如何在Visual Studio 2013上创建不需要安装SQL Server的LocalDB

时间:2022-06-05 02:43:44

I want to create a project that needs Database but I dont want any db server have to be installed on both developer computer and clients.


How can I achieve this, which is the best way to do so?


1 个解决方案



Instead of LocalDB, use SQL Server Compact Edition. You can "bin deploy" that. Just set the references to copy local and it can run without installing anything.

而不是LocalDB,使用SQL Server Compact Edition。你可以“bin部署”那个。只需将引用设置为copy local,它就可以在不安装任何内容的情况下运行。

See also:


You can download the binaries from the Microsoft Download site. And here is an explanation on how to create a .sdf file. And the SQL Server CE Toolbox is a set of add-ons for Visual Studio that helps you manage SQL Server CE database.

您可以从Microsoft下载站点下载二进制文件。以下是有关如何创建.sdf文件的说明。 SQL Server CE Toolbox是Visual Studio的一组附加组件,可帮助您管理SQL Server CE数据库。



Instead of LocalDB, use SQL Server Compact Edition. You can "bin deploy" that. Just set the references to copy local and it can run without installing anything.

而不是LocalDB,使用SQL Server Compact Edition。你可以“bin部署”那个。只需将引用设置为copy local,它就可以在不安装任何内容的情况下运行。

See also:


You can download the binaries from the Microsoft Download site. And here is an explanation on how to create a .sdf file. And the SQL Server CE Toolbox is a set of add-ons for Visual Studio that helps you manage SQL Server CE database.

您可以从Microsoft下载站点下载二进制文件。以下是有关如何创建.sdf文件的说明。 SQL Server CE Toolbox是Visual Studio的一组附加组件,可帮助您管理SQL Server CE数据库。