使用java 1.6“找不到Java Web Start”

时间:2022-03-07 02:42:45

I'm running Mac OS 10.7, and I have the latest version of java installed. Nonetheless, when I try to launch the TopCoder competition arena, I see this error:

我正在运行Mac OS 10.7,我安装了最新版本的java。尽管如此,当我尝试启动TopCoder竞技场时,我看到了这个错误:

使用java 1.6“找不到Java Web Start”

1 个解决方案



Did you try clicking on the button? Viewing the page content, I see that this button just downloads a JNLP file, which just works for me.


The site is trying to detect if something handles 'application/x-java-jnlp-file', but no plugin is registered to handle it. If you have Java installed it should register a MIME type handler for JNLP files, so it sounds like a bug. File one with Oracle.

该网站正在尝试检测某些内容是否处理'application / x-java-jnlp-file',但没有注册任何插件来处理它。如果你安装了Java,它应该为JNLP文件注册一个MIME类型处理程序,所以这听起来像一个bug。用Oracle提交文件。



Did you try clicking on the button? Viewing the page content, I see that this button just downloads a JNLP file, which just works for me.


The site is trying to detect if something handles 'application/x-java-jnlp-file', but no plugin is registered to handle it. If you have Java installed it should register a MIME type handler for JNLP files, so it sounds like a bug. File one with Oracle.

该网站正在尝试检测某些内容是否处理'application / x-java-jnlp-file',但没有注册任何插件来处理它。如果你安装了Java,它应该为JNLP文件注册一个MIME类型处理程序,所以这听起来像一个bug。用Oracle提交文件。