
时间:2021-11-29 02:44:04

I have created tests for my application. Everything works but it runs slow and even though only 1/3 of the application is tested it still takes around ten minutes for protrator to create the test data, fill out the fields, click the submit button etc.


I am using Google Crome for the testing. It seems slow as I watch protractor fill out the fields one by one.

我正在使用Google Crome进行测试。当我看着量角器逐一填写字段时,它似乎很慢。

Here's an example of my test suite:


suites: {
    login: ['Login/test.js'],            
    homePage: ['Home/test.js'],          
    adminPage: ['Admin/Home/test.js'],
    adminObjective: ['Admin/Objective/test.js'],
    adminObjDetail: ['Admin/ObjectiveDetail/test.js'],
    adminTopic: ['Admin/Topic/test.js'],
    adminTest: ['Admin/Test/test.js'],
    adminUser: ['Admin/User/test.js'],
    adminRole: ['Admin/Role/test.js']

This is one test group:


    login: ['Login/test.js'],            
    homePage: ['Home/test.js'],          
    adminUser: ['Admin/User/test.js'],
    adminRole: ['Admin/Role/test.js']

This is another test group:


    adminPage: ['Admin/Home/test.js'],
    adminObjective: ['Admin/Objective/test.js'],
    adminObjDetail: ['Admin/ObjectiveDetail/test.js'],
    adminTopic: ['Admin/Topic/test.js'],
    adminTest: ['Admin/Test/test.js'],

The two groups can run independently but they must run in the order I have above. After the answers I did read about sharing but I am not sure if this helps my situation as my tests need to be run in order. Ideally I would like to have one set of tests run in one browser and the other set in another browser.


I read about headless browsers such as PhantomJS. Does anyone have experience with these being faster? Any advice on how I could do this would be much appreciated.


7 个解决方案



We currently use "shardTestFiles: true" which runs our tests in parallel, this could help if you have multiple tests.


I'm not sure what you are testing here, whether its the data creation or the end result. If the latter, you may want to consider mocking the data creation instead or bypassing the UI some other way.




Injecting in Data

One thing that you can do that will give you a major boost in performance is to not double test. What I mean by this is that you end up filling in dummy data a number of times to get to a step. Its also one of the major reasons that people need tests to run in a certain order (to speed up data entry).


An example of this is if you want to test filtering on a grid (data-table). Filling in data is not part of this action. Its just an annoying thing that you have to do to get to testing the filtering. By calling a service to add the data you can bypass the UI and seleniums general slowness (Id also recommend this on the server side by injecting values directly into the DB using migrations).


A nice way to do this is to add a helper to your pageobject as follows:


module.exports = {
    projects: {
        create: function(data) {
            return browser.executeAsyncScript(function(data, callback) {
                var api = angular.injector(['ProtractorProjectsApp']).get('apiService');
                api.project.save(data, function(newItem) {
            }, data);

The code in this isnt the cleanest but you get the general gist of it. Another alternative is to replace the module with a double or mock using [Protractor#addMockModule][1]. You need to add this code before you call Protractor#get(). It will load after your application services overriding if it has the same name as an existing service.

这里的代码不是最干净的,但你得到了它的一般要点。另一种方法是使用[Protractor#addMockModule] [1]用double或mock替换模块。在调用Protractor#get()之前,需要添加此代码。如果它与现有服务具有相同的名称,它将在应用程序服务覆盖后加载。

You can use it as follows :


var dataUtilMockModule = function () {
     // Create a new module which depends on your data creation utilities
    var utilModule = angular.module('dataUtil', ['platform']);
    // Create a new service in the module that creates a new entity
    utilModule.service('EntityCreation', ['EntityDataService', '$q', function (EntityDataService, $q) {

         * Returns a promise which is resolved/rejected according to entity creation success
         * @returns {*}
        this.createEntity = function (details,type) {
            // This is your business logic for creating entities
            var entity = EntityDataService.Entity(details).ofType(type);
            var promise = entity.save();
            return promise;

browser.addMockModule('dataUtil', dataUtilMockModule);

Either of these methods should give you a significant speedup in your testing.


