 6000) {

     my $hash_ref = $retrieve_sth->fetchrow_hashref;

     die "bad data!" unless $hash_ref->{'test_data'} == $i;

sub create_database {
   my ($dbh) = @_;

   my $status = $dbh->do("DROP TABLE test_table");
   # return error status if CREATE resulted in error
   if (!defined $status) {
     print "DROP TABLE failed";

   my $create_statement = "CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \n";
   $create_statement .= "test_data varchar(255)\n";
   $create_statement .= ");";

   $status = $dbh->do($create_statement);

   # return error status if CREATE resulted in error
   if (!defined $status) {
     die "CREATE failed";


What kind of database connection are you using? Some databases allow you to connect 'directly' rather then using a TCP network connection that goes through the network stack. In other words, if you're making an internet connection and sending data through that way, it can slow things down.


Another way to boost performance of a database connection is to group SQL statements together in a single command.


For example, making a single 6,000 line SQL statement that looks like this


"update words set count = count + 1 where word = 'the'
update words set count = count + 1 where word = 'in'
update words set count = count + 1 where word = 'copacetic'" 

and run that as a single command, performance will be a lot better. By default, MySQL has a 'packet size' limit of 1 megabyte, but you can change that in the my.ini file to be larger if you want.


Since you're abstracting away your database calls through ActiveRecord, you don't have much control over how the commands are issued, so it can be difficult to optimize your code.


Another thin you could do would be to keep a count of words in memory, and then only insert the final total into the database, rather then doing an update every time you come across a word. That will probably cut down a lot on the number of inserts, because if you do an update every time you come across the word 'the', that's a huge, huge waste. Words have a 'long tail' distribution and the most common words are hugely more common then more obscure words. Then the underlying SQL would look more like this:


"update words set count = 300 where word = 'the'
update words set count = 250 where word = 'in'
update words set count = 1 where word = 'copacetic'" 

If you're worried about taking up too much memory, you could count words and periodically 'flush' them. So read a couple megabytes of text, then spend a few seconds updating the totals, rather then updating each word every time you encounter it. If you want to improve performance even more, you should consider issuing SQL commands in batches directly



Without knowing about Ruby and Sqlite, some general hints:


create a unique index on Word.s (you did not state whether you have one)


define a default for Word.count in the database ( DEFAULT 1 )

在数据库中定义Word.count的默认值(DEFAULT 1)

optimize assignment of count:


recordWord = Word.find_by_s(word);
if (recordWord.nil?)
    recordWord = Word.new
    recordWord.s = word
    recordWord.count = 1
    recordWord.count += 1


Use BEGIN TRANSACTION before your updates then COMMIT at the end.



ok, i found some general rule:


1) use a hash to keep the count first, not the db
2) at the end, wrap all insert or updates in one transaction, so that it won't hit the db 6000 times.

1)使用哈希来保持计数优先,而不是数据库2),在一个事务中包装所有插入或更新,这样它就不会达到db 6000次。