
时间:2022-03-26 02:49:47

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I need to add proper index to my tables and need some help.


I'm confused and need to clarify a few points:


  • Should I use index for non-int columns? Why/why not


  • I've read a lot about clustered and non-clustered index yet I still can't decide when to use one over the other. A good example would help me and a lot of other developers.


I know that I shouldn't use indexes for columns or tables that are often updated. What else should I be careful about and how can I know that it is all good before going to test phase?


6 个解决方案



You really need to keep two issues apart:


1) the primary key is a logical construct - one of the candidate keys that uniquely and reliably identifies every row in your table. This can be anything, really - an INT, a GUID, a string - pick what makes most sense for your scenario.

1)主键是一个逻辑结构—候选键之一,它惟一且可靠地标识表中的每一行。这可以是任何东西,真的-一个INT, GUID,一个string -选择对你的场景最有意义的。

2) the clustering key (the column or columns that define the "clustered index" on the table) - this is a physical storage-related thing, and here, a small, stable, ever-increasing data type is your best pick - INT or BIGINT as your default option.


By default, the primary key on a SQL Server table is also used as the clustering key - but that doesn't need to be that way!

默认情况下,SQL Server表上的主键也被用作集群键——但不需要这样做!

One rule of thumb I would apply is this: any "regular" table (one that you use to store data in, that is a lookup table etc.) should have a clustering key. There's really no point not to have a clustering key. Actually, contrary to common believe, having a clustering key actually speeds up all the common operations - even inserts and deletes (since the table organization is different and usually better than with a heap - a table without a clustering key).


Kimberly Tripp, the Queen of Indexing has a great many excellent articles on the topic of why to have a clustering key, and what kind of columns to best use as your clustering key. Since you only get one per table, it's of utmost importance to pick the right clustering key - and not just any clustering key.

索引女王Kimberly Tripp有很多优秀的文章,主题是为什么要有一个集群密钥,以及最好用作集群密钥的列类型。因为每个表只有一个,所以选择正确的聚类键非常重要,而不仅仅是任何聚类键。





A clustered index alters the way that the rows are stored. When you create a clustered index on a column (or a number of columns), SQL server sorts the table’s rows by that column(s). It is like a dictionary, where all words are sorted in alphabetical order in the entire book.

集群索引改变了存储行的方式。当您在一个列(或多个列)上创建集群索引时,SQL server根据该列对表的行进行排序。它就像一本字典,书中所有的单词都是按字母顺序排列的。

A non-clustered index, on the other hand, does not alter the way the rows are stored in the table. It creates a completely different object within the table that contains the column(s) selected for indexing and a pointer back to the table’s rows containing the data. It is like an index in the last pages of a book, where keywords are sorted and contain the page number to the material of the book for faster reference.




You should be using indexes to help SQL server performance. Usually that implies that columns that are used to find rows in a table are indexed.


Clustered indexes makes SQL server order the rows on disk according to the index order. This implies that if you access data in the order of a clustered index, then the data will be present on disk in the correct order. However if the column(s) that have a clustered index is frequently changed, then the row(s) will move around on disk, causing overhead - which generally is not a good idea.

集群索引使SQL server根据索引顺序对磁盘上的行进行排序。这意味着,如果您按照聚集索引的顺序访问数据,那么数据将以正确的顺序显示在磁盘上。但是,如果具有聚集索引的列经常被更改,那么行将在磁盘上移动,导致开销——这通常不是一个好主意。

Having many indexes is not good either. They cost to maintain. So start out with the obvious ones, and then profile to see which ones you miss and would benefit from. You do not need them from start, they can be added later on.


Most column datatypes can be used when indexing, but it is better to have small columns indexed than large. Also it is common to create indexes on groups of columns (e.g. country + city + street).

大多数列数据类型都可以在索引时使用,但最好将小列索引,而不是大列。对于列组(例如country + city + street)创建索引也很常见。

Also you will not notice performance issues until you have quite a bit of data in your tables. And another thing to think about is that SQL server needs statistics to do its query optimizations the right way, so make sure that you do generate that.

