
时间:2021-04-02 02:44:59

We have a table with about 25,000,000 rows called 'events' having the following schema:


TABLE events
- campaign_id   : int(10)
- city      : varchar(60)
- country_code  : varchar(2)

The following query takes VERY long (> 2000 seconds):

以下查询需要很长时间(> 2000秒):

SELECT COUNT(*) AS counted_events, country_code
FROM events
WHERE campaign_id` in (597) 
GROUPY BY city, country_code
ORDER BY counted_events

We found out that it's because of the GROUP BY part.

我们发现这是因为GROUP BY部分。

There is already an index idx_campaign_id_city_country_code on (campaign_id, city, country_code) which is used.


Maybe someone can suggest a good solution to speed it up?




'Explain' shows that out of many possible index MySql uses this one: 'idx_campaign_id_city_country_code', for rows it shows: '471304' and for 'Extra' it shows: 'Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort' –

'Explain'表明,在许多可能的索引中,MySql使用了这个:'idx_campaign_id_city_country_code',对于它显示的行:'471304'和'Extra'它显示:'使用where;使用临时;使用filesort' -

Here is the whole result of EXPLAIN:


  • id: '1'
  • id:'1'
  • select_type: 'SIMPLE'
  • select_type:'SIMPLE'
  • table: 'events'
  • 表:'事件'
  • type: 'ref'
  • 输入:'ref'
  • possible_keys: 'index_campaign,idx_campaignid_paid,idx_city_country_code,idx_city_country_code_campaign_id,idx_cid,idx_campaign_id_city_country_code'
  • possible_keys:'index_campaign,idx_campaignid_paid,idx_city_country_code,idx_city_country_code_campaign_id,idx_cid,idx_campaign_id_city_country_code'
  • key: 'idx_campaign_id_city_country_code'
  • key:'idx_campaign_id_city_country_code'
  • key_len: '4'
  • key_len:'4'
  • ref: 'const'
  • ref:'const'
  • rows: '471304'
  • 行:'471304'
  • Extra: 'Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort'
  • 额外:'使用地点;使用临时;使用filesort'



Ok, I think it has been solved:


Looking at the pasted query here again I realized that I forget to mention here that there was one more column in the SELECT called 'country_name'. So the query was very slow then (including country_name), but I'll just leave it out and now the performance of the query is absolutely ok. Sorry for that mistake!


So thank you for all your helpful comments, I'll upvote all the good answers! There were some really helpful additions, that I probably also we apply (like changing types etc).


4 个解决方案



without seeing what EXPLAIN says it's a long distance shot, anyway:


  1. make an index on (city,country_code)
  2. 在(city,country_code)上建立索引
  3. see if there's a way to use partitioning, your table is getting rather huge
  4. 看看是否有办法使用分区,你的表变得相当庞大
  5. if country code is always 2 chars change it to char
  6. 如果国家代码总是2个字符,则将其更改为char
  7. change numeric indexes to unsigned int
  8. 将数字索引更改为unsigned int

post entire EXPLAIN output




don't use IN() - better use:

不要使用IN() - 更好地使用:

WHERE campaign_id = 597
OR campaign_id = 231
OR ....

afaik IN() is very slow.

afaik IN()很慢。

update: like nik0lias commented - IN() is faster than concatenating OR conditions.

更新:像nik0lias一样评论 - IN()比连接OR条件更快。



Some ideas:


  • Given the nature and size of the table it would be a great candidate for partitioned tables by country. This way the events of every country would be stored in a different physical table even if it behaves as a virtual big table


  • Is country code an string? May be you have a country_id that could be easier to sort. (It may force you to create or change indexes)

    国家代码是字符串吗?可能你有一个country_id,可以更容易排序。 (它可能会强制您创建或更改索引)

  • Are you really using the city in the group by?




  • partitioning - especially by country will not help
  • 分区 - 特别是按国家划分也无济于事
  • column IN (const-list) is not slow, it is in fact a case with special optimization
  • 列IN(const-list)并不慢,实际上是特殊优化的情况

The problem is, that MySQL doesn't use the index for sorting. I cannot say why, because it should. Could be a bug.


