将.bcp文件导入sql server

时间:2021-03-22 02:48:16

I have downloaded some ZIP files from a government website for study that are of type SQL Server Replication Snapshot Bulk-copy Data File. I am assuming they are .bcp files. I have also downloaded corresponding .sql files to be created in sql server. There is an additional separate zip file that contains a large .bcp file with no create table .sql file so I am not sure what it is for.

我从*网站下载了一些用于研究的ZIP文件,这些文件属于SQL Server Replication Snapshot Bulk-copy Data File。我假设他们是.bcp文件。我还下载了要在sql server中创建的相应的.sql文件。还有一个额外的单独的zip文件,其中包含一个没有create table .sql文件的大型.bcp文件,所以我不确定它是什么。

They are saved in c:\sadybcp\extract1...extract2.... I have created a database called test with tables extract1, extract2, extract3 etc all tables being different. I want to import them to my sql server. I searched unsuccessfully to get the syntax online , most of then are for .txt files. So I have tried various combinations but have failed.

它们保存在c:\ sadybcp \ extract1 ... extract2 ....我创建了一个名为test的数据库,其中包含表extract1,extract2,extract3等所有表都不同。我想将它们导入我的sql server。我没有成功搜索到在线获取语法,大多数是.txt文件。所以我尝试了各种组合,但都失败了。

For example I have tried Bcp Test.dbo.extract in C:\sadybcp\ extract.bcp

例如,我在C:\ sadybcp \ extract.bcp中尝试了Bcp Test.dbo.extract

but I get error unknown argumentextract1 on command line


When I run bcp "Test.dbo.extract1" in C:\sadybcp\extract.bcp -S SADYPC -T -E -n -b 10000
I get error Unable to open BCP host data-file.

当我在C:\ sadybcp \ extract.bcp -S SADYPC -T -E -n -b 10000中运行bcp“Test.dbo.extract1”时出现错误无法打开BCP主机数据文件。

Please can anyone help me with the correct command ? I need to copy 15 files.


1 个解决方案



It looks like there is problem with path/filename in the first example you provided. You probably used copy/paste to fill path to bcp file (space in the middle, maybe some white signs).


The second error could occur when path/filename is incorrect, file doesn't exist or file is in use.


Is is worth noting, that paths are relative to where bcp utility is executing. Also be sure, that all security requirements are met (access to file).




It looks like there is problem with path/filename in the first example you provided. You probably used copy/paste to fill path to bcp file (space in the middle, maybe some white signs).


The second error could occur when path/filename is incorrect, file doesn't exist or file is in use.


Is is worth noting, that paths are relative to where bcp utility is executing. Also be sure, that all security requirements are met (access to file).
