加快这段代码 - PHP / SQL - 短代码,但目前需要很长时间

时间:2021-07-22 02:43:59

Right, this code goes through a rather large multidimensional array (has about 28,000 rows and 16 parts).


Order of events:


  1. Check if the data exists in the database
  2. 检查数据库中是否存在数据

  3. if it exists - Update it with the new data
  4. 如果存在 - 使用新数据更新它

  5. if it doesn't exist - Insert it
  6. 如果它不存在 - 插入它


But right now to go through this it has taken over 30min i think and Still going.


$counter = 0;
$events = sizeof($feed_array['1'])-1;
while($counter <= $events ) {

    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = '".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."'")); 
    if($num_rows) {
        $eventDate=explode("/", $feed_array['1'][$counter]); //print_r($eventDate);
        $eventTime=explode(":", $feed_array['2'][$counter]); //print_r($eventTime);     
        $eventUnixTime=mktime($eventTime[0], $eventTime[1], "00", $eventDate[1], $eventDate[0], $eventDate[2]);

        mysql_query("UPDATE `it_raw` SET  
                    `eventtime` =       '".$eventUnixTime."',
                    `eventname` =       '".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."',
                    `venuename` =       '".addslashes($feed_array['4'][$counter])."',
                    `venueregion` =     '".addslashes($feed_array['5'][$counter])."',
                    `venuepostcode` =   '".addslashes($feed_array['6'][$counter])."',
                    `country` =         '".addslashes($feed_array['7'][$counter])."',
                    `minprice` =        '".addslashes($feed_array['8'][$counter])."',
                    `available` =       '".addslashes($feed_array['9'][$counter])."',
                    `link` =            '".addslashes($feed_array['10'][$counter])."',
                    `eventtype` =       '".addslashes($feed_array['11'][$counter])."',
                    `seaOnSaleDate` =   '".addslashes($feed_array['12'][$counter])."',
                    `perOnSaleDate` =   '".addslashes($feed_array['13'][$counter])."',
                    `soldOut` =         '".addslashes($feed_array['14'][$counter])."',
                    `eventImageURL` =   '".addslashes($feed_array['15'][$counter])."',
                    `perfID`=           '".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."'
                    WHERE  `perfID` = ".$feed_array['16'][$counter]." LIMIT 1 ;");
        echo "UPDATE ".$feed_array['16'][$counter].": ".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."\n";
    } else {
        $eventDate=explode("/", $feed_array['1'][$counter]); //print_r($eventDate);
        $eventTime=explode(":", $feed_array['2'][$counter]); //print_r($eventTime);     
        $eventUnixTime=mktime($eventTime[0], $eventTime[1], "00", $eventDate[1], $eventDate[0], $eventDate[2]);
        $sql = "INSERT INTO  `dante_tickets`.`it_raw` (
                `id` ,
                `eventtime` ,
                `eventname` ,
                `venuename` ,
                `venueregion` ,
                `venuepostcode` ,
                `country` ,
                `minprice` ,
                `available` ,
                `link` ,
                `eventtype` ,
                `seaOnSaleDate` ,
                `perOnSaleDate` ,
                `soldOut` ,
                `eventImageURL` ,
                VALUES (
                    NULL ,  

        mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().":".$sql);
        echo "Inserted ".$feed_array['16'][$counter].": ".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."\n";


I just carried out profiling one one of the rows:


mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = 210968;
| id | select_type | table  | type | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | it_raw | ref  | perfID        | perfID | 4       | const |    1 |       | 
1 row in set (0.07 sec)


To try and "speed" things up, instead of carrying out the UPDATE and INSERT statements straight away, i've now placed them in a variable (so only the initial select runs - to check a duplicate - then stores the action [insert or update]). At the end of the loop it executes all the statments.

为了尝试“加速”事情,而不是立即执行UPDATE和INSERT语句,我现在将它们放在一个变量中(所以只有初始选择运行 - 检查重复 - 然后存储操作[插入或更新])。在循环结束时,它执行所有的状态。

Except now, it's coming up with MySQL error that the syntax is incorrect. (when initially there was nothing wrong).