The best strategy to execute this query is to scan that sub-tree of the index where event_id=597. Since the index is then sorted by city_id, country_code no extra sorting is needed and rows can be counted while scanning.

执行此查询的最佳策略是扫描索引的子树,其中event_id = 597。由于索引按city_id排序,因此country_code不需要额外排序,扫描时可以计算行数。

So the indexes are already optimal for this query. MySQL is just not using them correctly.

因此索引已经是此查询的最佳选择。 MySQL没有正确使用它们。

I'm getting more information off line. It seems this is not a database problem at all, but


  1. the schema is not normalized. The table contains not only country_code, but also country_name (this should be in an extra table).
  2. 架构未规范化。该表不仅包含country_code,还包含country_name(这应该在一个额外的表中)。
  3. the real query contains country_name in the select list. But since that column is not indexed, MySQL cannot use an index scan.
  4. 真实查询在选择列表中包含country_name。但由于该列未编入索引,因此MySQL无法使用索引扫描。

As soon as country_name is dropped from the select list, the query reverts to an index-only scan ("using index" in EXPLAIN output) and is blazingly fast.

从选择列表中删除country_name后,查询将恢复为仅索引扫描(EXPLAIN输出中的“using index”)并且速度非常快。



without seeing what EXPLAIN says it's a long distance shot, anyway:


  1. make an index on (city,country_code)
  2. 在(city,country_code)上建立索引
  3. see if there's a way to use partitioning, your table is getting rather huge
  4. 看看是否有办法使用分区,你的表变得相当庞大
  5. if country code is always 2 chars change it to char
  6. 如果国家代码总是2个字符,则将其更改为char
  7. change numeric indexes to unsigned int
  8. 将数字索引更改为unsigned int

post entire EXPLAIN output




don't use IN() - better use:

不要使用IN() - 更好地使用:

WHERE campaign_id = 597
OR campaign_id = 231
OR ....

afaik IN() is very slow.

afaik IN()很慢。

update: like nik0lias commented - IN() is faster than concatenating OR conditions.

更新:像nik0lias一样评论 - IN()比连接OR条件更快。



Some ideas:


  • Given the nature and size of the table it would be a great candidate for partitioned tables by country. This way the events of every country would be stored in a different physical table even if it behaves as a virtual big table


  • Is country code an string? May be you have a country_id that could be easier to sort. (It may force you to create or change indexes)

    国家代码是字符串吗?可能你有一个country_id,可以更容易排序。 (它可能会强制您创建或更改索引)

  • Are you really using the city in the group by?




  • partitioning - especially by country will not help
  • 分区 - 特别是按国家划分也无济于事
  • column IN (const-list) is not slow, it is in fact a case with special optimization
  • 列IN(const-list)并不慢,实际上是特殊优化的情况

The problem is, that MySQL doesn't use the index for sorting. I cannot say why, because it should. Could be a bug.


The best strategy to execute this query is to scan that sub-tree of the index where event_id=597. Since the index is then sorted by city_id, country_code no extra sorting is needed and rows can be counted while scanning.

执行此查询的最佳策略是扫描索引的子树,其中event_id = 597。由于索引按city_id排序,因此country_code不需要额外排序,扫描时可以计算行数。

So the indexes are already optimal for this query. MySQL is just not using them correctly.

因此索引已经是此查询的最佳选择。 MySQL没有正确使用它们。

I'm getting more information off line. It seems this is not a database problem at all, but


  1. the schema is not normalized. The table contains not only country_code, but also country_name (this should be in an extra table).
  2. 架构未规范化。该表不仅包含country_code,还包含country_name(这应该在一个额外的表中)。
  3. the real query contains country_name in the select list. But since that column is not indexed, MySQL cannot use an index scan.
  4. 真实查询在选择列表中包含country_name。但由于该列未编入索引,因此MySQL无法使用索引扫描。

As soon as country_name is dropped from the select list, the query reverts to an index-only scan ("using index" in EXPLAIN output) and is blazingly fast.

从选择列表中删除country_name后,查询将恢复为仅索引扫描(EXPLAIN输出中的“using index”)并且速度非常快。