Sharding Tests

Sharding the tests means splitting up the suites and running them in parallel. To do this is quite simple in protractor. Adding the shardTestFiles and maxInstences to your capabilities config should allow you to (in this case) run at most two test in parrallel. Increase the maxInstences to increase the number of tests run. Note : be careful not to set the number too high. Browsers may require multiple threads and there is also an initialisation cost in opening new windows.


capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    shardTestFiles: true,
    maxInstances: 2

Setting up PhantomJS (from protractor docs)

Note: We recommend against using PhantomJS for tests with Protractor. There are many reported issues with PhantomJS crashing and behaving differently from real browsers.


In order to test locally with PhantomJS, you'll need to either have it installed globally, or relative to your project. For global install see the PhantomJS download page (http://phantomjs.org/download.html). For local install run: npm install phantomjs.

要使用PhantomJS进行本地测试,您需要全局安装或相对于项目安装。有关全局安装,请参阅PhantomJS下载页面(http://phantomjs.org/download.html)。对于本地安装运行:npm install phantomjs。

Add phantomjs to the driver capabilities, and include a path to the binary if using local installation:


capabilities: {
  'browserName': 'phantomjs',

   * Can be used to specify the phantomjs binary path.
   * This can generally be ommitted if you installed phantomjs globally.
  'phantomjs.binary.path': require('phantomjs').path,

   * Command line args to pass to ghostdriver, phantomjs's browser driver.
   * See https://github.com/detro/ghostdriver#faq
  'phantomjs.ghostdriver.cli.args': ['--loglevel=DEBUG']



Another speed tip I've found is that for every test I was logging in and logging out after the test is done. Now I check if I'm already logged in with the following in my helper method;


  # Login to the system and make sure we are logged in.
  login: ->
    element(By.id("username")).isPresent().then((logged_in) ->
      if logged_in == false



I'm using grunt-protractor-runner v0.2.4 which uses protractor ">=0.14.0-0 <1.0.0". This version is 2 or 3 times faster than the latest one (grunt-protractor-runner@1.1.4 depending on protractor@^1.0.0)

我正在使用grunt-protractor-runner v0.2.4,它使用量角器“> = 0.14.0-0 <1.0.0”。这个版本比最新版本快2到3倍(grunt-protractor-runner@1.1.4取决于protractor@^1.0.0)

So I suggest you to give a try and test a previous version of protractor


Hope this helps




Along with the great tips found above I would recommend disabling Angular/CSS Animations to help speed everything up when they run in non-headless browsers. I personally use the following code in my Test Suite in the "onPrepare" function in my 'conf.js' file:

除了上面提到的重要提示,我还建议禁用Angular / CSS动画,以便在非无头浏览器中运行时加快速度。我个人在我的'Conf.js'文件中的“onPrepare”函数中使用我的Test Suite中的以下代码:

onPrepare: function() {
    var disableNgAnimate = function() {
            .module('disableNgAnimate', [])
            .run(['$animate', function($animate) {

    var disableCssAnimate = function() {
            .module('disableCssAnimate', [])
            .run(function() {
                var style = document.createElement('style');
                style.type = 'text/css';
                style.innerHTML = '* {' +
                    '-webkit-transition: none !important;' +
                    '-moz-transition: none !important' +
                    '-o-transition: none !important' +
                    '-ms-transition: none !important' +
                    'transition: none !important' +

    browser.addMockModule('disableNgAnimate', disableNgAnimate);
    browser.addMockModule('disableCssAnimate', disableCssAnimate);

Please note: I did not write the above code, I found it online while looking for ways to speed up my own tests.




From what I know:


  • run test in parallel
  • 并行运行测试
  • inject data in case you are only testing a UI element
  • 在您仅测试UI元素的情况下注入数据
  • use CSS selectors, no xpath (browsers have a native engine for CSS, and the xpath engine is not performance as CSS engine)
  • 使用CSS选择器,没有xpath(浏览器有CSS的本机引擎,而xpath引擎不是CSS引擎的性能)
  • run them on high performant machines
  • 在高性能的机器上运行它们
  • use as much as possible beforeAll() and beforeEach() methods for instructions that you repeat often in multiple test
  • 尽可能多地使用beforeAll()和beforeEach()方法来获取在多次测试中经常重复的指令



Using Phantomjs will considerably reduce the duration it takes in GUI based browser, but better solution I found is to manage tests in such a way that it can be run in any order independently of other tests, It can be achieved easily by use of ORM(jugglingdb, sequelize and many more) and TDB frameworks, and to make them more manageable one can use jasmine or cucumber framework, which has before and after hookups for individual tests. So now we can gear up with maximum instances our machine can bear with "shardTestFiles: true".

