
时间:2021-10-22 02:46:58

For most production sites, you want to know when there has been an error as soon as possible. My question is how best to get this information.


Usually, it's probably best to get the errors in an email as I'm not going to sit every day and watch error logs until there is an error--this would be impossible since I have 20 or more production sites on different servers. These errors could be anything including, unset variables, invalid data received, or query errors.

通常情况下,最好是在电子邮件中收到错误,因为我不会每天都坐着看错误日志直到出现错误 - 这是不可能的,因为我在不同的服务器上有20个或更多的生产站点。这些错误可能包括:未设置的变量,收到的无效数据或查询错误。

At the moment I have followed the example on PHPs websites, found here. As a result, it creates a text string along with an XML file that is then sent by email. I have modified this slightly to keep all of the errors until the script ends and then send an email with the XML files attached. (I have crashed a couple mail servers sending over >500 000 emails because of an error in a loop.) Most of the time this works perfectly. (I have also created an object to do all of the error handling.)

目前我已经在PHP网站上关注了这个例子。因此,它会创建一个文本字符串以及一个XML文件,然后通过电子邮件发送该文件。我稍微修改了这个以保留所有错误,直到脚本结束,然后发送附带XML文件的电子邮件。 (由于循环中的错误,我已经崩溃了一些邮件服务器发送超过50万封电子邮件。)大部分时间这都完美无缺。 (我还创建了一个对象来完成所有错误处理。)

The problem arises when there is a large amount of data for wddx_serialize_value() to processs. And then if there are multiple errors, then, it really ends up using a lot of memory, most of the time more than the script is allowed to use.


Because of this, I have added an addition gzcompress() to the XML file before storing it within the variable. This helps, but if the amount of data is very large, it still runs out of memory. (In a recent case it wanted to use around 2GB.)

因此,我在XML文件中添加了一个附加的gzcompress(),然后将其存储在变量中。这有帮助,但如果数据量非常大,它仍然会耗尽内存。 (在最近的一个案例中,它想要使用大约2GB。)

I'm wondering what other solutions there are to this or how you have modified this to make it work?


So a few requirements:


  • it must be able to send more than just the error message to me and shouldn't make me login to the server to figure out what happened (so I can check when mobile and determine if it's an urgent matter)
  • 它必须能够发送不仅仅是错误消息给我,不应该让我登录服务器来弄清楚发生了什么(所以我可以检查何时移动并确定它是否是紧急事项)

  • there needs to be a limit on the number of emails sent. The best is still 1.
  • 需要限制发送的电子邮件数量。最好的还是1。

  • it needs to log to a file as per normal
  • 它需要按照正常情况登录到文件

Edit: I need other information related to the error, not just the error string. Often I find it's near to impossible to reproduce the error because it's caused by user input, which I don't know unless I get more information. I have tried my best to put in informative errors, but you never know how a user is going to use the system or what crap data they are going to put in. Therefore, I need more than just the error text/string.


Edit 2: Can't log errors to the database because for all I know the database may not be there. Need something that is pretty much guaranteed to run. Also, the websites are not all on 1 server and I often don't have access to cron on the server (stupid hosting companies).


4 个解决方案



Instead of setting a custom error handler, I let the errors go to the error log as usual. I set up a cron that runs periodically and monitors changes in the error log - if it changed, it sends me an email with the changes only. You can improve this process and parse the changes to better suit your needs - for example send you only errors above a certain level (such as E_WARNING and above).

我没有设置自定义错误处理程序,而是像往常一样将错误转到错误日志中。我设置了一个定期运行的cron并监视错误日志中的更改 - 如果更改,它会向我发送一封仅包含更改的电子邮件。您可以改进此过程并解析更改以更好地满足您的需求 - 例如,仅向您发送超过特定级别的错误(例如E_WARNING及更高版本)。



One approach could be proper exception management in your application, i.e. to have control over which errors get logged.


Each raised exception would log the error details in a database.


Then, you could code a little application in order to search the error database, maybe just one for all your websites.


That way you avoid large unreadable log files, because everything is indexed and quickly searchable. When your database gets too large, you can truncate your log tables via cron jobs.




Anacron, a cron job that emails changes to the error log* and an error log file should suffice. The cron job can do all the processing required before sending the email.

Anacron,一个通过电子邮件发送更改到错误日志*和错误日志文件的cron作业就足够了。 cron作业可以在发送电子邮件之前完成所需的所有处理。



One thing I have used in the past is epylog, it is a very flexible log monitoring app written in python. You can set it up to monitor your error logs and include the errors (or parts of them) in a log summary that is emailed to you.


I'd lean towards storing the more detailed error data in a flat file on the server and sending you an email to tell you to check the log. A cron job that watches the error directory or files for changes and has a rate limit set would be a good way to minimize impact on your running application.




Instead of setting a custom error handler, I let the errors go to the error log as usual. I set up a cron that runs periodically and monitors changes in the error log - if it changed, it sends me an email with the changes only. You can improve this process and parse the changes to better suit your needs - for example send you only errors above a certain level (such as E_WARNING and above).

我没有设置自定义错误处理程序,而是像往常一样将错误转到错误日志中。我设置了一个定期运行的cron并监视错误日志中的更改 - 如果更改,它会向我发送一封仅包含更改的电子邮件。您可以改进此过程并解析更改以更好地满足您的需求 - 例如,仅向您发送超过特定级别的错误(例如E_WARNING及更高版本)。



One approach could be proper exception management in your application, i.e. to have control over which errors get logged.


Each raised exception would log the error details in a database.


Then, you could code a little application in order to search the error database, maybe just one for all your websites.


That way you avoid large unreadable log files, because everything is indexed and quickly searchable. When your database gets too large, you can truncate your log tables via cron jobs.




Anacron, a cron job that emails changes to the error log* and an error log file should suffice. The cron job can do all the processing required before sending the email.

Anacron,一个通过电子邮件发送更改到错误日志*和错误日志文件的cron作业就足够了。 cron作业可以在发送电子邮件之前完成所需的所有处理。



One thing I have used in the past is epylog, it is a very flexible log monitoring app written in python. You can set it up to monitor your error logs and include the errors (or parts of them) in a log summary that is emailed to you.


I'd lean towards storing the more detailed error data in a flat file on the server and sending you an email to tell you to check the log. A cron job that watches the error directory or files for changes and has a rate limit set would be a good way to minimize impact on your running application.
