
时间:2022-03-01 02:56:03

I have table with data like:


Id | Start         | End          | Used
1  | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 0:00 | 1:30
2  | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 0:00 | 23:00
3  | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 0:00 | 1:00
4  | 28-04-17 2:00 |28-04-17 0:00 | 0:30 
5  | 30-04-17 2:00 |30-04-17 0:00 | 3:30

I want to set it like


Id | Start         | End          | Used
1  | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 3:30 | 1:30
2  | 27-04-17 3:30 |28-04-17 2:30 | 23:00
3  | 28-04-17 2:30 |28-04-17 3:30 | 1:00
4  | 28-04-17 3:30 |28-04-17 4:00 | 0:30 
5  | 30-04-17 2:00 |30-04-17 4:30 | 2:30

I want to set End time of previous id as Start time of next id, where Start time of first id is set by user.
End time is just sum of Start time and Used Time I am using vb.net data table and SQL server for database.
To set value in first row I am using SQL function DATEADD(), through which two hours are added and same function for adding time in end date.
I want to copy my End date of previous row in next row, so that whole calculation works properly.
Can I do it through SQL Only? or I will need a function to do it in Vb.net Data table from where it will be used for reports.
Note: Id sequence can be changed
Thanks for help.


1 个解决方案



Below recursive CTE logic will give you the desired output.


    create table #tmp
ID int,
starttime datetime2,
endtime datetime2,
used varchar(5)
insert into #tmp values 
(1,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','1:30'),
(2,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','2:00'),
(3,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','1:00'),
(4,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','0:30'),
(5,'28-Apr-2017 2:00','28-Apr-2017','3:30')

;with CTE as (
select ID,starttime,endtime,used,levels FROM
(select row_number() over (partition by cast(starttime as date) order by starttime) RID,ID,starttime,dateadd(hour,cast(substring(used,1,charindex(':',used)-1) as int),dateadd(mi,cast(right(used,2) as int),starttime))
endtime,used,0 levels
from #tmp ) T
where RID=1
union all
select T.ID,C.endtime,dateadd(hour,cast(substring(T.used,1,charindex(':',T.used)-1) as int),dateadd(mi,cast(right(T.used,2) as int),C.endtime))
from CTE C inner join #tmp T on T.ID=C.ID+1
where datediff(d,C.starttime,T.starttime)=0

select ID,StartTime,EndTime,Used from CTE order by ID

drop table #tmp



Below recursive CTE logic will give you the desired output.


    create table #tmp
ID int,
starttime datetime2,
endtime datetime2,
used varchar(5)
insert into #tmp values 
(1,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','1:30'),
(2,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','2:00'),
(3,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','1:00'),
(4,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','0:30'),
(5,'28-Apr-2017 2:00','28-Apr-2017','3:30')

;with CTE as (
select ID,starttime,endtime,used,levels FROM
(select row_number() over (partition by cast(starttime as date) order by starttime) RID,ID,starttime,dateadd(hour,cast(substring(used,1,charindex(':',used)-1) as int),dateadd(mi,cast(right(used,2) as int),starttime))
endtime,used,0 levels
from #tmp ) T
where RID=1
union all
select T.ID,C.endtime,dateadd(hour,cast(substring(T.used,1,charindex(':',T.used)-1) as int),dateadd(mi,cast(right(T.used,2) as int),C.endtime))
from CTE C inner join #tmp T on T.ID=C.ID+1
where datediff(d,C.starttime,T.starttime)=0

select ID,StartTime,EndTime,Used from CTE order by ID

drop table #tmp