除了现在,它出现MySQL错误,语法不正确。 (最初没有什么不对的)。

I've simply replaced the mysql_query with:


$sql_exec .= "SELECT.... ;";

$ sql_exec。=“SELECT ....;”;

is there something i'm missing here for the formatting?


UPDATE 3 OK finally fixed it Lessons Learned:


  1. Do logic search first on database
  2. 首先在数据库上进行逻辑搜索

  3. Carry out insert/updates in bulk.
  4. 批量执行插入/更新。

Here is the final code which now takes about 60 seconds to run (from over 30min+)


while($counter <= $events ) {

        $num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = '".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."'")); 
        if($num_rows) {
            $eventDate=explode("/", $feed_array['1'][$counter]); //print_r($eventDate);
            $eventTime=explode(":", $feed_array['2'][$counter]); //print_r($eventTime);     
            $eventUnixTime=mktime($eventTime[0], $eventTime[1], "00", $eventDate[1], $eventDate[0], $eventDate[2]);

            $sql_exec[] =   "UPDATE `it_raw` SET `eventtime` = '".$eventUnixTime."',`eventname` = '".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."',`venuename` = '".addslashes($feed_array['4'][$counter])."',`venueregion` = '".addslashes($feed_array['5'][$counter])."',`venuepostcode` = '".addslashes($feed_array['6'][$counter])."',`country` = '".addslashes($feed_array['7'][$counter])."',`minprice` = '".addslashes($feed_array['8'][$counter])."',`available` = '".addslashes($feed_array['9'][$counter])."',`link` = '".addslashes($feed_array['10'][$counter])."',`eventtype` = '".addslashes($feed_array['11'][$counter])."',`seaOnSaleDate` = '".addslashes($feed_array['12'][$counter])."',`perOnSaleDate` = '".addslashes($feed_array['13'][$counter])."',`soldOut` =  '".addslashes($feed_array['14'][$counter])."',`eventImageURL` =   '".addslashes($feed_array['15'][$counter])."',`perfID`='".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."' WHERE `perfID` = ".$feed_array['16'][$counter]." LIMIT 1;";
            echo "UPDATE ".$feed_array['16'][$counter].": ".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."\n";
        } else {
            $eventDate=explode("/", $feed_array['1'][$counter]); //print_r($eventDate);
            $eventTime=explode(":", $feed_array['2'][$counter]); //print_r($eventTime);     
            $eventUnixTime=mktime($eventTime[0], $eventTime[1], "00", $eventDate[1], $eventDate[0], $eventDate[2]);
            $sql_exec[] = "INSERT INTO  `it_raw` (`id` ,`eventtime` ,`eventname` ,`venuename` ,`venueregion` ,`venuepostcode` ,`country` ,`minprice` ,`available` ,`link` ,`eventtype` ,`seaOnSaleDate` ,
                    `perOnSaleDate` ,`soldOut` ,`eventImageURL` ,`perfID`) VALUES ( NULL ,'".$eventUnixTime."','".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['4'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['5'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['6'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['7'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['8'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['9'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['10'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['11'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['12'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['13'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['14'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['15'][$counter])."','".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."');";

            //mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().":".$sql);
            echo "Inserted ".$feed_array['16'][$counter].": ".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."\n";

    foreach($sql_exec as $value) {
        mysql_query($value) or die (mysql_error().": ".$value); 

4 个解决方案


You could try grouping inserts and updates into groups so the code runs less queries.


For example, you could group all of the inserts into one very large insert, or maybe group every 100 inserts.


Also using prepared statements as gradbot suggested may help.


Other than that, it's not very easy to say which part of it is the major contributor to slowness. You should use a profiler to determine that, for example by using a smaller dataset so the profiled script runs in a reasonable time.



You can do a number of things.


Try This. I'm unable to test it but the syntax should be right.