使用Phantomjs将大大减少基于GUI的浏览器所需的持续时间,但我发现更好的解决方案是以独立于其他测试的任何顺序运行测试,可以通过使用ORM轻松实现( jugglingdb,sequelize和更多)和TDB框架,并使它们更易于管理,可以使用茉莉或黄瓜框架,它具有针对个别测试的连接之前和之后。所以现在我们可以通过“shardTestFiles:true”来支持我们的机器可以承受的最大实例。



We currently use "shardTestFiles: true" which runs our tests in parallel, this could help if you have multiple tests.


I'm not sure what you are testing here, whether its the data creation or the end result. If the latter, you may want to consider mocking the data creation instead or bypassing the UI some other way.




Injecting in Data

One thing that you can do that will give you a major boost in performance is to not double test. What I mean by this is that you end up filling in dummy data a number of times to get to a step. Its also one of the major reasons that people need tests to run in a certain order (to speed up data entry).


An example of this is if you want to test filtering on a grid (data-table). Filling in data is not part of this action. Its just an annoying thing that you have to do to get to testing the filtering. By calling a service to add the data you can bypass the UI and seleniums general slowness (Id also recommend this on the server side by injecting values directly into the DB using migrations).


A nice way to do this is to add a helper to your pageobject as follows:


module.exports = {
    projects: {
        create: function(data) {
            return browser.executeAsyncScript(function(data, callback) {
                var api = angular.injector(['ProtractorProjectsApp']).get('apiService');
                api.project.save(data, function(newItem) {
            }, data);

The code in this isnt the cleanest but you get the general gist of it. Another alternative is to replace the module with a double or mock using [Protractor#addMockModule][1]. You need to add this code before you call Protractor#get(). It will load after your application services overriding if it has the same name as an existing service.

这里的代码不是最干净的,但你得到了它的一般要点。另一种方法是使用[Protractor#addMockModule] [1]用double或mock替换模块。在调用Protractor#get()之前,需要添加此代码。如果它与现有服务具有相同的名称,它将在应用程序服务覆盖后加载。

You can use it as follows :


var dataUtilMockModule = function () {
     // Create a new module which depends on your data creation utilities
    var utilModule = angular.module('dataUtil', ['platform']);
    // Create a new service in the module that creates a new entity
    utilModule.service('EntityCreation', ['EntityDataService', '$q', function (EntityDataService, $q) {

         * Returns a promise which is resolved/rejected according to entity creation success
         * @returns {*}
        this.createEntity = function (details,type) {
            // This is your business logic for creating entities
            var entity = EntityDataService.Entity(details).ofType(type);
            var promise = entity.save();
            return promise;

browser.addMockModule('dataUtil', dataUtilMockModule);

Either of these methods should give you a significant speedup in your testing.


Sharding Tests

Sharding the tests means splitting up the suites and running them in parallel. To do this is quite simple in protractor. Adding the shardTestFiles and maxInstences to your capabilities config should allow you to (in this case) run at most two test in parrallel. Increase the maxInstences to increase the number of tests run. Note : be careful not to set the number too high. Browsers may require multiple threads and there is also an initialisation cost in opening new windows.


capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    shardTestFiles: true,
    maxInstances: 2

Setting up PhantomJS (from protractor docs)

Note: We recommend against using PhantomJS for tests with Protractor. There are many reported issues with PhantomJS crashing and behaving differently from real browsers.


In order to test locally with PhantomJS, you'll need to either have it installed globally, or relative to your project. For global install see the PhantomJS download page (http://phantomjs.org/download.html). For local install run: npm install phantomjs.