而且,在您的表中有相当多的数据之前,您不会注意到性能问题。另一件需要考虑的事情是,SQL server需要统计数据以正确的方式进行查询优化,所以一定要生成它。



A comparison of a non-clustered index with a clustered index with an example


As an example of a non-clustered index, let’s say that we have a non-clustered index on the EmployeeID column. A non-clustered index will store both the value of the




AND a pointer to the row in the Employee table where that value is actually stored. But a clustered index, on the other hand, will actually store the row data for a particular EmployeeID – so if you are running a query that looks for an EmployeeID of 15, the data from other columns in the table like


EmployeeName, EmployeeAddress, etc


. will all actually be stored in the leaf node of the clustered index itself.


This means that with a non-clustered index extra work is required to follow that pointer to the row in the table to retrieve any other desired values, as opposed to a clustered index which can just access the row directly since it is being stored in the same order as the clustered index itself. So, reading from a clustered index is generally faster than reading from a non-clustered index.




In general, use an index on a column that's going to be used (a lot) to search the table, such as a primary key (which by default has a clustered index). For example, if you have the query (in pseudocode)



You might want to put an index on FOO.BAR. A clustered index should be used on a column that will be used for sorting. A clustered index is used to sort the rows on disk, so you can only have one per table. For example if you have the query



You might want to consider a clustered index on FOO.BAR.


Probably the most important consideration is how much time your queries are taking. If a query doesn't take much time or isn't used very often, it may not be worth adding indexes. As always, profile first, then optimize. SQL Server Studio can give you suggestions on where to optimize, and MSDN has some information1 that you might find useful

可能最重要的考虑是您的查询占用了多少时间。如果一个查询不花太多时间或者不经常使用,它可能不值得添加索引。和往常一样,首先配置文件,然后进行优化。SQL Server Studio可以为您提供优化的建议,MSDN提供了一些您可能会发现有用的信息1



faster to read than non cluster as data is physically storted in index order we can create only one per table.(cluster index)


quicker for insert and update operation than a cluster index. we can create n number of non cluster index.




You really need to keep two issues apart:


1) the primary key is a logical construct - one of the candidate keys that uniquely and reliably identifies every row in your table. This can be anything, really - an INT, a GUID, a string - pick what makes most sense for your scenario.

1)主键是一个逻辑结构—候选键之一,它惟一且可靠地标识表中的每一行。这可以是任何东西,真的-一个INT, GUID,一个string -选择对你的场景最有意义的。

2) the clustering key (the column or columns that define the "clustered index" on the table) - this is a physical storage-related thing, and here, a small, stable, ever-increasing data type is your best pick - INT or BIGINT as your default option.


By default, the primary key on a SQL Server table is also used as the clustering key - but that doesn't need to be that way!

默认情况下,SQL Server表上的主键也被用作集群键——但不需要这样做!

One rule of thumb I would apply is this: any "regular" table (one that you use to store data in, that is a lookup table etc.) should have a clustering key. There's really no point not to have a clustering key. Actually, contrary to common believe, having a clustering key actually speeds up all the common operations - even inserts and deletes (since the table organization is different and usually better than with a heap - a table without a clustering key).


Kimberly Tripp, the Queen of Indexing has a great many excellent articles on the topic of why to have a clustering key, and what kind of columns to best use as your clustering key. Since you only get one per table, it's of utmost importance to pick the right clustering key - and not just any clustering key.

索引女王Kimberly Tripp有很多优秀的文章,主题是为什么要有一个集群密钥,以及最好用作集群密钥的列类型。因为每个表只有一个,所以选择正确的聚类键非常重要,而不仅仅是任何聚类键。





A clustered index alters the way that the rows are stored. When you create a clustered index on a column (or a number of columns), SQL server sorts the table’s rows by that column(s). It is like a dictionary, where all words are sorted in alphabetical order in the entire book.