$counter = 0;
$events = sizeof($feed_array['1']) - 1;
while($counter <= $events )
  $eventDate = explode("/", $feed_array['1'][$counter]); //print_r($eventDate);
  $eventTime = explode(":", $feed_array['2'][$counter]); //print_r($eventTime);             
  $eventUnixTime = mktime($eventTime[0], $eventTime[1], "00", $eventDate[1], $eventDate[0], $eventDate[2]);

  $data = array(
    'eventtime'     => $eventUnixTime,
    'eventname'     => addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter]),
    'venuename'     => addslashes($feed_array['4'][$counter]),
    'venueregion'   => addslashes($feed_array['5'][$counter]),
    'venuepostcode' => addslashes($feed_array['6'][$counter]),
    'country'       => addslashes($feed_array['7'][$counter]),
    'minprice'      => addslashes($feed_array['8'][$counter]),
    'available'     => addslashes($feed_array['9'][$counter]),
    'link'          => addslashes($feed_array['10'][$counter]),
    'eventtype'     => addslashes($feed_array['11'][$counter]),
    'seaOnSaleDate' => addslashes($feed_array['12'][$counter]),
    'perOnSaleDate' => addslashes($feed_array['13'][$counter]),
    'soldOut'       => addslashes($feed_array['14'][$counter]),
    'eventImageURL' => addslashes($feed_array['15'][$counter]),
    'perfID'        => addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter]),

  $update = array();
  foreach ($data as $key => $value)
    $update[] = "`$key` = '$value'";

  $sql = "INSERT INTO `dante_tickets`.`it_raw`" .
    '(`id`, `'. implode ('`,`', array_keys($data)) . '`) VALUES ' .
    '(NULL, ' . implode (',', $data) . ') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . 
    implode (',', $update);

  mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().":".$sql);
  echo "Inserted or Updated".$feed_array['16'][$counter].": ".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."\n";


I forgot to mention this requires that perfID is a unique key.



  1. Have you profiled this query?


    "SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = '".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."'"

    “SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID ='”。adddslashes($ feed_array ['16'] [$ counter])。“'”

    Because you run it 28000 times.. so unless it is REALLY quick, it will cause you a head ache. Use the EXPLAIN syntax and add an appropriate index if needed.


    EDIT: With profile, I mean that you should try to use EXPLAIN on the mysql-prompt to see what execution plan the MySQL Query Optimizer suggests for this query. I.e, on the prompt, run:


    EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = 426; 
    # Change this id to something existing and valid

    What you want to see is that it is using an index, and ONLY an index. If you don't understand the output, copy and paste it here so can I go through it with you.


    UPDATE: As you can see, it takes 0.07 seconds for EVERY row in your data array, plus the time to actually query the database, transfer the result etc. This is roughly 28000 * 0.07 = 1960 seconds, or 32 minutes, just to check if the data exists or not. You need to come up with another way of checking if the data already exists... One, very simple optimization might be:

    更新:正如您所看到的,数据数组中的每一行需要0.07秒,加上实际查询数据库,传输结果等的时间。这大约是28000 * 0.07 = 1960秒,或者32分钟,只是为了检查如果数据存在与否。你需要提出另一种方法来检查数据是否已经存在......一个非常简单的优化可能是:

    EXPLAIN SELECT perfId FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = 210968;

    This way, you can use the index on perfId and don't need to visit the table


  2. If it is possible, try to avoid quering the database for each run in the loop. Perhaps it is possible to fetch the ids from the database into a big array of ids that will fit in PHP memory? This will be MUCH quicker than quering the database for every row in your big data array.



This is exactly the scenario for which prepared statements were made:


$prepared_statement =
    $DB->prepare('INSERT INTO table(column, column) VALUES(?, ?)');
loop {
    $prepared_statement->execute(array('value1', 'value2');

It's implemented in the MySQLi and PDO wrappers. It only compiles the query once and automagically sanitizes the given data, saving time (both developmental and executional) and headache.



You could try grouping inserts and updates into groups so the code runs less queries.


For example, you could group all of the inserts into one very large insert, or maybe group every 100 inserts.


Also using prepared statements as gradbot suggested may help.


Other than that, it's not very easy to say which part of it is the major contributor to slowness. You should use a profiler to determine that, for example by using a smaller dataset so the profiled script runs in a reasonable time.



You can do a number of things.


Try This. I'm unable to test it but the syntax should be right.