要使用PhantomJS进行本地测试,您需要全局安装或相对于项目安装。有关全局安装,请参阅PhantomJS下载页面(http://phantomjs.org/download.html)。对于本地安装运行:npm install phantomjs。

Add phantomjs to the driver capabilities, and include a path to the binary if using local installation:


capabilities: {
  'browserName': 'phantomjs',

   * Can be used to specify the phantomjs binary path.
   * This can generally be ommitted if you installed phantomjs globally.
  'phantomjs.binary.path': require('phantomjs').path,

   * Command line args to pass to ghostdriver, phantomjs's browser driver.
   * See https://github.com/detro/ghostdriver#faq
  'phantomjs.ghostdriver.cli.args': ['--loglevel=DEBUG']



Another speed tip I've found is that for every test I was logging in and logging out after the test is done. Now I check if I'm already logged in with the following in my helper method;


  # Login to the system and make sure we are logged in.
  login: ->
    element(By.id("username")).isPresent().then((logged_in) ->
      if logged_in == false



I'm using grunt-protractor-runner v0.2.4 which uses protractor ">=0.14.0-0 <1.0.0". This version is 2 or 3 times faster than the latest one (grunt-protractor-runner@1.1.4 depending on protractor@^1.0.0)

我正在使用grunt-protractor-runner v0.2.4,它使用量角器“> = 0.14.0-0 <1.0.0”。这个版本比最新版本快2到3倍(grunt-protractor-runner@1.1.4取决于protractor@^1.0.0)

So I suggest you to give a try and test a previous version of protractor


Hope this helps




Along with the great tips found above I would recommend disabling Angular/CSS Animations to help speed everything up when they run in non-headless browsers. I personally use the following code in my Test Suite in the "onPrepare" function in my 'conf.js' file:

除了上面提到的重要提示,我还建议禁用Angular / CSS动画,以便在非无头浏览器中运行时加快速度。我个人在我的'Conf.js'文件中的“onPrepare”函数中使用我的Test Suite中的以下代码:

onPrepare: function() {
    var disableNgAnimate = function() {
            .module('disableNgAnimate', [])
            .run(['$animate', function($animate) {

    var disableCssAnimate = function() {
            .module('disableCssAnimate', [])
            .run(function() {
                var style = document.createElement('style');
                style.type = 'text/css';
                style.innerHTML = '* {' +
                    '-webkit-transition: none !important;' +
                    '-moz-transition: none !important' +
                    '-o-transition: none !important' +
                    '-ms-transition: none !important' +
                    'transition: none !important' +

    browser.addMockModule('disableNgAnimate', disableNgAnimate);
    browser.addMockModule('disableCssAnimate', disableCssAnimate);

Please note: I did not write the above code, I found it online while looking for ways to speed up my own tests.




From what I know:


  • run test in parallel
  • 并行运行测试
  • inject data in case you are only testing a UI element
  • 在您仅测试UI元素的情况下注入数据
  • use CSS selectors, no xpath (browsers have a native engine for CSS, and the xpath engine is not performance as CSS engine)
  • 使用CSS选择器,没有xpath(浏览器有CSS的本机引擎,而xpath引擎不是CSS引擎的性能)
  • run them on high performant machines
  • 在高性能的机器上运行它们
  • use as much as possible beforeAll() and beforeEach() methods for instructions that you repeat often in multiple test
  • 尽可能多地使用beforeAll()和beforeEach()方法来获取在多次测试中经常重复的指令



Using Phantomjs will considerably reduce the duration it takes in GUI based browser, but better solution I found is to manage tests in such a way that it can be run in any order independently of other tests, It can be achieved easily by use of ORM(jugglingdb, sequelize and many more) and TDB frameworks, and to make them more manageable one can use jasmine or cucumber framework, which has before and after hookups for individual tests. So now we can gear up with maximum instances our machine can bear with "shardTestFiles: true".

使用Phantomjs将大大减少基于GUI的浏览器所需的持续时间,但我发现更好的解决方案是以独立于其他测试的任何顺序运行测试,可以通过使用ORM轻松实现( jugglingdb,sequelize和更多)和TDB框架,并使它们更易于管理,可以使用茉莉或黄瓜框架,它具有针对个别测试的连接之前和之后。所以现在我们可以通过“shardTestFiles:true”来支持我们的机器可以承受的最大实例。