集群索引改变了存储行的方式。当您在一个列(或多个列)上创建集群索引时,SQL server根据该列对表的行进行排序。它就像一本字典,书中所有的单词都是按字母顺序排列的。

A non-clustered index, on the other hand, does not alter the way the rows are stored in the table. It creates a completely different object within the table that contains the column(s) selected for indexing and a pointer back to the table’s rows containing the data. It is like an index in the last pages of a book, where keywords are sorted and contain the page number to the material of the book for faster reference.




You should be using indexes to help SQL server performance. Usually that implies that columns that are used to find rows in a table are indexed.


Clustered indexes makes SQL server order the rows on disk according to the index order. This implies that if you access data in the order of a clustered index, then the data will be present on disk in the correct order. However if the column(s) that have a clustered index is frequently changed, then the row(s) will move around on disk, causing overhead - which generally is not a good idea.

集群索引使SQL server根据索引顺序对磁盘上的行进行排序。这意味着,如果您按照聚集索引的顺序访问数据,那么数据将以正确的顺序显示在磁盘上。但是,如果具有聚集索引的列经常被更改,那么行将在磁盘上移动,导致开销——这通常不是一个好主意。

Having many indexes is not good either. They cost to maintain. So start out with the obvious ones, and then profile to see which ones you miss and would benefit from. You do not need them from start, they can be added later on.


Most column datatypes can be used when indexing, but it is better to have small columns indexed than large. Also it is common to create indexes on groups of columns (e.g. country + city + street).

大多数列数据类型都可以在索引时使用,但最好将小列索引,而不是大列。对于列组(例如country + city + street)创建索引也很常见。

Also you will not notice performance issues until you have quite a bit of data in your tables. And another thing to think about is that SQL server needs statistics to do its query optimizations the right way, so make sure that you do generate that.

而且,在您的表中有相当多的数据之前,您不会注意到性能问题。另一件需要考虑的事情是,SQL server需要统计数据以正确的方式进行查询优化,所以一定要生成它。



A comparison of a non-clustered index with a clustered index with an example


As an example of a non-clustered index, let’s say that we have a non-clustered index on the EmployeeID column. A non-clustered index will store both the value of the




AND a pointer to the row in the Employee table where that value is actually stored. But a clustered index, on the other hand, will actually store the row data for a particular EmployeeID – so if you are running a query that looks for an EmployeeID of 15, the data from other columns in the table like


EmployeeName, EmployeeAddress, etc


. will all actually be stored in the leaf node of the clustered index itself.


This means that with a non-clustered index extra work is required to follow that pointer to the row in the table to retrieve any other desired values, as opposed to a clustered index which can just access the row directly since it is being stored in the same order as the clustered index itself. So, reading from a clustered index is generally faster than reading from a non-clustered index.




In general, use an index on a column that's going to be used (a lot) to search the table, such as a primary key (which by default has a clustered index). For example, if you have the query (in pseudocode)



You might want to put an index on FOO.BAR. A clustered index should be used on a column that will be used for sorting. A clustered index is used to sort the rows on disk, so you can only have one per table. For example if you have the query



You might want to consider a clustered index on FOO.BAR.


Probably the most important consideration is how much time your queries are taking. If a query doesn't take much time or isn't used very often, it may not be worth adding indexes. As always, profile first, then optimize. SQL Server Studio can give you suggestions on where to optimize, and MSDN has some information1 that you might find useful

可能最重要的考虑是您的查询占用了多少时间。如果一个查询不花太多时间或者不经常使用,它可能不值得添加索引。和往常一样,首先配置文件,然后进行优化。SQL Server Studio可以为您提供优化的建议,MSDN提供了一些您可能会发现有用的信息1



faster to read than non cluster as data is physically storted in index order we can create only one per table.(cluster index)


quicker for insert and update operation than a cluster index. we can create n number of non cluster index.
