
时间:2022-07-23 02:48:21

I'd like to translate the OpenIdAuthentication plugin into another language but I'd like not to change the plugin directly.


Here's the basic structure of the messages I want to translate:


module OpenIdAuthentication

  class Result
      :missing      => "Sorry, the OpenID server couldn't be found",
      :invalid      => "Sorry, but this does not appear to be a valid OpenID",
      :canceled     => "OpenID verification was canceled",
      :failed       => "OpenID verification failed",
      :setup_needed => "OpenID verification needs setup"


It is something possible to translate them without changing the plugin directly?



2 个解决方案


You can simply overwrite OpenIdAuthentication::Result::ERROR_MESSAGES by redefining it at any time after the plugin loads.

您可以在插件加载后随时重新定义OpenIdAuthentication :: Result :: ERROR_MESSAGES。

You may do so through a different plugin (that loads after OpenIdAuthentication), or from a file required after the plugin loads (e.g. require lib/open_id_authentication_suppl.rb in environment.rb):

您可以通过另一个插件(在OpenIdAuthentication之后加载)或插件加载后所需的文件(例如,在environment.rb中需要lib / open_id_authentication_suppl.rb)来执行此操作:

The code will essentially be a copy-paste job, as follows:


module OpenIdAuthentication

  class Result
      :missing      => "<message in foreign language>",
      :invalid      => "<message in foreign language>",
      :canceled     => "<message in foreign language>",
      :failed       => "<message in foreign language>",
      :setup_needed => "<message in foreign language>"

To integrate this with I18N-rails (built into Rails 2.2.2, available as a gem/plugin in previous versions), do:

要将其与I18N-rails(内置于Rails 2.2.2中,在以前的版本中作为gem /插件提供)集成,请执行以下操作:

  class I18NResultMessages
    def [](key)
      I18n.t(key, :scope => 'openidauthentication.errors.messages')

  class Result
    ERROR_MESSAGES = I18NResultMessages.new

Then define and load your I18n yml file for openidauthentication.errors.messages's various locales on Rails startup, and don't forget to set your I18n.locale every time you start processing a controller action based on the logged-in user's locale.

然后在Rails启动时为openidauthentication.errors.messages的各种语言环境定义和加载I18n yml文件,并且不要忘记每次根据登录用户的语言环境开始处理控制器操作时设置I18n.locale。


Copy that code into a file in /lib, then require it in environment.rb. It really is that easy.

将该代码复制到/ lib中的文件中,然后在environment.rb中将其复制。它真的很容易。


You can simply overwrite OpenIdAuthentication::Result::ERROR_MESSAGES by redefining it at any time after the plugin loads.

您可以在插件加载后随时重新定义OpenIdAuthentication :: Result :: ERROR_MESSAGES。

You may do so through a different plugin (that loads after OpenIdAuthentication), or from a file required after the plugin loads (e.g. require lib/open_id_authentication_suppl.rb in environment.rb):

您可以通过另一个插件(在OpenIdAuthentication之后加载)或插件加载后所需的文件(例如,在environment.rb中需要lib / open_id_authentication_suppl.rb)来执行此操作:

The code will essentially be a copy-paste job, as follows:


module OpenIdAuthentication

  class Result
      :missing      => "<message in foreign language>",
      :invalid      => "<message in foreign language>",
      :canceled     => "<message in foreign language>",
      :failed       => "<message in foreign language>",
      :setup_needed => "<message in foreign language>"

To integrate this with I18N-rails (built into Rails 2.2.2, available as a gem/plugin in previous versions), do:

要将其与I18N-rails(内置于Rails 2.2.2中,在以前的版本中作为gem /插件提供)集成,请执行以下操作:

  class I18NResultMessages
    def [](key)
      I18n.t(key, :scope => 'openidauthentication.errors.messages')

  class Result
    ERROR_MESSAGES = I18NResultMessages.new

Then define and load your I18n yml file for openidauthentication.errors.messages's various locales on Rails startup, and don't forget to set your I18n.locale every time you start processing a controller action based on the logged-in user's locale.

然后在Rails启动时为openidauthentication.errors.messages的各种语言环境定义和加载I18n yml文件,并且不要忘记每次根据登录用户的语言环境开始处理控制器操作时设置I18n.locale。


Copy that code into a file in /lib, then require it in environment.rb. It really is that easy.

将该代码复制到/ lib中的文件中,然后在environment.rb中将其复制。它真的很容易。