$counter = 0;
$events = sizeof($feed_array['1']) - 1;
while($counter <= $events )
  $eventDate = explode("/", $feed_array['1'][$counter]); //print_r($eventDate);
  $eventTime = explode(":", $feed_array['2'][$counter]); //print_r($eventTime);             
  $eventUnixTime = mktime($eventTime[0], $eventTime[1], "00", $eventDate[1], $eventDate[0], $eventDate[2]);

  $data = array(
    'eventtime'     => $eventUnixTime,
    'eventname'     => addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter]),
    'venuename'     => addslashes($feed_array['4'][$counter]),
    'venueregion'   => addslashes($feed_array['5'][$counter]),
    'venuepostcode' => addslashes($feed_array['6'][$counter]),
    'country'       => addslashes($feed_array['7'][$counter]),
    'minprice'      => addslashes($feed_array['8'][$counter]),
    'available'     => addslashes($feed_array['9'][$counter]),
    'link'          => addslashes($feed_array['10'][$counter]),
    'eventtype'     => addslashes($feed_array['11'][$counter]),
    'seaOnSaleDate' => addslashes($feed_array['12'][$counter]),
    'perOnSaleDate' => addslashes($feed_array['13'][$counter]),
    'soldOut'       => addslashes($feed_array['14'][$counter]),
    'eventImageURL' => addslashes($feed_array['15'][$counter]),
    'perfID'        => addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter]),

  $update = array();
  foreach ($data as $key => $value)
    $update[] = "`$key` = '$value'";

  $sql = "INSERT INTO `dante_tickets`.`it_raw`" .
    '(`id`, `'. implode ('`,`', array_keys($data)) . '`) VALUES ' .
    '(NULL, ' . implode (',', $data) . ') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . 
    implode (',', $update);

  mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().":".$sql);
  echo "Inserted or Updated".$feed_array['16'][$counter].": ".addslashes($feed_array['3'][$counter])."\n";


I forgot to mention this requires that perfID is a unique key.



  1. Have you profiled this query?


    "SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = '".addslashes($feed_array['16'][$counter])."'"

    “SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID ='”。adddslashes($ feed_array ['16'] [$ counter])。“'”

    Because you run it 28000 times.. so unless it is REALLY quick, it will cause you a head ache. Use the EXPLAIN syntax and add an appropriate index if needed.


    EDIT: With profile, I mean that you should try to use EXPLAIN on the mysql-prompt to see what execution plan the MySQL Query Optimizer suggests for this query. I.e, on the prompt, run:


    EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = 426; 
    # Change this id to something existing and valid

    What you want to see is that it is using an index, and ONLY an index. If you don't understand the output, copy and paste it here so can I go through it with you.


    UPDATE: As you can see, it takes 0.07 seconds for EVERY row in your data array, plus the time to actually query the database, transfer the result etc. This is roughly 28000 * 0.07 = 1960 seconds, or 32 minutes, just to check if the data exists or not. You need to come up with another way of checking if the data already exists... One, very simple optimization might be:

    更新:正如您所看到的,数据数组中的每一行需要0.07秒,加上实际查询数据库,传输结果等的时间。这大约是28000 * 0.07 = 1960秒,或者32分钟,只是为了检查如果数据存在与否。你需要提出另一种方法来检查数据是否已经存在......一个非常简单的优化可能是:

    EXPLAIN SELECT perfId FROM it_raw WHERE perfID = 210968;

    This way, you can use the index on perfId and don't need to visit the table


  2. If it is possible, try to avoid quering the database for each run in the loop. Perhaps it is possible to fetch the ids from the database into a big array of ids that will fit in PHP memory? This will be MUCH quicker than quering the database for every row in your big data array.



This is exactly the scenario for which prepared statements were made:


$prepared_statement =
    $DB->prepare('INSERT INTO table(column, column) VALUES(?, ?)');
loop {
    $prepared_statement->execute(array('value1', 'value2');

It's implemented in the MySQLi and PDO wrappers. It only compiles the query once and automagically sanitizes the given data, saving time (both developmental and executional) and headache.
