
时间:2021-11-19 02:51:00

I have a fairly complex (or ugly depending on how you look at it) stored procedure running on SQL Server 2008. It bases a lot of the logic on a view that has a pk table and a fk table. The fk table is left joined to the pk table slightly more than 30 times (the fk table has a poor design - it uses name value pairs that I need to flatten out. Unfortunately, it's 3rd party and I cannot change it).

我在SQL Server 2008上运行的存储过程相当复杂(或者看起来很丑陋,取决于你如何看待它)。它基于具有pk表和fk表的视图的大量逻辑。 fk表与pk表连接的次数略多于30次(fk表的设计很差 - 它使用了我需要展平的名称值对。不幸的是,它是第三方而我无法改变它)。

Anyway, it had been running fine for weeks until I periodically noticed a run that would take 3-5 minutes. It turns out that this is the time it takes to generate the query plan. Once the query plan exists and is cached, the stored procedure itself runs very efficiently. Things run smoothly until there is a reason to regenerate and cache the query plan again.


Has anyone seen this? Why does it take so long to generate the plan? Are there ways to make it come up with a plan faster?


3 个解决方案



You can try using a Plan Guide. Plan generation will still last some time, but should be significantly shorter.




Have you considered rewriting your 30-join SELECT to smth like this?

您是否考虑过像这样重写30-join SELECT?

SELECT [key], NULL AS [a], NULL AS [b]
  INTO #temp
  FROM [pk-table]

UPDATE t SET t.[a] = fk.[a], t.[b] = fk.[b]
  FROM #temp t
    SELECT f.[key],
      MAX(CASE WHEN f.[name] = 'a' THEN f.[value] ELSE NULL END) AS [a],
      MAX(CASE WHEN f.[name] = 'b' THEN f.[value] ELSE NULL END) AS [b]
    FROM [fk-table] f
    GROUP BY f.[key]
    ) fk ON (fk.[key] = t.[key]

Although it's maybe not an answer to your original question :)




Something will have caused the plan to require recompiling such as a statistics update or DDL change. The list if here: Execution Plan Caching and Reuse


The query in it's current form will always take 3-5 minutes to recompile: this can't be avoided.


Assuming you can't change it (PIVOT, use a trigger to maintain a "proper" table etc), then you can only control when the recompilation happens.


Remus' plan guide answer is one way. I'd also look at my statistic maintenance and ensure it's done overnight say, so it only happens once at start of day




You can try using a Plan Guide. Plan generation will still last some time, but should be significantly shorter.




Have you considered rewriting your 30-join SELECT to smth like this?

您是否考虑过像这样重写30-join SELECT?

SELECT [key], NULL AS [a], NULL AS [b]
  INTO #temp
  FROM [pk-table]

UPDATE t SET t.[a] = fk.[a], t.[b] = fk.[b]
  FROM #temp t
    SELECT f.[key],
      MAX(CASE WHEN f.[name] = 'a' THEN f.[value] ELSE NULL END) AS [a],
      MAX(CASE WHEN f.[name] = 'b' THEN f.[value] ELSE NULL END) AS [b]
    FROM [fk-table] f
    GROUP BY f.[key]
    ) fk ON (fk.[key] = t.[key]

Although it's maybe not an answer to your original question :)




Something will have caused the plan to require recompiling such as a statistics update or DDL change. The list if here: Execution Plan Caching and Reuse


The query in it's current form will always take 3-5 minutes to recompile: this can't be avoided.


Assuming you can't change it (PIVOT, use a trigger to maintain a "proper" table etc), then you can only control when the recompilation happens.


Remus' plan guide answer is one way. I'd also look at my statistic maintenance and ensure it's done overnight say, so it only happens once at start of day
